i dont think Putin will use nukes that are large nukes that will destroy a good part of Europe (a end of world scenario as the song above says) ,,, what im afraid of is that he will use small scale nukes or dirty bombs to lay waste to a good part of the Ukraine cities....
The news media is expressing concerns about Putin resorting to using chemical weapons , and i believe he has been reported as using thermobaric bombs ,,he has shown no restraint at all in bombing civilian apartment buildings and communities, therefore i worry that he may intend step it up to larger weaponry like small nukes with the intent to no longer conquer the Ukraine , but rather to destroy and lay waste to it as an example/warning to the USA and other nations that if they interfere with him he will in fact hold true to his word and in fact not hesitate to unleash greater weapons of mass destruction...
he does strike me as a person who is a sore losser... and loosing impart because of USA support of ukraine would be the ultimate insult to Putins failed efforts.