Right Wing Bigotry From Alberta

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Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Right Wing Bigotry Fr

That's the testimony from this week? I've been saying that for a while. I remember Guite making the news during one of Mulroney's scandals. I guess that's why the Conservatives never leaked the testimony to their Republicn bloggger friends in the US.

They never made any mention of Paul Coffin saying that he was a Conservative when he started either.

Funny how that works.

The other day one of the Conservatives was on the radio and the subject of Quebec came up. He said that they were running some experienced MPs. Hmmm...experienced MPs from Quebec. Did they come from Mulroney's government or the Bloc? Or have the Conservatives rustled up some of those Liberals they hate so much and enticed them to run for the other party?

He wouldn't name names, and there's nothing on the Conservative website about it, so we don't know for sure.


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
Re: RE: Right Wing Bigotry Fr

Reverend Blair said:
That's the testimony from this week? I've been saying that for a while. I remember Guite making the news during one of Mulroney's scandals. I guess that's why the Conservatives never leaked the testimony to their Republicn bloggger friends in the US.

They never made any mention of Paul Coffin saying that he was a Conservative when he started either.

Funny how that works.

The other day one of the Conservatives was on the radio and the subject of Quebec came up. He said that they were running some experienced MPs. Hmmm...experienced MPs from Quebec. Did they come from Mulroney's government or the Bloc? Or have the Conservatives rustled up some of those Liberals they hate so much and enticed them to run for the other party?

He wouldn't name names, and there's nothing on the Conservative website about it, so we don't know for sure.

Kinda notice how you forgot to mention that Guite also mentioned that Paul was directly involved. No one has ever said that Brian was squeaky, I just don't think he was as bad as you made him out to be, but as you said when I brought up past leaders, that is yesterdays news. The Liberals campaigned in 93 to clean up corruption, took it to new heights of corruption and sleaze, and now claim they are the only ones who can clean up the mess. Typical Liberal hypocrisy, but you folks in the East and on the left buy into it for some strange reason. Ignore facts about the Liberals, but put out vague, unfounded allegations of a hidden agenda regarding the Conservatives, or they are scarey. Listened to a guy on the radio today saying he was scared of the Conservatives, but when pressed, was unable to come up with one single thing, other than that the CBC keeps mentioning it, and it is in the news, so it must be true. That is what is scarey, people who cannot think for themselves, and buy into unfounded and untrue scare tactics.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Right Wing Bigotry Fr

So you are willing to believe what he says about Liberals, but not Conservatives? He has a reason to lie about the Liberals...he's facing criminal charges and it would benefit him to dump it on somebody else. He has no reason to lie about the Conservatives though. Considering Gomery's connection to Mulroney, it would actually benefit him not to mention it.

I don't deny that the Liberals are corrupt...check my posts. They aren't any more corrupt than the Conservatives though. The hypocrisy of Stevie and his gang makes me want to puke.


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
Re: RE: Right Wing Bigotry Fr

Reverend Blair said:
So you are willing to believe what he says about Liberals, but not Conservatives? He has a reason to lie about the Liberals...he's facing criminal charges and it would benefit him to dump it on somebody else. He has no reason to lie about the Conservatives though. Considering Gomery's connection to Mulroney, it would actually benefit him not to mention it.

I don't deny that the Liberals are corrupt...check my posts. They aren't any more corrupt than the Conservatives though. The hypocrisy of Stevie and his gang makes me want to puke.

The trouble is, you keep comparing the current liberals with the past conservatives. In order to be fair, you have to compare todays parties, and seeing as how there is virtually no evidence of any conservative corruption for the current party, then you cannot truthfully say they are more corrupt than the Liberals. Seeing as how the liberals have been in power for 12 years, the conservatives have had no opportunity to be corrupt, and the last conservative government got tossed on it's ear for corruption. Do it to the Liberals now. Anything less is hypocrisy.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
This is why, hopefully a conservative government under harper will never happen in this country.

