Reaction from Moderate Canadian Muslims


New Member
Jun 21, 2006
Claudius said:
Just a point of fact: There are not billions of Muslims. Estimates range between 700M and 1.2B.


"Since the advent of Islam, billions of Muslims have lived in all parts of the world"...


New Member
Jun 21, 2006
athabaska said:
oldnugly said:
Jersay said:

And another thing he has forgotten is that Muslims don't make up all terrorist actions. They are only a small minority of all the terrorist groups that float around the world nowadays.

No shit Sherlock. Well let's just go out and arrest a bunch of "other terrorists". No matter the IRA didn't have anything planned in Canada, they're probably guilty as hell anyway.

Hope you never get into a decision making rank in the Armed Forces.
God help us.


If your leg is broken, do you put a cast on your arm??

ahhhhhhhh :?

Agreed. Muslims want to kill our children. Blow them up. I don't give a 'beep' about how nice the majority are. Unlike others here I've had conversations with those 'moderate' muslim Canadians and wouldn't trust most of them. Yes, 99% aren't violent but enough of that 99% are sympathetic to folks who want to kill our children and are willing to follow too many statements with 'but'.

I don't condone violence 'but'....

al Qauida is bad 'but'...

9/11 was a tragedy 'but'...

I am no longer tolerant of a religion that puts a sympathetic 'but' at the end of condemantion about whackos who want to kill my children. I do not want more muslim immigrants let into Canada. I don't trust that among them there will not be a few individuals who want to kill my children.

The 'but' was probably their effort in trying to explain why such events are taking place now more so then before. I have yet to meet a Muslim who has sounded sympathetic to terrorism. I think you have not based your opinion on Muslims based on your discussions with these people, you had your pre-conceived notions which you are trying to defend now...

BTW God forbid if a terrorist attack took place in a Canadian school it would kill children of all families Christian, Muslims, Jews alike..


Electoral Member
Dec 26, 2005
Muslim terrorists don't care about the religion of what kids they blow up. they just want to kill them.

as for the 'but'. i don't care what follows. It doesn't justify killing my kids. If some Muslims are driven to murder because of alienation, segregation, etc. then it's all the more reason to stop more Muslims coming into Canada.

In Canada we have dmocracy and free speech and Muslims have legitimate ways to channel their frustrations. I really don't care what excuses they give for wanting to kill Canadians.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.

Watch a piece on the CBC the other night in which the reporter spoke to a couple of Islamic clerics about integration into secular Canadian society.

The conclusion?

They ain't gonna do it.

They must have prayer rooms on every campus, we have to lean over backwards to accomadate their religion, or we are "racist".

Note that. Nobody else gets religious accomadation on Canadian campus, but if Muslims don't, we are racist.

Same as when I saw the interview with the Khadr women (hardly "moderates", I admit), they complained mightly about infidels living in the Holy Land. Sitting in Canada, in Burkas, as Canadian citizens, complaining about how shocking it was that infidels were allowed in Saudi Arabia..........

Are these people capable of linear thought.....?


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
Re: RE: Reaction from Moderate Canadian Muslims

athabaska said:
Muslim terrorists don't care about the religion of what kids they blow up. they just want to kill them.

as for the 'but'. i don't care what follows. It doesn't justify killing my kids. If some Muslims are driven to murder because of alienation, segregation, etc. then it's all the more reason to stop more Muslims coming into Canada.

In Canada we have dmocracy and free speech and Muslims have legitimate ways to channel their frustrations. I really don't care what excuses they give for wanting to kill Canadians.

Then stop all immigration, because there are many groups who want to kill your children under your stupid philosophy.


Electoral Member
Dec 26, 2005
From the latest Islamic fundies arrested in Miami:

"Seven men concocted a plot to "kill all the devils we can,".

note: those 'devils' include children.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Sorry Jersay:

An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which contradictory terms are brought together for emphasis: i.e. "military intelligence".

Got it now? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Ugg. :idea:

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Re: RE: Reaction from Moderate Canadian Muslims

Colpy said:
Watch a piece on the CBC the other night in which the reporter spoke to a couple of Islamic clerics about integration into secular Canadian society.

The conclusion?

They ain't gonna do it.

They must have prayer rooms on every campus, we have to lean over backwards to accomadate their religion, or we are "racist".

Note that. Nobody else gets religious accomadation on Canadian campus, but if Muslims don't, we are racist.

Same as when I saw the interview with the Khadr women (hardly "moderates", I admit), they complained mightly about infidels living in the Holy Land. Sitting in Canada, in Burkas, as Canadian citizens, complaining about how shocking it was that infidels were allowed in Saudi Arabia..........

Are these people capable of linear thought.....?

You can thank multiculturalism for that mess.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
Re: RE: Reaction from Moderate Canadian Muslims

I think not said:
Colpy said:
Watch a piece on the CBC the other night in which the reporter spoke to a couple of Islamic clerics about integration into secular Canadian society.

The conclusion?

They ain't gonna do it.

They must have prayer rooms on every campus, we have to lean over backwards to accomadate their religion, or we are "racist".

Note that. Nobody else gets religious accomadation on Canadian campus, but if Muslims don't, we are racist.

Same as when I saw the interview with the Khadr women (hardly "moderates", I admit), they complained mightly about infidels living in the Holy Land. Sitting in Canada, in Burkas, as Canadian citizens, complaining about how shocking it was that infidels were allowed in Saudi Arabia..........

Are these people capable of linear thought.....?

You can thank multiculturalism for that mess.

Not really. Uniculturalism. The demands of a minority to be dominant. The domination of that same culture when it's the majority. Not multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is great. Especially for me...I love to eat! :)


Electoral Member
May 23, 2006
In a nutshell:

Muslims have a religion complete with prophet, book and lessons for spiritual discovery like any decent religion.

Islamists do no have a religion; they have a cult. Complete with self-appointed prophets, suicide packs and money scams.

Muslims have "priests".

Islamists have Rev. Moon with a different hat on.


Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
Re: RE: Reaction from Moderate Canadian Muslims

Colpy said:

Watch a piece on the CBC the other night in which the reporter spoke to a couple of Islamic clerics about integration into secular Canadian society.

The conclusion?

They ain't gonna do it.

Yeah I saw that. The epitome of what's wrong with Islam. Irshad Manji would be nodding and pointing with that "See! See what I'm talking about" look on her face.

This Imam basically asserted that treating Muslims equal to everyone else was bigotry. Excuse me! What a mindset, how do you deal with that?