Oh for crying out loud.. Your husband this, your husband that.. You have an excuse for everything..
I am FRENCH and moved to BC who does not have ENGLISH Forms.. Did I whine when I moved here.. No I freaken managed to deal with the ISSUES of my own COUNTRY.. Provincial Forms in BC are in English ONLY..
If Quebec is so terrible tell me why you would want to bring another person into the a place ??????
Deal with it and get on with life..
Do I detect animosity on your part?
You are comparing Quebec with BC. Let me ask you a question or two. Does BC have publically funded French schools and universities? Does BC have designated French hospitals and majority French speaking towns? If so, then it would be possible for someone in BC to live their entire lives only in French the same way it is possible to live your day to day life soley in English in Montreal. In that case you would need the French forms in BC. HOWEVER, SOMEONE IN BC NOW STILL CAN GET FRENCH FORMS TO FILL OUT TO SPONSOR A FAMILY MEMBER, UNLIKE IN QUEBEC WHERE FILLING OUT ENGLISH SPONSORSHIP FORMS ARE A THING OF THE PAST.
Why does the government here set up a situation where someone goes through the system learning English and then gets screwed when they have to fill out forms in French? IF YOU WANT TO HAVE FRENCH ONLY FORMS, GET RID OF ENGLISH INSTITUTIONS IN MONTREAL SO YOU WOULD'NT HAVE A BUNCH OF ENGLISH SPEAKING FOLKS STUCK WITH FILLING OUT FRENCH FORMS.
Back in the US, this situation could not occur. We do not have publically funded Hispanic schools, therefore everyone there gets channeled through the English school system. Officials there are carefull as a person's civil rights would most certainly be violated when forms are not available in their language of schooling in their home town.
It's a crying shame, cause aside from the damned sponsorship forms, Montreal is a terrific city.