Conservative quotes on : WOMEN

“At first glance to women of pregnancy prone age, this proposal may seem to be one of the best things about Canada. However, even with the current six-month leave, a functioning uterus can be an impediment to getting a job in the first place. A paid year off to spend with baby may sound wonderful initially but one still has to get sufficient insurable hours to qualify.
(Cheryl Gallant, Letter to the Editor, Fredericton Daily Gleaner, October 28, 1999)

"Were it not for the idiocy of the Liberals contemplating the extrapolation of spousal benefits to roommates, it could be argued that parental leave discriminates against infertile couples -- but that may lead to the risks of extending parental leave payments to those who merely go through the motions!”
(Cheryl Gallant, Letter to the Editor, Fredericton Daily Gleaner, October 28, 1999)

“There are many ways to include aboriginal women in things. In my instance, my wife is aboriginal, so that does lend a little spice at home and there isn’t thin soup on the home front.”
(John Duncan, Aboriginal Affairs Committee, June 4,1996)

"Now "pay equity" has everything to do with pay and nothing to do with equity. It’s based on the vague notion of "equal pay for work of equal value", which is not the same as equal pay for the same job."
(Stephen Harper, NCC Overview, Fall 1998)

(On pay equity) "For taxpayers, however, it’s a rip-off. And it has nothing to do with gender. Both men and women taxpayers will pay additional money to both men and women in the civil service. That’s why the federal government should scrap its ridiculous pay equity law.”
(Stephen Harper, NCC Overview, Fall 1998)

"We should try to keep our mothers in the home and that’s where the whole Reform platform hangs together." (Garry Breitkreuz, Vancouver Province, October 11, 1993)

Conservative quotes on : SOCIAL ISSUES

(Referring to an abortion clinic)
"We saw that young American (in Iraq) have his head literally cut off in front of the cameras, but what's happening down there is absolutely no different!"
(Cheryl Gallant, CBC, May 13, 2004)

"If they say they're personally opposed to abortion but they don't want to impose their opposition on society, ask them if they're personally opposed to child abuse, ask them if they're personally opposed to slavery."
(Jason Kenney, Canadian Catholic News, May 24, 2004 Edition)

"We have said all along, and I have said all along, that this (topic of same-sex marriage) is a door to slippery slope. What's next? Polygamist? What about child rights? Where is this going to end?"
(Myron Thompson, Carstairs Courier, January 25, 2005)

"I'm saying with this a door opening to a slippery slope. What's next? Shall we say it's okay to have six or seven wives, even if some of them are 13-years-old? Where does it end?"
(Myron Thompson, Carstairs Courier, December 14, 2004)

“The fact is that homosexuals aren’t barred from marrying under Canadian law... Marriage is open to everybody as long as they’re a man and a woman.”
(Jason Kenney, Punjabi Editorial Board Interview, January 30, 2005)

In an interview yesterday, Rob Merrifield said independent counselling would be "valuable" for women contemplating abortion because "people who take part in it may only be seeing one side of it. "I would think that they [should] have all of the information in front of them. I think [with] any procedure that's a valuable thing for them to have," said the Alberta MP, who is opposed to abortion.
(Rob Merrifield, Globe and Mail, June 1, 2004)

“It will come as no surprise to anybody to know that I support the traditional definition of marriage as a union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others, as expressed in our traditional common law.”
(Stephen Harper, Hansard, Address in the House of Commons on Bill C-38, February 16, 2005)

Conservative quotes on : ON RIGHTS

“As I prepare to leave the House of Commons, I wonder if the Charter of Rights will ever be used for something really valid that all people in Canada want as opposed to an excuse for not doing anything at all.”
(Randy White, Press Release, March 10, 2005)

“If the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is going to be used as the crutch to carry forward all of the issues that social libertarians want, then there’s got to be for us conservatives out there a way to put checks and balances in there,”
(Randy White, Let No One Put Asunder, May 19, 2004)

“I think you’ll see more uses for the Notwithstanding Clause in the future,”
(Randy White, Let No One Put Asunder, May 19, 2004)

“I think you’ll even see that redefined as the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Responsibilities, which is really needed for an amendment.”
(Randy White, Let No One Put Asunder, May 19, 2004)

