Rapporteur David Johnson, Eminent Canadian

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I would be happy at this point with Jagmeet Singh, just allowing parliament to operate as it supposed to in a minority government.

The majority of MPs want an inquiry called and they need to use the tools at their disposal to force the government’s hand. That includes the Non-Coalition Coalition between the NPD/Liberals.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I would be happy at this point with Jagmeet Singh, just allowing parliament to operate as it supposed to in a minority government.

The majority of MPs want an inquiry called and they need to use the tools at their disposal to force the government’s hand. That includes the Non-Coalition Coalition between the NPD/Liberals.
As long as Singh continues to support the liberals , Justin will remain king . And Jagmeet needs his pension .

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
OTTAWA - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he has confidence in David Johnston, even as the House of Commons is about to vote in favour of a motion to push him out of his job.
Opposition parties decried the appointment because of Johnston’s family connections to the prime minister’s family and the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation.

Trudeau brushed off those concerns, telling reporters that he views the matter as political parties wanting to score “partisan points.” ???

The Conservatives and Bloc Québécois, however, are expected to vote Wednesday afternoon in favour of a motion put forward by the New Democrats that calls on Johnston “to step aside from this role.”

The motion also calls on the government to instead launch a public inquiry into the issue of foreign interference, which the former governor general recommended against in his initial report last week.

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh has attempted to walk a fine line in promoting the motion. He hasbeen saying that while he has no qualms with Johnston, he understands that others do and this creates and that creates an appearance of bias that taints his work.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Opposition parties adopted an NDP motion on Wednesday, calling on the Liberal government to remove former governor-general David Johnston as special rapporteur on Chinese foreign interference and to instead set up an independent public inquiry.

The non-binding motion passed in the Commons by 174 to 150, with Liberal MPs voting against the measure….so no surprise there…
It’s a formal signal that a majority of MPs in the House of Commons have lost confidence in the ability of Mr. Johnston to do his job.

The former governor-general released a statement saying that he will stay on in the face of an overwhelming vote of non-confidence and an expression of the will of a majority of MPs in the minority Parliament.

Former House of Commons law clerk Rob Walsh said Mr. Johnston can ignore the will of Parliament because he answers ONLY to the Prime Minister….Which is the issue.

“What is Justin Trudeau trying to hide here?” Mr. Blanchet told reporters. “We are not going to abandon this until the government abides by the fundamental rules of democracy and provide Canadians with all the facts in a credible process.”

Opposition parties as well as legal and national-security experts say a public inquiry, headed by a judge with subpoena powers, could hear secret testimony in-camera as has been done on other public commissions.

“When I accepted the mandate to act as Independent Special Rapporteur, I did so with full knowledge of the fact that the work ahead would be neither straightforward nor uncontroversial,” Johnston said in a news release following the vote in the Commons Wednesday. “These are delicate and important matter and must be addressed with the seriousness that is warranted.”

Serious like a Judge, which David Johnston is not, and the majority or PM’s (174 to 150) want a Judge with subpoena powers in a Public Inquiry.

Johnston said he “deeply” respects the right of the House of Commons “to express its opinion” but said his mandate comes from the government….= Justin Trudeau and his MINORITY in Parliament. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau brushed off those concerns on his way to a Liberal caucus meeting on Wednesday morning.

Jagmeet needs to Shit or get off the pot. Bloc Leader Yves-François Blanchet was visibly frustrated by the prime minister’s comments on Wednesday, ahead of the vote on the motion.

“What I cannot accept is that the biggest threat to democracy right now is becoming Justin Trudeau rather than China,” he said in French.

“His attitude, his pretentiousness, his arrogance, his lack of consideration for voters of the majority of the House of Commons has reached a level that even his father has never attained.”


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
We will soon see Trudeau crying crocodile tears while he throws his Johnston under the bus and announces a public inquiry with of course his office setting the conditions .

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
It’s coming to a head like a festering boil:

My favourite reply comes just before the 1 minute mark….”….Yes, & he left in the middle of a semester & I’m having trouble remembering why”….

Blanchet is fed up too. Something has got to give, and the only thing to reel this nonsense in is Jagmeet to stop propping up the Liberals in the non-coalition coalition so that Trudeau with his Minority isn’t behaving like he has a majority. I can see, & this isn’t that far fetched, the NDP Federally turfing their own leader to put somebody in place with a spine.

