Police State News 3


Electoral Member
Dec 6, 2004
Whitby, Ontario
mrmom2 said:
Where to start Hmmmm .How about the goverment not knowing what I'm spending my money on for starters .How about the freedom to get in my car and go where i want without some goverment official knowing .Where do you think this will all lead ?I think it will lead to enslavement.It's called the cashless society electronic control grid and we are not very far from it :wink: Everything you buy everywhere you go everything you do track and traced by the state .I'm sorry but politicians lie corporations lie and their take of money never seems to go down only up :x

Well if you don't want anyone to know what you spend your money on, then pay cash always. I don't think the gov cares how you spend you money.

As for this right to go where you want without government knowing, well you still have that right. You can walk, ride a bike and they won't know, unless you pass a traffic camera. I do believe the mobility rights in the charter did not cover about who would know and wouldn't know about your movements, they just said you could have free movement.

For me, I don't care. People can track me, know what I spend money on. How does that impact me? I don't see how I"m going to become a slave. Illogical conclusion!


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Ok Spock :p Theres no convincing some people thats fine but I bet will hear the whining when the goverment takes 100% of your paycheck :wink:


Electoral Member
Dec 6, 2004
Whitby, Ontario
mrmom2 said:
Ok Spock :p Theres no convincing some people thats fine but I bet will hear the whining when the goverment takes 100% of your paycheck :wink:

What does raising taxes have to do with tracking of people?

They are two separate issues. If I were Spock, I come out to the Okanogan and give you the Vulcan death grip for coming up with such an illogical argument!


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Nonono not the Vulcan death grip :wink:
I'm not very good at arguing my point :oops: Our goverment is in the early stages of setting up a cashless society control grid Das Have you ever heard of the Pheonix ?Thats where were headed a world currency controlled by a few for their own gain at the expense of the rest of us :(


Electoral Member
Dec 6, 2004
Whitby, Ontario
mrmom2 said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Nonono not the Vulcan death grip :wink:
I'm not very good at arguing my point :oops: Our goverment is in the early stages of setting up a cashless society control grid Das Have you ever heard of the Pheonix ?Thats where were headed a world currency controlled by a few for their own gain at the expense of the rest of us :(

A little far fetched if you ask me. I'll be cruising the galaxy on the Enterprise before this new world order takes hold.

Apparently our rights have been infringed on for many years now, and it is getting worse, but I don't see it. I, as an average Canuck, have never felt that I have had my rights or freedoms taken away. If people want to track me, go ahead, what are they going to do with the info? I mean what would they find? I think they would be sadly disappointed in tracking me and would find themselves bored.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
Quote from article:
Children as young as 3 can be labeled as potential criminals, the report's writers claim, if the exhibit bullying behavior in nursery school or if there is a history of criminality in the immediate family.

What a load of crap. How can you determine how a 3 year old will turn out. Branding a 3 year old as a potential criminal is insane and not to mention it would make things worse for the child being branded as a criminal at such a young age. The kid would be screwed up just from being told he will grow up being a potential criminal.

Eighty-five percent of prisoners in UK juvenile detention facilities have histories of bullying in school, say researchers cited in the report, while 43 percent of male adult prisoners have children with criminal records.

Well the schools need to do something about bullying. Kids learn from parents and even teachers about behaviour. If there is violence in the home or school chances are kids will be violent or aggressive growing up. The cycle can be broken if some parents were to try a little harder.

The document proposes parenting classes when a child is identified as a potential criminal and intensive foster care for children who are not "under control.


Jo Canadian

Council Member
Mar 15, 2005
PEI...for now

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
I think not said:
Ocean Breeze said:

guess "they" feel the US flag must be "protected"

( does not apply to other countries -phew!!) :wink:

Sure it does. But the vote isn't over yet. And Australia has banned flag burning.

Australian flags or US flags??? :wink:

seriously, I read something about this in an Aussie news outlet.

......and it really isn't a bad idea. Some things must retain respect.....and a national flag is one of them