The problem with all this though, Ron, is that not getting the vaccine effects everyone around you and potentially could effect the world, should you be patient zero for the new variant.
Though at this point in the end none of it matters; too many didn't care early enough. But point is, it was meant to help protect not just one person, but others.
Abortion is NOT anywhere near this.
You cannot really compare the two, despite it being a 'my body, my choice' issue.
At least, that's my opinion on it. Equating the two is as apples and oranges as you can get while saying both are fruit.
I get what you’re saying, & I am going to wander away from the abortion side and step into the vaccination side initially.
Yes the vaccination during a pandemic potentially affects everybody, and at least from the early days of the information available, it read like, by being vaccinated you are not only protecting yourself but protecting all those around you in that you would not be a petri dish for variants. I totally get that, & thus part of the reason once we were able to actually get a vaccination we were some of the first in line for our age group for our first shot, and our next shot, and our first booster shot, and our next booster shot.
Utilizing the information available early on from many different sources (and I admit that I used the schedule of availability and public encouragement from Israel as my guidance also as they seem to be about six months ahead of Canada on the decision making process, and about year ahead of Canada with respect to vaccine availability) I assumed (yeah, ass/u/me) without mandating that at least 80% of the population and probably higher would’ve stepped up to the plate and gotten vaccinated without government prodding. I still think, that if people just read everything they could from as many different sources as they could (& there will always be the tinfoil hat crowd) that our vaccination rate would actually be higher than it is today without the government being heavy-handed and mandating What people had to do…. Just through educated altruism.
Yes I know this is most likely a very simplistic view & I might not be giving dumb people enough credit by assuming that they would educate themselves, and I’ve been wrong before and probably have even in this thread, but that’s my opinion on mandated vaccination. The government should’ve provided the vaccinations and access to them and information about them, and then stepped back and let people make their own decisions….& Most people I’m assuming would’ve gotten vaccinated to protect not only themselves but others around them.
Very few people like to be told what they have to do and deadlined on the timeframe, and even less like to be given ultimatums I’m assuming, but people are tribal and will look after their tribe (themselves, their families, their friends & neighbours) first and then think of society as a whole….& even factoring that in I assume the vaccination rate without mandating would’ve been at least 80% if not more. Unfortunately most governments went with option two in order to force people to do what they would probably have done anyway….So we will never know if I’m right or wrong on this one.
Healthcare should be a right, whether it’s vaccinations or abortion, and government should stay the hell out of it beyond providing access and letting people make their own decisions. After a couple of generations of access to abortion in both Canada and the US I thought this was a dead issue beyond political brownie points, but again here we are…
I’m looking at this topic though they’re on opposite ends of the spectrum from the perspective of government interference in peoples choices. With the vaccinations it was The ultimatum of “You HAVE to, or else” in Canada at least, and if this Supreme Court draft is as fundamental as it is being portrayed in the US, it can potentially bring forth the ultimatum of “You CAN’T, or else”….& it is the “OR ELSE” that I have an issue with with respect to healthcare. I can also tie together euthanasia to vaccinations to abortion on the same mental plane but I’ve rambled enough for one post.