Rapporteur David Johnson, Eminent Canadian

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Within an hour of the non-binding motion being passed, Johnston issued a statement asserting his intention to continue on with his work. He said that while he "deeply" respects the right of the House of Commons to "express its opinion about my work going forward" his mandate came from ‘the government.’

"'My mandate comes from the government.' He means exactly what he says: he's not independent. He's solely accountable to the very government suspected of knowingly ignoring foreign interference," tweeted Conservative deputy leader on Wednesday.

The last 1/2 of the the above vid leads to the questions in the below vid:
…& this sums up the position of ALL of Parliament currently minus Justin Trudeau & his Minority Liberal Government:
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
David Johnston, the federal government's ‘special rapporteur’ on foreign interference, is expected to appear before the House of Commons procedure and House affairs committee on June 6, says the committee's chair. That’s this coming Tuesday so three days from today.

Opposition MPs on the committee want to question him about his decision to recommend that the government call a public inquiry into foreign electoral interference….but I’m sure they will also want to know why he selectively neglected to mention the Trudeau Foundation (that he was a member of the board of when this was happening) that was accepting donations in exchange for access to Justin Trudeau for private meetings with a Chinese Billionaires on behalf of the CCP.

That’s a BIG omission by Johnston as it pertains to the government that he’s answerable to (instead of Canadians or Parliament as he’s made VERY Clear) & the guy (Justin Trudeau) that hired him to investigate this matter.

Now, the House of Commons procedure and House affairs committee looking into this matter is Chaired by Bardish Chagger who is a Liberal MP & Justin Trudeau’s former ‘Minister of Excuses,’ so it will be a complete Goat Rodeo of a circus….but it’ll still be interesting…even just by the questions that will not be allowed to be addressed by the Chair.
Bardish Chagger was caught lying while under oath on the WE Shenanigans, so she lost her seat in Trudeau’s Cabinet as Trudeau’s “Minister of Excuses”…but she was lying to protect Trudeau so she’s rewarded with the position of Chair of the PROC.

This Committee consists of 12 MP’s, with Bardish Chagger as the Chair…so It’s 6 Liberals, 4 Conservatives, 1 Bloc & 1 NDP Members of Parliament….so even though the Liberal Party is a MINORITY Gov’t, they can tie up this Committee with Liberal Chagger in charge.
…& here is where the Honourable Bardish Chagger is exposed as lying under oath to the PROC which, as a punishment (?) she now Chairs?

This is so crazy that you just can’t make this up. She now Chairs the PROC. It’s insane!
Anyway…Tuesday June 6th, 2023. PROC with David Johnston at the Witness. It’ll be a clown show but an interesting clown show if you follow these things I guess.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Jagmeet Singh, leader of the federal New Democrats (and Waylon Smithers to Justin Trudeau’s Montgomery Burns), says he will not force a federal election over China’s attempts to subvert Canadian democracy until faith has been restored in our elections???

Singh has supported calls by MPs for a public inquiry into China’s meddling in our elections — meddling aimed largely at aiding Justin Trudeau and the current Liberal government.

Singh has also voted with the majority in Parliament to ask Trudeau’s cover-up man, former governor general David Johnston, to resign over his obvious conflict of interest surrounding the China affair.

Singh’s plan is to keep propping up the Liberals until Canadians’ faith is restored?
Singh insisting the Liberals must be left in place until the damage done by the China scandal can be corrected is the equivalent of a cancer surgeon insisting the tumour be left in place, untreated, until a longer-term cure for cancer can be found.

If Singh suspends his support, even on a temporary basis…in the non-coalition coalition thing… it doesn’t mean there’s going to be a an immediate election…but the Liberals would have to govern like they were in a minority government…like they actually are. If Trudeau then decides to start throwing around confidence motions, that’s on Trudeau & nobody else.

Then, what did Johnston know and did he know it when he published his report?

What O’Toole says CSIS told him about China’s efforts to disrupt the Conservative campaign in the 2021 election is diametrically opposed to Johnston’s report, which is basically dismissive of O’Toole’s concerns.

O’Toole said CSIS told him the Conservatives — led by O’Toole at the time — were subjected to an organized campaign of foreign interference, including the spreading of misinformation and active voter repression, funded by Beijing through its United Front Work Department.

People working for or aligned with the UFWD in Canada, according to O’Toole based on his CSIS briefing, spread this misinformation on “foreign-controlled social media platforms … related specifically to (China’s) WeChat communications platform.”

