YOU indeed are the idiot missing the forest for the trees. YOU made the claim, back it up. Bring your facts if you can. So far we have both are dictators and one has actually invaded Ukraine. Even if/When Putin does invade that makes 2 things. Wow, you're right. Putin = Hitler.

And Xi= Tojo, right?
I made the claim because it's valid; the image and suggestion is an "apt comparison".
And if I thought you actually were interested in dialogue/discussion about the issue instead of your typical right wing/conspiracy bullshit and all the other crap you parrot out, I might even be good with doing just that.
But you've never been a discussion kind of person, just a right wing nut job that parrots the theory of the day and I am done trying to discuss real issues of concern with clueless numbskulls like you.
Still... obviously you need the help so I'll take pity on you this once.
Educate yourself with the rest of it.
FYI, Putin does NOT equal Hitler. But he IS acting an awful lot like the madman pre WW2. And while normally I despise comparing anyone to Hitler, or when other people throw Hitler's name around as a comparison to people (ie Trudeau = Hitler which if you believe that then go fuck yourself), in this case there's too much similarity for it to not be a concern.