Well the heck with the courts, eh. You know, one of these days we in this country are gong to stand up and say, the politicians make the laws and the courts do not. The courts interpret that law. And if we don’t like that interpretation there’s the Notwithstanding clause in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which the Liberal Government has never invoked and said they will not use. I believe we’ll see that with us in the House of Commons because enough is enough of this stuff.
(Randy White, Let No One Put Asunder, May 19, 2004)

Look, equality doesn't mean treating everybody exactly the same…there are forms of just discrimination…In this case we believe we should honour, make a deliberate choice to honour the union of a man and a woman who come together ideally to give, to transmit life and raise children in a strong family. That's the ideal. It's not always the case, but it's the ideal. And that's why every culture has recognized a special role for, for heterosexual unions.
(Jason Kenney, Punjabi Editorial Board in Brampton, Jan. 30, 2005)

“Foreign nationals without status should not be under the protection of the Canadian charter.”
(Inky Mark, Hansard, February 26, 2001)

Conservative quotes on : IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEES

"Canada needs to decide who its refugees are by more actively going to the camps and deciding on our own who can be a success in our country…We do have a process of going to these places and trying to figure out who can have some English capability and perhaps some education background and some social supports, but we don't select enough of those."
(Paul Forseth, CKNW Radio, BC, June 3, 2004)

“You've got to remember that west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from eastern Canada: people who live in ghettoes and who are not integrated into western Canadian society.”
(Stephen Harper, The Report Newsmagazine, January 22, 2001)

“Well, I’ve always believed that we have to be a lot tougher with undocumented refugee claimants. Whether the best thing is to send them right out of the country or simply detain them until we get full information, we can look at either but, no this is a problem that does need to be fixed. Particularly post 9/11, we can’t take these kinds of security risks”.
(Stephen Harper, CHML Radio AM 900 Hamilton, June 3, 2004)

"B.C. gets no protection from an immigration department that imports literally thousands of criminals into British Columbia who prey upon law abiding citizens"
(Darrel Stinson, MP, Hansard, April 27 1998)

“Immigrants are choking welfare systems, contributing to high unemployment, and many cannot read.”
(Art Hanger, Canadian Press, February 2, 1994)

“A refugee determination system that has effectively created a backdoor immigration stream that bypasses legal channels is unacceptable. And we need to tighten that system.”
(Stephen Harper, Report Newsmagazine, January 7, 2002)

“Would the new legislation and the minister have the ability to detain suspicious refugee claimants who arrive here without documents or with questionable documents until they are cleared and proven not to be security risks? Simplistic, yes, it is very simplistic. Canadians want to know they will be safe and secure.”
(Stockwell Day, Hansard, October 23, 2001)

“Another potential threat to domestic security is Canada’s refugee determination system...”
(Stephen Harper, “The End of Moral Equivalence: Canada’s National Security After September 11”, www.oneconservativevoice.ca)

When Stephen Harper was Chief Policy Officer of the Reform party, his party platform stated that immigration "should be essentially economic in nature" and should not "be explicitly designed to radically or suddenly alter the ethnic makeup of Canada".
(Platform & Statement of Principles, Reform Party of Canada, August 14, 1988)

“Multiculturalism policy has been an “abject failure…Immigration continues to change the country’s face more extensively than at any time since the turn of the century.”
(Jim Abbott, Calgary Herald, October 16, 1996)


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
peapod said:
This is why, hopefully a conservative government under harper will never happen in this country.

Conservative quotes on : WOMEN

“At first glance to women of pregnancy prone age, this proposal may seem to be one of the best things about Canada. However, even with the current six-month leave, a functioning uterus can be an impediment to getting a job in the first place. A paid year off to spend with baby may sound wonderful initially but one still has to get sufficient insurable hours to qualify.
(Cheryl Gallant, Letter to the Editor, Fredericton Daily Gleaner, October 28, 1999)

This has to do with some employers not hiring women because they may have babies.