Parliament has voted for a second time to call for a public inquiry into China’s interference in our democracy. For a second time, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is ignoring the will of Parliament and refusing to call an inquiry, saying that the investigation headed up by his good friend David Johnston is enough.

The only way Trudeau can keep this from ratcheting up is to actually shut down parliament instead of just ignoring its Majority of MP’s. If they’re alluding openly about his (open secret with a NDA) leaving the teaching profession…which has been left alone for his decade in politics…it’s going to get nastier. Will parliament make it to June 23rd, 2023?

On a different note, this is Dan Stanton, who’s a former executive manager in CSIS:

(Singh has made it clear that he doesn't intend to pull his support in his non-coalition coalition thing, enabling Trudeau to continue ignoring parliament even though he has a Minority Government)
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Singh said that the problem from the outset of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appointing Johnston in March as part of a suite of measures meant to assuage Canadians' concerns about foreign interference, is the process is not “independent” from the government.

Unfortunately, with the NDP/Liberal Non-Coalition Coalition…the NDP aren’t “Independent” from the government as long as they are in this non-agreement agreement to prop up the liberal government, no matter what…

Within an hour of the non-binding motion being passed, Johnston issued a statement asserting his intention to continue on with his work. He said that while he "deeply" respects the right of the House of Commons to "express its opinion about my work going forward" his mandate came from ‘the government.’

"'My mandate comes from the government.' He means exactly what he says: he's not independent. He's solely accountable to the very government suspected of knowingly ignoring foreign interference," tweeted Conservative deputy leader on Wednesday.

Calls for an “Independent” Public Inquiry continue to be ignored by David Johnston & Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party as long as Jagmeet Singh continues to prop them up regardless of what scandals they’re involved in. Jagmeet makes noise, but doesn’t back it up with ‘real’ action, which holds Parliament & Canada hostage to a MINORITY Liberal Party.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Singh said that the problem from the outset of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appointing Johnston in March as part of a suite of measures meant to assuage Canadians' concerns about foreign interference, is the process is not “independent” from the government.

Unfortunately, with the NDP/Liberal Non-Coalition Coalition…the NDP aren’t “Independent” from the government as long as they are in this non-agreement agreement to prop up the liberal government, no matter what…

Within an hour of the non-binding motion being passed, Johnston issued a statement asserting his intention to continue on with his work. He said that while he "deeply" respects the right of the House of Commons to "express its opinion about my work going forward" his mandate came from ‘the government.’

"'My mandate comes from the government.' He means exactly what he says: he's not independent. He's solely accountable to the very government suspected of knowingly ignoring foreign interference," tweeted Conservative deputy leader on Wednesday.

Calls for an “Independent” Public Inquiry continue to be ignored by David Johnston & Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party as long as Jagmeet Singh continues to prop them up regardless of what scandals they’re involved in. Jagmeet makes noise, but doesn’t back it up with ‘real’ action, which holds Parliament & Canada hostage to a MINORITY Liberal Party.
I always thought the House of Commons is government , silly me .

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
NDP leader Jagmeet Singh has said he won’t end his party’s deal (non-deal deal with a non-coalition coalition?) with the Liberals and potentially trigger an election, until confidence in the electoral process is restored???
Don’t hold your breath.

A new Léger poll for the National Post suggests Singh’s hope is analogous to the old trope that the beatings will continue until morale improves.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The non deal deal will expire the moment Jag's pension is secure.
Which is early in 2025 if I remember correctly. I’m sure that’s part of the deal with Trudeau…but Trudeau will throw Singh under the bus in a heartbeat if it suits his needs at any given time….& what will Jagmeet do? Nothing ‘cuz he can’t admit it exists.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
A July, 2021 CSIS assessment warning Beijing was targeting a Conservative MP and his relatives in China was sent to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s national-security adviser at the time, as well as three deputy ministers, but it’s unclear if anyone read the top-secret document, MPs heard Thursday.
"Our democracy is built on trust," the nearly 82-year-old former governor general said, but at this point, only Justin Trudeau and those in the Federal Liberal Party trust him.

Members of Parliament continued to call for the dismissal of David Johnston in parliament Thursday, one day after he — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s special rapporteur — was voted to step aside by a majority of opposing MPs for being against launching a public inquiry on foreign interference.

