Quit picking on Obama……


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Nice picture - reminds me of the many vacations Bush took rather than attend veterans funerals when their deaths were caused by his war.
Presidents don't attend military funerals for good reason. It would be disrespectful to detract attention from the family of the deceased, as would be inevitable if the President showed up.

Obama hasn't attended any military funerals either. Nor did Clinton. Nor Bush 41. Nor Reagan. Get the picture, or shall I go on?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Reagan showed up at a funeral that honored Nazi war dead just in case you didn't know.
Yeah, that's relevant.

Oh, by the way, you're also a liar. Reagan attended a memorial service, not a funeral, for dead German soldiers, which necessarily included some SS members, on the same day he attended a memorial service for victims of the Nazis. His point was that everybody suffered, and that former enemies have become friends.

On Ocracoke Island, people maintain the graves of British sailors who washed ashore. Britain was an enemy of the United States in two wars, just like Germany. Unlike Germany, Britain attacked the U.S. homeland. I await your condemnation of the people of Ocracoke.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Yeah, that's relevant.

Oh, by the way, you're also a liar. Reagan attended a memorial service, not a funeral, for dead German soldiers, which necessarily included some SS members, on the same day he attended a memorial service for victims of the Nazis. His point was that everybody suffered, and that former enemies have become friends.

On Ocracoke Island, people maintain the graves of British sailors who washed ashore. Britain was an enemy of the United States in two wars, just like Germany. Unlike Germany, Britain attacked the U.S. homeland. I await your condemnation of the people of Ocracoke.

Yeah and he was criticized for attending that Nazi memorial.

Had that been Obama the right wing would be all up in shtt about it.

Well Gopher... are you done being stupid today?

(showed up a a funeral that honored Nazi war dead... geez)

Eagle you need to stop sucking up. Ok?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Yeah and he was criticized for attending that Nazi memorial.

Had that been Obama the right wing would be all up in shtt about it.
He was criticised for breathing. Just like Obama.

So, your point is that it's OK to criticise everything Reagan ever said, did, or thought, but not OK to do the same to Obama?

Nice hypocrisy.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
You have only been on this forum for one year and obviously missed how the right wingers defended Bush in his endless vacations trips while the two wars were going on. The photo from the Daily News (the same paper that strenuously defended the Vietnam war until the Pentagon Papers were disclosed) is a stupid one that suggests Obama did nothing to prevent the vicious murder of that reporter. Nor does it offer any solution to the problem.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
You have only been on this forum for one year and obviously missed how the right wingers defended Bush in his endless vacations trips while the two wars were going on. The photo from the Daily News (the same paper that strenuously defended the Vietnam war until the Pentagon Papers were disclosed) is a stupid one that suggests Obama did nothing to prevent the vicious murder of that reporter. Nor does it offer any solution to the problem.
You may have forgotten, given your Bush Derangement Syndrome, that Bush responded to the criticism of him playing golf whilst "our heroes were dying in Iraq" by giving up golf for the duration of his presidency.

No, on second thought, I calculate you haven't forgotten that. That's why you're focussing on his vacations. Because you hate the air Bush breathes. Which is fine, just makes you another lackwit winger. But to condemn the right-wingers for being just like you are is. . . well, I guess it's typical for a lackwit winger.


Time Out
Jul 28, 2014
What I love the most is the total hypocrisy of this all.

Obama has done so many Bush type things and for the most part the liberal media defend him.

Bush did so many Obama type things and for most the conservative media defended him.

The media is crap.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
What I love the most is the total hypocrisy of this all.

Obama has done so many Bush type things and for the most part the liberal media defend him.

Bush did so many Obama type things and for most the conservative media defended him.

The media is crap.
Gotta admit, it accurately represents the population it "serves."


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
You may have forgotten, given your Bush Derangement Syndrome, that Bush responded to the criticism of him playing golf whilst "our heroes were dying in Iraq" by giving up golf for the duration of his presidency.

No, on second thought, I calculate you haven't forgotten that. That's why you're focussing on his vacations. Because you hate the air Bush breathes. Which is fine, just makes you another lackwit winger. But to condemn the right-wingers for being just like you are is. . . well, I guess it's typical for a lackwit winger.

Bullshtt right wing ignorance is too funny and pathetic. Had you troubled yourself to do your homework before attempting to BS your way out of your puny argument you would have known your hero Bush continued to vacation during the height of his wars:

Crew of 42 » The Most Vacationing President in U.S. History: George W. Bush

In 2005, the Washington Post noted President Bush’s frequent vacations in a piece titled Vacationing Bush Poised to Set a Record a Bush took the longest single vacation — 5 weeks — of any President in 36 years.

President Bush spent 32% of his presidency on vacation.

Bush passed Reagan in total vacation days in 2005 with three and a half years left in his presidency. Reagan spent all or part of 335 days in Santa Barbara over his 8 year presidency. Bush spent 487 days at Camp David during his presidency and 490 days at his Crawford, Texas ranch, a total of 977 days.

When you add the days President Bush spent at Kennebunkport, Maine, he spent a total of 1,020 days away from the White House — close to 3 years.

For a lawyer you make the puniest debate points in this forum.
If you weren't so blinded by your hatred for Obama and tried to view information with more objectivity you just might be a better, more effective debater.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Bullshtt right wing ignorance is too funny and pathetic. Had you troubled yourself to do your homework before attempting to BS your way out of your puny argument you would have known your hero Bush continued to vacation during the height of his wars:

Crew of 42 » The Most Vacationing President in U.S. History: George W. Bush

In 2005, the Washington Post noted President Bush’s frequent vacations in a piece titled Vacationing Bush Poised to Set a Record a Bush took the longest single vacation — 5 weeks — of any President in 36 years.

President Bush spent 32% of his presidency on vacation.

Bush passed Reagan in total vacation days in 2005 with three and a half years left in his presidency. Reagan spent all or part of 335 days in Santa Barbara over his 8 year presidency. Bush spent 487 days at Camp David during his presidency and 490 days at his Crawford, Texas ranch, a total of 977 days.

When you add the days President Bush spent at Kennebunkport, Maine, he spent a total of 1,020 days away from the White House — close to 3 years.

For a lawyer you make the puniest debate points in this forum.
If you weren't so blinded by your hatred for Obama and tried to view information with more objectivity you just might be a better, more effective debater.
You know what Gopher politics is give and take .Men and Women representing their communities trying to do the best for the most .
Men and Women that are simply that human beings with all their faults and strengths . You bad me good just does not work and never will .


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
There's an old say about "not being able to see the forest for the trees"- you're amongst the trees, I'm a fair distance away!

That's another way of stating that your understanding of American political culture isn't empirical. It's sort of like an understanding of death. An understanding of death based on its perception by a bystander differs from an understanding of death acquired by the experience of dying.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
That's another way of stating that your understanding of American political culture isn't empirical. It's sort of like an understanding of death. An understanding of death based on its perception by a bystander differs from an understanding of death acquired by the experience of dying.

That understanding is pretty fleeting and generally doesn't go anywhere.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
That still leaves a multitude of other possibilities.

I'm sure there's other possibilities (like Edgar Cayce and Sylvia Browne) but I'm not sure there's any that have been verified! I was once pretty well convinced of Edgar Cayce, but since then I've found a lot of people are skeptical of him.