"Were it not for the idiocy of the Liberals contemplating the extrapolation of spousal benefits to roommates, it could be argued that parental leave discriminates against infertile couples -- but that may lead to the risks of extending parental leave payments to those who merely go through the motions!”
(Cheryl Gallant, Letter to the Editor, Fredericton Daily Gleaner, October 28, 1999)

Makes sense, parental leave should be for parents, not roommates of someone who has a child
“There are many ways to include aboriginal women in things. In my instance, my wife is aboriginal, so that does lend a little spice at home and there isn’t thin soup on the home front.”
(John Duncan, Aboriginal Affairs Committee, June 4,1996)

I have no idea what context that was in, so cannot comment. Hard to say is is prejudiced when he is married to a first nations woman, though.
"Now "pay equity" has everything to do with pay and nothing to do with equity. It’s based on the vague notion of "equal pay for work of equal value", which is not the same as equal pay for the same job."
(Stephen Harper, NCC Overview, Fall 1998)

This is absolutely true. I have worked in a a Pay Equity workplace, and people have been hired over over better qualified people simply due to race and/or gender. This is not racist or prejudiced, it is the truth. In fact, there are many places where the first qualification of a job selection process is based on racial and/or gender issues. This basically leaves out the white middle class male. Is this fair? Are you as a taxpayer getting the best bang for your buck when a government job is based on these criteria, instead of the best person for the job, irrespective of race and/or gender? If you think this is fair, then call it what it is, social engineering, not a job selection process.

(On pay equity) "For taxpayers, however, it’s a rip-off. And it has nothing to do with gender. Both men and women taxpayers will pay additional money to both men and women in the civil service. That’s why the federal government should scrap its ridiculous pay equity law.”
(Stephen Harper, NCC Overview, Fall 1998)

See above

"We should try to keep our mothers in the home and that’s where the whole Reform platform hangs together." (Garry Breitkreuz, Vancouver Province, October 11, 1993)

This is based on the idea of providing choices of whether to have a parent, in this case a mother, stay home with the children during child rearing years. Also, the quote is 12 years old.

Conservative quotes on : SOCIAL ISSUES

(Referring to an abortion clinic)
"We saw that young American (in Iraq) have his head literally cut off in front of the cameras, but what's happening down there is absolutely no different!"
(Cheryl Gallant, CBC, May 13, 2004)

No one can agree with late term, partial birth abortions, except in exceptional circumstances. That is wrong. However, I am not opposed to the concept of abortion, but do not want it to be seen as a continuing birth control method.

"If they say they're personally opposed to abortion but they don't want to impose their opposition on society, ask them if they're personally opposed to child abuse, ask them if they're personally opposed to slavery."
(Jason Kenney, Canadian Catholic News, May 24, 2004 Edition)

And? How is this any kind of policy statement?

"We have said all along, and I have said all along, that this (topic of same-sex marriage) is a door to slippery slope. What's next? Polygamist? What about child rights? Where is this going to end?"
(Myron Thompson, Carstairs Courier, January 25, 2005)

I support same sex unions, but want to keep the tradional definition of marriage.

"I'm saying with this a door opening to a slippery slope. What's next? Shall we say it's okay to have six or seven wives, even if some of them are 13-years-old? Where does it end?"
(Myron Thompson, Carstairs Courier, December 14, 2004)

“The fact is that homosexuals aren’t barred from marrying under Canadian law... Marriage is open to everybody as long as they’re a man and a woman.”
(Jason Kenney, Punjabi Editorial Board Interview, January 30, 2005)

Per the traditional definition of marriage

In an interview yesterday, Rob Merrifield said independent counselling would be "valuable" for women contemplating abortion because "people who take part in it may only be seeing one side of it. "I would think that they [should] have all of the information in front of them. I think [with] any procedure that's a valuable thing for them to have," said the Alberta MP, who is opposed to abortion.
(Rob Merrifield, Globe and Mail, June 1, 2004)

I fail to see how this is a bad thing. How can receiving information on an issue be a bad thing. I don't see mandatory in there, I see someone saying it would be valuable. Of course it would, just as having all information on any important decision is valuable.

“It will come as no surprise to anybody to know that I support the traditional definition of marriage as a union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others, as expressed in our traditional common law.”
(Stephen Harper, Hansard, Address in the House of Commons on Bill C-38, February 16, 2005)

As do I and the majority of Canadians.

