When the reform party started, you all said it was extreme, and in some ways it was.
In some ways? In every way anybody can think of. Radically Christian, racist, homophobic, xenophonic, against every social program that ever existed, against evolution. The problem is that they haven't changed. At their core they are the same bunch of radicals they always were. They just try to hide it now.
There was virtually no difference between the Clark PC's and the Liberals, thus they became irrelevant.
Actually the PCs were done in by the failed policies and corruption of the Mulroney regime. You embrace very similar policies and Mulroney advises Harper, where it used to be the other way around.
So the reform became the alliance became the current Conservatives.
So ashamed of their past that they kept changing their name in a effort to fool people.
Are they now more moderate?
No. They do try to hide it now though.
The reform party opposed all same sex unions, the conservatives support same sex unions.
The Conservatives only agreed to same-sex unions when it became apparent that NOBODY but racists and homophobes would support their old position. The new one is still an expression of bigotry, keeping gays and lesbians just a little less equal than the rest of us. It is also a refusal by the Conservatives to separate their religion from our government.
The reform opposed abortion, the conservatives support the current legislation, or status quo.
That's not exactly true, is it? At the convention they voted not to oppose the status quo, not to support it. Those are two far different things. There was a movement within the party almost immediately to overturn even that little bit chicanery because so many of the members from the west weren't at the convention.
The reform party opposed a lot of immigration policies, the conservatives support immigration based on numerous thing, including race.
The Conservatives support racial profiling. They want to limit refugees even further. They support increased immigration from Europe and less from the developing world.
Those are all radical right philosphies.
Their economic policies are neo-conservative ones...radical by definition. Those policies have also been failing dramatically in the US.
Have the conservatives moved to the left?
No, they have tried to appear as if they have become more moderate. The fact is that the main players have remained the same and like tigers, have not changed their stripes.
However, in your viewpoint from what I consider to be the extreme left,
You have no idea what the extreme left is. You even try to paint Paul Martin as a leftist. Real leftists find that insulting.
but thankfully, only about 15% of the population agrees with your viewpoint and NDP policies as noted in recent polls.
Actually, the polls show us to be around 20% and gaining ground even as you lose it. Those are polls asking who people will vote for though. Polls that have been strictly about NDP policy...done blindly without mentioning any party...show that NDP policies are approved of by between 40% and 60% of Canadians.
If you want to contine to tacitly support the corruption and sleaze of the current government by running down the only viable alternative for government in this country, so be it.
The Conservatives are not a viable alternative for this country. There is no evidence that they would be any less corrupt than the Liberals. They have proposed no policies that would keep them from acting in a corrupt manner. They have shown themselves to be corrupt in the past.
If you think you can win an election by concentrating on a scandal you are sadly mistaken.
You have mentioned on numerous occasions that Mulroney was corrupt, something I don't accept, but what the hey.
I've pointed out the corruption of his government many times. He didn't end up with MPs doing weekends in prison by running a clean ship. Go buy a book called On the Take. It details the corruption quite nicely.
BTW, I did not vote for the conservatives in 1993 either.
But you supported Mulroney through two corrupt terms while he auctioned Canada off to the lowest bidder and ran the debt up to the point he almost bankrupted us.
This post was not a slam post, there are no insults, intentional or implied, just my thoughts on some issues.
No insults from me either. Just facts.