Quit Picking on the Republicans


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
The king of the misogynists.

You're right, the MSM would be on her from day one, they hate women so much.
I don't know she is one gorgeous looking woman with a lot of followers...can't have even a hint of that type of discrimination


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
GOP candidate who supports abstinence-only learns it doesn’t work the hard way.

In 2013 he co-sponsored the Abstinence-Only Reallocation Act which would award school’s state money for abstinence-only education programs. He has also consistently railed against the ACA’s contraceptive mandate. So it will come as no surprise that Cassidy’s 17 year-old (unmarried) daughter is pregnant.

Senate candidate Bill Cassidy discloses that his teenage daughter is pregnant | NOLA.com



Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State

Small wonder why Millenials have lost interest in CONservative ways:

The GOP self-destruction is complete: millennials officially hate conservatives | Ana Marie Cox | Comment is free | theguardian.com

The GOP self-destruction is complete: millennials officially hate conservatives
The backlash machine has finally backfired with a generation that cringes at old people yelling at gay clouds ... Republicans were already destined for piecemeal decimation due to the declining numbers of their core constituency. But they don't just have a demographic problem anymore; they have stylistic one. The conservative strategy of outrage upon outrage upon outrage bumps up against the policy preferences and the attitudes of millennials in perfect discord

more ....

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister

Gvt has kept going back to the well so often in leaning on corp entities that the biggest (read: contribute the most) offshore their companies to avoid the taxes (perfectly legal btw).

A company like Apple or (many) investment funds and resource companies can essentially make billions more by virtue of not paying egregious rates that gvt keeps on hiking the rates on.

The real message in this meme is that if you keep shooting at the goose that lays the golden eggs, it eventually learns to stay away from the field that has hundreds of people standing around with loaded shotguns


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
This is what the Republican supreme court has made of corporations:

Cartoon: Bible Stories for Newly Formed and Young Corporations

Yup democrat supporting corporations and crony capitalism go hand in hand .
Funny how the party of the little person and environmental protection is the party of such .
Berkshire Hathaway gee doesn't Warren Buffet democrat billionaire pay less taxes than his secretary ?
Tom Steyar Democrat hedge fund manager Billionaire .
Goldman Sacks no democrats their , they are all on the public purse in the currant administration .
And of course rich democrats getting rich while in office or shortly after leaving .
Harry Reid Al ( I invented the internet ) Gore , the Clintons who left the White House broke .

Yup democrats the party of other peoples money .


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Texas GOP’s secret anti-Hispanic plot: Smoking gun emails revealed

Rick Perry and GOP state leaders go on trial today -- and the verdict could mean big things for Voting Rights Act

Texas GOP’s secret anti-Hispanic plot: Smoking gun emails revealed - Salon.com

Lawyers for the African-American and Hispanic voting-rights plaintiffs consider Opiela emails “a smoking gun.” The correspondence will play a starring role at a trial scheduled to start today in a San Antonio federal court in a redistricting case, Perez v. Perry. The litigation pits the plaintiffs, who have been joined by the Obama administration, against Texas and its Republican state leaders, including Gov. Rick Perry in his official capacity.
If the Obama administration and the minority plaintiffs show in Perez that the Texas defendants intentionally discriminated against minority voters by diluting their votes, they could dramatically undo the Texas consequences of Shelby.

With the ever increasing Hispanic population growing in Texas, proportional representation is critical to Democratic party success. Even though the federal courts are dominated by Republicans, based on this report (if accurate) it should have considerable impact on reversing years of gerrymandering and other unfair political practices by the GOP.