These fellas were good friends.I see, so words God with Us is proof that WW II was perpetuated in the name of Christianity.

These fellas were good friends.I see, so words God with Us is proof that WW II was perpetuated in the name of Christianity.
Dig deeper.... I dare ya!I see... So not only did Hitler annex Poland in the name of Christianity, but he attacked Russia in the winter on behalf of the Pope..... It's all so clear now!
These fellas were good friends.
Dig deeper.... I dare ya!
These fellas were good friends.
Hey Damn, can I call you Damn?I agree with your sentiment but your facts are a bit off. The Holy Land was mostly Jews and Christians before it was for the most part Muslims (we'll disregard your moderate descriptor so as not to overly complexify for now
) If you're referring to the Crusades as I assume you are, the Crusades were actually a defensive war in response to the Jihad in the Holy Land. They got out of hand and got a bad name for themselves, but that's another story.
Missing the point eh numbnuts.
World War I boys were told they were fighting for God and Country against the Godless Huns.
Just because someone espouses that they are fighting for "God" or that "God" is on their side does not make it a fact nor does it mean that that conflict is TRULY a religious conflict. Tarring all with a very broad brush just shows your complete inability to reason. It shows you're a fu cking moron without the ability to use even one brain cell. Either that, or you're a troll looking to antagonize only.
I agree in point but I think these wars weren't started in the name of Christianity. The Crusades, The European Religious Wars (1500's-1600's), and many Medievel European Wars... absolutely 100% started in the name of Christianity.
There have been many wars started and carried on under religious pretenses, that is not to say that those pretensions were not false/manufactured just to get a population onside.
I think any wars started in the name of God are false.
Wars are something we do to ourselves, God has nothing to do with it and I doubt He approves.
God likes war. Haven't you ever read the OT?
So all that **** about going and killing group after group after group under God's orders was BS? Does that make the entire OT BS too?