Conservative quotes on : ON RIGHTS

“As I prepare to leave the House of Commons, I wonder if the Charter of Rights will ever be used for something really valid that all people in Canada want as opposed to an excuse for not doing anything at all.”
(Randy White, Press Release, March 10, 2005)

Again, in what context? Too many things now are based on the supposed rights in the Charter. There is no right to common sense anymore.

“If the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is going to be used as the crutch to carry forward all of the issues that social libertarians want, then there’s got to be for us conservatives out there a way to put checks and balances in there,”
(Randy White, Let No One Put Asunder, May 19, 2004)

If the left would quit using everything to try and social engineer this country into their image, then this would not have to be said. There are far too many frivoulous supposed rights issues tying up courts and commissions.

“I think you’ll see more uses for the Notwithstanding Clause in the future,”
(Randy White, Let No One Put Asunder, May 19, 2004)

And? It is a part of the Charter just like the parts you support.

“I think you’ll even see that redefined as the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Responsibilities, which is really needed for an amendment.”
(Randy White, Let No One Put Asunder, May 19, 2004)

Again, what context.

Well the heck with the courts, eh. You know, one of these days we in this country are gong to stand up and say, the politicians make the laws and the courts do not. The courts interpret that law. And if we don’t like that interpretation there’s the Notwithstanding clause in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which the Liberal Government has never invoked and said they will not use. I believe we’ll see that with us in the House of Commons because enough is enough of this stuff.
(Randy White, Let No One Put Asunder, May 19, 2004)

Having unelected, politically appointed judges takes away the power of the elected members of parliament and by virtue of that, the people who elect them. Let's just elect one person who can appoint 12 judges, and be done with it, if you like. Don't know how all this reconciles with democratic rights, though.

Look, equality doesn't mean treating everybody exactly the same…there are forms of just discrimination…In this case we believe we should honour, make a deliberate choice to honour the union of a man and a woman who come together ideally to give, to transmit life and raise children in a strong family. That's the ideal. It's not always the case, but it's the ideal. And that's why every culture has recognized a special role for, for heterosexual unions.
(Jason Kenney, Punjabi Editorial Board in Brampton, Jan. 30, 2005)

And? Of course there are forms of disrimination in society. And yes, I agree with him about marriage.

“Foreign nationals without status should not be under the protection of the Canadian charter.”
(Inky Mark, Hansard, February 26, 2001)

He was referring to people who come into the country illegally.

Conservative quotes on : IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEES

"Canada needs to decide who its refugees are by more actively going to the camps and deciding on our own who can be a success in our country…We do have a process of going to these places and trying to figure out who can have some English capability and perhaps some education background and some social supports, but we don't select enough of those."
(Paul Forseth, CKNW Radio, BC, June 3, 2004)

“You've got to remember that west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from eastern Canada: people who live in ghettoes and who are not integrated into western Canadian society.”
(Stephen Harper, The Report Newsmagazine, January 22, 2001)

“Well, I’ve always believed that we have to be a lot tougher with undocumented refugee claimants. Whether the best thing is to send them right out of the country or simply detain them until we get full information, we can look at either but, no this is a problem that does need to be fixed. Particularly post 9/11, we can’t take these kinds of security risks”.
(Stephen Harper, CHML Radio AM 900 Hamilton, June 3, 2004)

"B.C. gets no protection from an immigration department that imports literally thousands of criminals into British Columbia who prey upon law abiding citizens"
(Darrel Stinson, MP, Hansard, April 27 1998)

“Immigrants are choking welfare systems, contributing to high unemployment, and many cannot read.”
(Art Hanger, Canadian Press, February 2, 1994)

“A refugee determination system that has effectively created a backdoor immigration stream that bypasses legal channels is unacceptable. And we need to tighten that system.”
(Stephen Harper, Report Newsmagazine, January 7, 2002)

“Would the new legislation and the minister have the ability to detain suspicious refugee claimants who arrive here without documents or with questionable documents until they are cleared and proven not to be security risks? Simplistic, yes, it is very simplistic. Canadians want to know they will be safe and secure.”
(Stockwell Day, Hansard, October 23, 2001)

