I keep hearing rumours that Epstein's wealth was mostly smoke and mirrors, close to a Ponzi scheme. Investors who invested in his Hedge Fund and gave him power of attorney over large parts of their assets have reported that he looted those assets to support his lifestyle. His lavish properties are under murky ownership arrangements rather that clear title.
Those properties are worth over $150M, which as a rule of thumb would indicate his net worth is over a billion (ie. about 15% of his wealth in hard non income producing property), but no one is really sure who owns them or how leveraged they are. They might have been nothing but props for his 'dodge'.
Seems he's might be one of these guys, paraphrased from Citizen Kane, who are worth a billion dollars one day, and a suicide later are found to have nothing but debts, pending lawsuits and, criminal complaints in his portfolio. Not good news for all those legal vultures standing in line to scavange the 'estate'.