NONE of this is in the public version of Johnston’s report to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as his adviser on foreign interference.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Within an hour of the non-binding motion being passed, Johnston issued a statement asserting his intention to continue on with his work. He said that while he "deeply" respects the right of the House of Commons to "express its opinion about my work going forward" his mandate came from ‘the government.’

"'My mandate comes from the government.' He means exactly what he says: he's not independent. He's solely accountable to the very government suspected of knowingly ignoring foreign interference," tweeted Conservative deputy leader on Wednesday.

The last 1/2 of the the above vid leads to the questions in the below vid:
…& this sums up the position of ALL of Parliament currently minus Justin Trudeau & his Minority Liberal Government:
Funny, I thought the House of Commons is the government. Did something change with the CPP buyout of the Liberal Party of Canada?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Funny, I thought the House of Commons is the government. Did something change with the CPP buyout of the Liberal Party of Canada?
One of the main duties of the Crown is to ensure that a democratic government is always in place, which includes the appointment of a prime minister, who heads the Cabinet and directs the activities of the government.

Not outlined in any constitutional document, the office exists in long-established convention, which stipulates the Crown must select as prime minister the person most likely to command the confidence of the elected House of Commons, who, in practice, is typically the leader of the political party that holds more seats than any other party in that chamber (currently the Liberal Party, led by Justin Trudeau).

The stipulations of responsible governmentrequire that those who directly advise the Crown on the exercise the royal prerogative be accountable to the elected House of Commonsand the day-to-day operation of government is guided only by a sub-group of the Privy Council made up of individuals who hold seats in Parliament, known as the Cabinet.[

Should no particular party hold a majority in the House of Commons, the leader of one party—either the party with the most seats or one supported by other parties—will be called by the governor general to form a minority government. Once sworn in, the prime minister holds office until their resignation or removal by the governor general, after either a motion of no confidence or defeat in a general election.

So….If Jagmeet & the Federal NDP widraw support from the confidence and supply agreement with the Liberals (the non-coalition coalition which isn’t a coalition, etc…), that DOESN’T mean there’s automatically going to be an election… unless Justin Trudeau & the Liberals want one. All it would mean is that the Liberals wouldn’t be able to rule by decree like they have been doing, & WOULD HAVE TO WORK WITH PARLIAMENT as opposed to what they’ve been doing.

Though CSA’s aren’t common in Canadian Federal politics, Jagmeet (& the NDP) can withdraw from it, make the vote in Parliament with the support of the Green & Conservative & Bloc Parties, make the vote Binding….so that Justin Trudeau HAS to work WITH Parliament, & then enter into another CSA with Justin at a later date. Jagmeet doesn’t because he is afraid of Justin’s ego…& that Justin Trudeau “might” make this a ‘confidence’ motion which would endanger Jagmeet’s golden pension which would come to fruition in April 2025. This may sound cynical, but somebody please prove me wrong!!!

Justin Trudeau’s ONLY threat, if Jagmeet Singh withdraws from the non-coalition coalition that’s definitely not a coalition, is that He Will Decide to call an election, or make Every Vote in the House of Commons a Confidence Vote forcing an election if he doesn’t get his way…& that scares the shit out’a Jagmeet Singh…as Jagmeet would lose any appearance of being “Independent” or “In Opposition” in Government if he then continues to prop up the Liberals no matter what they do.

Anyway…in response to the question I quoted, the Liberal Party got the most seats (but lost the popular vote) in the last two federal elections, and thus the Liberal Party formed “government.”

David Johnstone made it clear that he is answerable to the “government” (& not parliament or the Canadian people), so he’s made it clear that he is answerable to the Liberal Party and Justin Trudeau exclusively within the hour of releasing his report….which removed the premise of “Independent” from “Independent Special Raporteur.”
Anyway, less than 48hrs until David Johnston is a Witness for his 3hrs in front of a Parliamentary committee studying foreign interference Chaired by Bardish Chagger.

In discussing David Johnston’s appearance on this coming Tuesday, they’ve dropped the term “Independent” from his title of “Special Rapporteur.”
…& the Former NDP Leader’s take on this:

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
On May 5, shortly after the story of Chong and his family being targeted broke in the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Sun submitted Access to Information requests for tracking records on the Chong memo.

“Provide a copy of the internal tracking report/tracking sheet/record, sign off page, or similar document tracking who received a copy of the CSIS intelligence assessment of July 20, 2021,” the request read.