“Another potential threat to domestic security is Canada’s refugee determination system...”
(Stephen Harper, “The End of Moral Equivalence: Canada’s National Security After September 11”, www.oneconservativevoice.ca)

When Stephen Harper was Chief Policy Officer of the Reform party, his party platform stated that immigration "should be essentially economic in nature" and should not "be explicitly designed to radically or suddenly alter the ethnic makeup of Canada".
(Platform & Statement of Principles, Reform Party of Canada, August 14, 1988)

“Multiculturalism policy has been an “abject failure…Immigration continues to change the country’s face more extensively than at any time since the turn of the century.”
(Jim Abbott, Calgary Herald, October 16, 1996)

I quit responding to each because it was taking forever. Regarding immigration, there has to be some selection process and some accountability process. Otherwise, why even have an immigration policy? Just let anyone from anywhere in, get on the public dole, and carry on. Oh yeah, that would seem to be the left policy on immigration, wouldn't it.

What I don't understand is if this is all out there in the public domain, how in the hell can it be called hidden? I also suspect if I wanted to, I could find just as many reports making my points from the NDP and Liberals as you have. However, I don't really have the time as I have to work to make sure you guys have enough money to fund all these programs that socially engineer the country.

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
bluealberta said:
However, I don't really have the time as I have to work to make sure you guys have enough money to fund all these programs that socially engineer the country.

Know what...I'm getting a little tired of your bullshit "I work so the left can collect" rhetoric...

My wife and I both work fulltime in addition to my holding contracts to provide technical support for non-profit corporations that help people start their own businesses...because we on the left recognize that it is small business that is the backbone of our communities, not impersonal corporations. I support the precepts of community economic development, as should all who are not blinded by greed...

I find you comments to be offensive and hateful, and inidicative of ignorance...

Believe it or not, laziness is neither a left or right leaning characteristic...

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Right Wing Bigotry Fr

I haven't met a leftist that didn't work yet, Vanni...and damned hard. These Reformatories like to make the accusation that we don't because they know that their policies suck, their morals are someplace between lacking and non-existent, and they are incapable of understanding the female orgasm.

My favourite Stephen Harper quote ever? "Oh George, you are such a he-man. Put your your thingy in my poop-hole." Stephen Harper, 2004.


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
Re: RE: Right Wing Bigotry Fr

no1important said:
Maybe Joe Volpe was right?


??? This article clearly shows that the liberal party has as many kooks as the left accuses the right of having. Maybe Joe Volpe is the Liberals equivalent of Randy White. Or maybe Elinor Caplan is. Or maybe Hedy Fry is, you know, the one who said there were crosses burning in Prince George. Maybe you should read the article with a bit of an open mind. If Randy White was as wrong as you on the left claim, then Joe, Elinor, and Hedi are right there with him. The intolerance of the left is a thing to behold. Either agree with me or you're a bigot, racisct, homophobe, anti environment, anti everything else. Some tolerance.


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
Re: RE: Right Wing Bigotry Fr

Reverend Blair said:
I haven't met a leftist that didn't work yet, Vanni...and damned hard. These Reformatories like to make the accusation that we don't because they know that their policies suck, their morals are someplace between lacking and non-existent, and they are incapable of understanding the female orgasm.

My favourite Stephen Harper quote ever? "Oh George, you are such a he-man. Put your your thingy in my poop-hole." Stephen Harper, 2004.

My my, Rev, you and Vanni having fun together? You both are so far out there you must have some sort of hidden scary agenda. And Rev, morals is a word you have to look up in the dictionary. I was going to make some comment about female orgasm and your Harper comment, but I refuse to lower myself to your level. You really ought to grow up.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Right Wing Bigotry Fr

What, not going to accuse everybody on the left of being on welfare again, Blue? If you really want to save money, why not get your heroes to get our money back from Cargill and give it to the farmers and ranchers who are going broke? Or is corporate welfare just fine with you? It is certainly fine with the party you support.


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
Re: RE: Right Wing Bigotry Fr

Reverend Blair said:
What, not going to accuse everybody on the left of being on welfare again, Blue? If you really want to save money, why not get your heroes to get our money back from Cargill and give it to the farmers and ranchers who are going broke? Or is corporate welfare just fine with you? It is certainly fine with the party you support.