As Liberal MP Bill Blair continued to defend Johnston’s “allegiance” to Canada, Conservative MP Andrew Scheer suggested that instead of firing the former Governor General, for the “best interest of Canadians,” Trudeau “(chose) himself.”

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
OTTAWA - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he is committed to keeping David Johnston in place as Canada's “special rapporteur” on foreign interference, despite a majority of MPs voting in favour of his stepping down from the gig.

Trudeau said in Toronto Friday that he looks forward to public hearings (as opposed to a real Public Inquiry) the governor general is expected to hold "across the country" over the coming months before he releases a final report by the end of October.

The House of Commons passed an NDP motion earlier this week, with the support of Conservative and Bloc Québécois MPs, that urged Johnston to step aside and asked the government to call a public inquiry with someone who’s actually Independent with subpoena powers, ect… that’s acceptable to ALL of Parliament instead of just Justin Trudeau & the Libs.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
OTTAWA - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he is committed to keeping David Johnston in place as Canada's “special rapporteur” on foreign interference, despite a majority of MPs voting in favour of his stepping down from the gig.

Trudeau said in Toronto Friday that he looks forward to public hearings (as opposed to a real Public Inquiry) the governor general is expected to hold "across the country" over the coming months before he releases a final report by the end of October.

The House of Commons passed an NDP motion earlier this week, with the support of Conservative and Bloc Québécois MPs, that urged Johnston to step aside and asked the government to call a public inquiry with someone who’s actually Independent with subpoena powers, ect… that’s acceptable to ALL of Parliament instead of just Justin Trudeau & the Libs.
It’s good to be king .

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
"All the parties in the House of Commons should come together and agree on someone who is not partisan, not connected to any party leader and who has a track record of objectivity, preferably as a judge," Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre said.

This opinion is also reflected with the Leaders of the Bloc & NDP Party’s. Assumably also with Elizabeth May of the Green Party with both of her MP’s. Has anybody seen or heard from her lately? Just a sign of life even? Anyway, combined, these opposition MP’s are the Majority in Parliament.

In the 2021 Election, Trudeau won a third term as prime minister, his second minority government.

A minority government, minority cabinet, minority administration, or a minority parliament is a government and cabinetformed in a parliamentary system when a political party or coalition of parties does not have a majority of overall seats in the legislature.

It is sworn into office, with or without the formal support of other parties, enabling a government to be formed. Under such a government, legislation can only be passed with the support or consent of enough other members of the legislature to provide a majority, encouraging multi-partisanship.

I hope Bill C-11 will not remove Jagmeet Singh’s ability to Google the same thing that I just did…& that Wikipedia isn’t labeled as Disinformation or Cisinformation or Misinformation by the current government.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I hear Robin Camp's free.
Do you think all (?) or the majority of Parliament would agree on him?

David Johnston, Canada's special rapporteur on foreign interference, has hired a firm specializing in crisis communications to support him — and taxpayers are footing the bill, CBC News has learned.

Valérie Gervais, a spokesperson for Johnston, confirmed that the former governor general, appointed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to investigate foreign interference in Canadian politics, first retained Navigator at the start of his mandate as special rapporteur to provide "communications advice and support."

Navigator offers a range of communications services, including "reputation recovery" and "narrative and messaging." Its slogan is, "When you can't afford to lose."

(This is from the CBC even)
CBC News asked for an estimate of how much taxpayers are paying for Navigator's services to Johnston. His office has not answered that question.

"In accordance with the Terms of Reference and Treasury Board policies, the Independent Special Rapporteur is authorized to incur necessary expenses to conduct an ‘independent’ review," Gervais wrote.
Johnston is set to appear for three hours before a parliamentary committee on Tuesday to discuss his report on foreign interference by China's government.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I'm dead certain all of Parliament wouldn't agree on "Canada is a country."

And as far as a public inquiry goes, I see little chance that most of Parliament would agree on it.
You may very well be right. Johnston is set to appear for three hours before a parliamentary committee on Tuesday to discuss his report on foreign interference by China's government.

“Hey Dave, in your report, you seem to have completely missed the Trudeau Foundation whose board you were on when it was accepting funds from the Chinese government. Why?
I’m expecting that question to come up Tuesday, & be on YouTube on Wednesday.