Documents such as this that require a high level security clearance traditionally come with a tracking record to see not only who was sent the memo but who acknowledged receiving it. The system allows the government to keep records of who is in possession of sensitive information and to track leaks when they happen.

On Friday, the day after Thomas said that she had used a similar system to track who had received the Chong memo and had promised to provide such records to committee, the Privy Council Office denied such records existed.

“A thorough search of the records under the control of PCO was carried out on your behalf; however, no records relevant to your request were found,” the reply sent Friday stated.

A similar response was received from Public Safety Canada. Global Affairs has not responded at this point.

None of this makes sense — the PM’s national security advisor has said these records exist, that she and her officials used them to determine who had received the memo. The Privy Council Office and Public Safety say the records Thomas alluded to don’t exist.

Someone isn’t telling the truth.

Just over 24hrs until Johnston appears as a witness in front of the Parliamentary Committee Chaired by Bardish Chagger. It’ll be an evasive shit-show, but it will be interesting to see which questions are evaded outright and which ones Chagger interferes in directly.
The selection of former governor general David Johnston by the prime minister as a “special rapporteur” to investigate the foreign interference and determine if a public inquiry was warranted. Trudeau anointed Johnston as his personal lightning rod to receive, or at minimum to divert or channel, the extreme voltage of anger and mistrust that rightly is only his to receive and bear. And Johnston, now defying a vote of Parliament to step aside, has obligingly poured water under his own feet, the better to amplify the shock. Strange and sad days.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
On May 5, shortly after the story of Chong and his family being targeted broke in the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Sun submitted Access to Information requests for tracking records on the Chong memo.

“Provide a copy of the internal tracking report/tracking sheet/record, sign off page, or similar document tracking who received a copy of the CSIS intelligence assessment of July 20, 2021,” the request read.

Documents such as this that require a high level security clearance traditionally come with a tracking record to see not only who was sent the memo but who acknowledged receiving it. The system allows the government to keep records of who is in possession of sensitive information and to track leaks when they happen.

On Friday, the day after Thomas said that she had used a similar system to track who had received the Chong memo and had promised to provide such records to committee, the Privy Council Office denied such records existed.

“A thorough search of the records under the control of PCO was carried out on your behalf; however, no records relevant to your request were found,” the reply sent Friday stated.

A similar response was received from Public Safety Canada. Global Affairs has not responded at this point.

None of this makes sense — the PM’s national security advisor has said these records exist, that she and her officials used them to determine who had received the memo. The Privy Council Office and Public Safety say the records Thomas alluded to don’t exist.

Someone isn’t telling the truth.

Just over 24hrs until Johnston appears as a witness in front of the Parliamentary Committee Chaired by Bardish Chagger. It’ll be an evasive shit-show, but it will be interesting to see which questions are evaded outright and which ones Chagger interferes in directly.
View attachment 18389
The selection of former governor general David Johnston by the prime minister as a “special rapporteur” to investigate the foreign interference and determine if a public inquiry was warranted. Trudeau anointed Johnston as his personal lightning rod to receive, or at minimum to divert or channel, the extreme voltage of anger and mistrust that rightly is only his to receive and bear. And Johnston, now defying a vote of Parliament to step aside, has obligingly poured water under his own feet, the better to amplify the shock. Strange and sad days.
None of this makes sense — the PM’s national security advisor has said these records exist, that she and her officials used them to determine who had received the memo. The Privy Council Office and Public Safety say the records Thomas alluded to don’t exist.

The Trudeau government promised to provide documents to a Commons committee but have now said those documents don’t exist in response to a media request.

It’s the latest example of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing when it comes to China’s interference in Canada’s democracy, etc…


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
None of this makes sense — the PM’s national security advisor has said these records exist, that she and her officials used them to determine who had received the memo. The Privy Council Office and Public Safety say the records Thomas alluded to don’t exist.

The Trudeau government promised to provide documents to a Commons committee but have now said those documents don’t exist in response to a media request.

It’s the latest example of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing when it comes to China’s interference in Canada’s democracy, etc…
Chong needs to hookup with Cheech and smoke their asses.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Chong needs to hookup with Cheech and smoke their asses.
Just over 26 hours to go before….Johnston, who released his first report on foreign interference last month, will appear before the committee on procedure and House affairs Tuesday in Ottawa at 10:00 A.M. He is expected to answer questions for no less than three hours. The committee has been studying interference by China that may have threatened Conservative MP Michael Chong and his family.