I put up what I believe, why don't you? All you ever do is attack the position of whoever doesn't agree with you, which, by the way, appears to be most of Canada, given that your leader and party are about 15% in the polls. Obviously Canadians reject your vistion and the vision of your party., so you have a lot of people to attack, it would appear. Better get at it.

And by the way, I did not accuse everyone on the left of being on welfare. I said your policies are too expensive. If you are going to accuse me of things, try and get it right, instead of just simply resorting to blatant untruths, commonly called lies.


Electoral Member
Feb 8, 2005
Re: RE: Right Wing Bigotry Fr

bluealberta said:
I put up what I believe, why don't you? All you ever do is attack the position of whoever doesn't agree with you, which, by the way, appears to be most of Canada, given that your leader and party are about 15% in the polls. Obviously Canadians reject your vistion and the vision of your party., so you have a lot of people to attack, it would appear. Better get at it.

Heh. Most Canadians are ideologically in tune with the NDP. Most just vote Liberal for fear of the big bad right. People who vote Libral generally don't vote NDP because 'the NDP will never be elected', not because of any flaws in the policy orientation.

bluealberta said:
And by the way, I did not accuse everyone on the left of being on welfare. I said your policies are too expensive. If you are going to accuse me of things, try and get it right, instead of just simply resorting to blatant untruths, commonly called lies.

You certainly implied that most on the left did not work and earn very much money with your 'I had to work to send my money to Ottawa' type rhetoric.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Right Wing Bigotry Fr

Nice try at an attack, Blue. Sorry...it doesn't wash. When polled Canadians consistently, for decades, have supported social spending and social programs. The NDP endorses those policies. We always have. The Liberals put them in their platform too and, largely due to the lies from the Reformatories about the NDP doing nothing but taxing and spending, tend to pick up a lot of the votes.

Unfortunately the Liberals have a long history of running from the left, then governing from the right. The policies they actually put in place, when not kept honest by the NDP, are Conservative policies, not the policies they ran on.

In provinces without a real Liberal influence, the NDP gets elected quite a lot. We also have as good or better a fiscal record in those provinces compared to the Conservatives. That has become even more true in recent years since the Conservatives have embraced neo-conservitve dogma.

There isn't much point in telling you what I support, because you already know it, or would if you actually took the time to read my posts and the wherewithal to understand Canadian politics. I'll spell it out for you though...at least the big parts.

Separation of church and state.
Responsible government.
Policies informed by science.
Protecting society's most vulnerable members.
People being more important than corporate profits.

Now compare that to your little cult.

Bigotry is rampant in your party. You've seen the quotes, you know that it is. It is a large part of your policies on immigration and foreign aid, as well as same sex marriage.

Your party has no respect for the separation of church and state. That's clear in the SSM debate, and it's clear with your policy (now non-policy) on abortion.

Allowing corporations to rape the environment, denying help to society's weakest, and selling the birthright of future generations is not responsible government.

Your party denies the science behind global warming. Many in your party deny the science behind evolution. Your policies are not informed by science, but by a combination of greed and religion.

Your party is against protecting our most vulnerable citizens. In fact, you've got a record of attacking them or supporting attacks on them.

Your party is one that puts corporate profits ahead of Canadians, the environment, and people in foreign lands who need help. It is an ugly, cruel set of policies that you promote; devoid of even the slightest bit of humanity.


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
Re: RE: Right Wing Bigotry Fr

SirKevin said:
bluealberta said:
I put up what I believe, why don't you? All you ever do is attack the position of whoever doesn't agree with you, which, by the way, appears to be most of Canada, given that your leader and party are about 15% in the polls. Obviously Canadians reject your vistion and the vision of your party., so you have a lot of people to attack, it would appear. Better get at it.

Heh. Most Canadians are ideologically in tune with the NDP. Most just vote Liberal for fear of the big bad right. People who vote Libral generally don't vote NDP because 'the NDP will never be elected', not because of any flaws in the policy orientation.

bluealberta said:
And by the way, I did not accuse everyone on the left of being on welfare. I said your policies are too expensive. If you are going to accuse me of things, try and get it right, instead of just simply resorting to blatant untruths, commonly called lies.

