lol But, Quebec's attitude towards language HAS caused people to leave. It IS a big issue there.
lol But, Quebec's attitude towards language HAS caused people to leave. It IS a big issue there.
Not sure how many of you folks in the rest of Canada know about the laws here in Quebec allowing for discrimination based on language. Well, there are "recent" new laws which amount to a clear violation of civil rights.
French speaking persons living in Quebec can sponsor a close family member, while English speaking persons no longer can.
Several years ago, my Husband was able to sponsor me, an American citizen to move to Canada (Quebec). Like myself, my husband is an English speaking person, who was educated in English in his home town of Montreal, where we both now live.
We were recently looking at sponsoring another close family member, however although we qualify and will easily get approved by Immigration Canada, we cannot complete the sponsorship as the Quebec forms now need to be filled out in French. I am an American, and my husband was educated in English in Montreal, so neither of us are capable of filling out the forms in French. This law was not around 9-10 years ago as my husband did not have to fill out any French forms in order to legally sponsor me to move to Montreal, otherwise we would not be here.
My question is, why have English schools and universities in Montreal if you are going to deny civil rights to citizens who are part of the English speaking community?
We are now seriously thinking of moving to the US as I will be able to sponsor my husband and where we know our civil rights will be respected.
Please don't tell me these are the forms you want in English...
Immigration-Québec - Undertaking application - Kit A - without financial requirements
We've never had to hire an attorney before to fill out forms and we are not going to start now.
Explain to me how this makes sense. A French speaking Canadian anywhere in Canada can fill out sponsorship forms in French to sponsor a close family member to come live in Canada, however an English speaking Canadian is not entitled to the same rights. A person in his/her own home town can't sponsor a family member because they cannot fill out the forms as they can only be filled out in French.
When we mention note of this clear violation of civil rights to family, friends and officials in the U.S., they will probably not believe us. However, we'll just tell them to look it up for themselves at, bottom of page 9.
I've almost convinced my husband to packup here, sell our home and move back to the U.S.
Read the note on the bottom of page 9 ...
Read the note on the bottom of page 9 ...
Yep the US will always respect your language rights, as long as you speak english.
If its Spanish though, which is not less an official language than English and has been spoken in some regions longer, well lets see you pull that one off in some areas.
Or if you speak French, what was the government policy in Arcadian regions again?
Get off your high horse, its no different in the USA except you are the dominant language there.
Nothing stopping you from getting help. As stupid as it is, you can still proceed with your sponsorship plan - or you can leave altogether. *shrug*
I've had to pick up and drop off 'papers' at different embassies, through out the city, and a lot of them require cetain documents that will be processed by their government to be filled out in their country's official language - (of course there are exceptions)here you ususally have a choice of two. Some don't even have English forms, like China. Then the staff can hardly speak English, they point and shake their head at you and the mistake on the form, then a guard with white gloves comes out and points at you, then the door - it scares me. :-(
I've had no such problem in China. They do in fact have forms in English, and I find it a waste of ink. Why should the Chinese taxpayer be wasting all his money for his government to print forms in English when it'll be of no use to the average Japanese resident anyway. Why the special privilege just for us? We're spoilt around the world and we still complain. Well, speak loudly and slowly in the Queen
s English while looking at them condescendingly, and who knows, maybe somebody will understand.
Read the note on the bottom of page 9 ...
If you would look at this form
You would see that HALF is in English and the other HALF is exactly a match in French.. Is it that hard to compare the two and match the Block ?
This is a simple Fill in Names, Check off Yes or No.. There is no long answers to give.. How could Quebec ( a French Province ) make anymore simple for you ?
Or as ZZ says get a Lawyer or Notary Public and get the darn forms filled at minimum cost..
Better yet. Respect the local population and learn the language. OK, to be fair to you, I do recognize that it's not easy to learn a second language. But learning the basics is doable at least.
Why should they have to go to the expense of hiring an interpreter??You can't just hire an interpreter? There are plenty of bilingual people in the province who could help you. I had to do that to get my living permit in the Czech republic. I guarantee you, it was a lot harder to find an English- Czech speaker in BC than it would be to find an English-French speaker in Quebec
Last I heard immigration was a Federal responsibility. The Federal government is officially bilingual so to not supply forms in English is a violation of your rights by a provincial government in an area that it has no jurisdiction.
Last I heard immigration was a Federal responsibility. The Federal government is officially bilingual so to not supply forms in English is a violation of your rights by a provincial government in an area that it has no jurisdiction.
Why should they have to go to the expense of hiring an interpreter??
Canada is officially bilingual, so quebec should abide by that and have the English option. If they don't like it, too bad...