However, MPs could also ask Johnston to address a CBC News reportFriday that he had retained the crisis-communications firm Navigator at the start of his mandate, at taxpayers’ expense. Navigator said it provided “communications advice and support.” Johnston has been facing an onslaught of bad press after his appointment to investigate Chinese election interference that may have benefited the governing Liberal party, due to his personal connections to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

At a press conference Monday, Trudeau was asked about Johnston’s contract with Navigator but said he would not comment on decisions that Johnston and his team made “to manage the toxic climate that they’re operating in.”

“We shouldn’t have to hire a rapporteur who is a cottage neighbor, a family friend, ski buddy and member of the Trudeau Foundation and then have him try to reverse the reputational damage that that obvious conflict has caused by paying expensive consultants to do damage control,” Poilievre said Monday.

“So, we think we can skip all this, save all this money by going straight to a public inquiry.”
Meanwhile, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh is expected to replace the NDP’s usual member on the committee, MP Rachel Blaney, to question Johnston personally. Singh did the same thing when Loblaws CEO Galen Weston appeared at a different committee earlier this year.

Johnston has argued that a public inquiry is not advisable because it would duplicate the work he’s already done as special rapporteur and much of the evidence collected by intelligence agencies could not be made public for reasons of national security. This has been repeatedly proven false by current & former members of these intelligence agencies, & the fact that other public inquiries dealing with sensitive & secret matters are a thing that exist.

He (Johnston) instead has said he will ‘personally’ oversee public hearings with Canadians, government officials, experts and other interested parties to ‘discuss’ foreign interference, its effects on diaspora communities, and policy measures that could improve the government’s response.

The public hearings that David Johnston would personally oversee are not intended to examine foreign interference in the past two federal elections.

A string of leaks to news reporters from intelligence sources over the last several months has alleged that China targeted Conservative MPs in recent federal elections, because the party was seen as unfriendly to the communist regime, while it worked to help the Liberals, including allegedly collaborating with some individual Liberal MPs.
(the term “Independent” seems to have been dropped from David Johnston’s title in the link above also)
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Just over 26 hours to go before….Johnston, who released his first report on foreign interference last month, will appear before the committee on procedure and House affairs Tuesday in Ottawa at 10:00 A.M. He is expected to answer questions for no less than three hours. The committee has been studying interference by China that may have threatened Conservative MP Michael Chong and his family.

However, MPs could also ask Johnston to address a CBC News reportFriday that he had retained the crisis-communications firm Navigator at the start of his mandate, at taxpayers’ expense. Navigator said it provided “communications advice and support.” Johnston has been facing an onslaught of bad press after his appointment to investigate Chinese election interference that may have benefited the governing Liberal party, due to his personal connections to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

At a press conference Monday, Trudeau was asked about Johnston’s contract with Navigator but said he would not comment on decisions that Johnston and his team made “to manage the toxic climate that they’re operating in.”

“We shouldn’t have to hire a rapporteur who is a cottage neighbor, a family friend, ski buddy and member of the Trudeau Foundation and then have him try to reverse the reputational damage that that obvious conflict has caused by paying expensive consultants to do damage control,” Poilievre said Monday.

“So, we think we can skip all this, save all this money by going straight to a public inquiry.”
Meanwhile, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh is expected to replace the NDP’s usual member on the committee, MP Rachel Blaney, to question Johnston personally. Singh did the same thing when Loblaws CEO Galen Weston appeared at a different committee earlier this year.

Johnston has argued that a public inquiry is not advisable because it would duplicate the work he’s already done as special rapporteur and much of the evidence collected by intelligence agencies could not be made public for reasons of national security. This has been repeatedly proven false by current & former members of these intelligence agencies, & the fact that other public inquiries dealing with sensitive & secret matters are a thing that exist.

He (Johnston) instead has said he will ‘personally’ oversee public hearings with Canadians, government officials, experts and other interested parties to ‘discuss’ foreign interference, its effects on diaspora communities, and policy measures that could improve the government’s response.

The public hearings that David Johnston would personally oversee are not intended to examine foreign interference in the past two federal elections.

A string of leaks to news reporters from intelligence sources over the last several months has alleged that China targeted Conservative MPs in recent federal elections, because the party was seen as unfriendly to the communist regime, while it worked to help the Liberals, including allegedly collaborating with some individual Liberal MPs.
(the term “Independent” seems to have been dropped from David Johnston’s title in the link above also)
Where is the video of him falling down ?