You certainly implied that most on the left did not work and earn very much money with your 'I had to work to send my money to Ottawa' type rhetoric.

Yeah they are so in tune with the NDP they don't vote for them, quite a strategy. I said I had to go work to make money to support the looney left social programs. Get it right, or don't make unfounded allegations.


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
Rev, there is no helping you. What you just posted is crap and there is no way to even argue with it because it is so absurd and non-existent. You keep thinking that way. There are none so blind as those who will not see. I can get you a deal on a seeing eye dog if that will help you out.

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Re: RE: Right Wing Bigotry Fr

Reverend Blair said:
Your party is one that puts corporate profits ahead of Canadians, the environment, and people in foreign lands who need help. It is an ugly, cruel set of policies that you promote; devoid of even the slightest bit of humanity.

Yeah...but it looks good on the books...or so they think...

...and it might allow the already rich to reap some short-term rewards...so why the hell not vote for them, right? That'll sure show those theiving Liberal... :roll:

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Right Wing Bigotry Fr

Prove me wrong, Blue. You are the one claiming that the radical right is moderate. Prove it. Put the policies down that show it to be so. You can't, because their policies are those of the radical right.

If you lack the knowledge to understand Canadian politics, that is not my problem, Blue. It is yours.


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
Re: RE: Right Wing Bigotry Fr

Reverend Blair said:
Prove me wrong, Blue. You are the one claiming that the radical right is moderate. Prove it. Put the policies down that show it to be so. You can't, because their policies are those of the radical right.

If you lack the knowledge to understand Canadian politics, that is not my problem, Blue. It is yours.

REv, I have put up som many posts proving that I am moderate, as I believe the conservatives to be. I can't move your opinion, because you are so far left everyone is to the right, and what now passes for moderate right is, to you, the extreme right. When the reform party started, you all said it was extreme, and in some ways it was. You all said it had to come more to the center to be more appealing. In the meantime, the PC's went so far left, they simply became Liberal lite. There was virtually no difference between the Clark PC's and the Liberals, thus they became irrelevant. So the reform became the alliance became the current Conservatives. Are they now more moderate? The reform party opposed all same sex unions, the conservatives support same sex unions. The reform opposed abortion, the conservatives support the current legislation, or status quo. The reform party opposed a lot of immigration policies, the conservatives support immigration based on numerous thing, including race. Have the conservatives moved to the left? A lot, but they have still stayed on the right side of the political spectrum, which they have to do. Their name is conservative, which implies right wing policies. I will not apologise for that, because that is their definition. However, in your viewpoint from what I consider to be the extreme left, they are still the extreme right. Nothing I or anyone else will change your opinion, but thankfully, only about 15% of the population agrees with your viewpoint and NDP policies as noted in recent polls. You are not the type of voter that I and the right would like to discuss things with, because of the entrenchment of your policies. In this, you are to be commended for your beliefs, even though I may disagree with most of them. However, just because I and others on the right disagree with your views does not make us bigots, racists, or any of the other derogatory terms that have been used against us.

The ones we would like to talk with reasonably about issues are the liberal supporters who are having more and more of a difficult time supporting a party that has proven beyond any doubt that they are corrupt and have stolen literally millions of taxpayer dollars for the purposes of the LIberal party, not for the country. If you have a hard time seeing this viewpoint, so be it. If you want to contine to tacitly support the corruption and sleaze of the current government by running down the only viable alternative for government in this country, so be it. You have mentioned on numerous occasions that Mulroney was corrupt, something I don't accept, but what the hey. The PC's paid the price by being reduced to only two seats in 1993. Surely the corruption uncovered so far (have not even started on HRDC, gun registry, EI fund, foundation accounts) has earned this government the same fate as the Mulroney conservatives received, and we as a country should accept nothing less.

BTW, I did not vote for the conservatives in 1993 either.

This post was not a slam post, there are no insults, intentional or implied, just my thoughts on some issues.
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