Obama: Throw Mubarak under the Bus!

What Should Obama do?

  • Throw Mubarak under the bus!

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • Give Mubarak more time to drive over protesters!

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • other

    Votes: 5 38.5%

  • Total voters


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Friday, February 11, 2011

Wael Ghonim of Google plays an integral part in ElBaradei's bid to seize power

another stooge working for ElBaradei Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

As many honest people are still confounded over the true nature of the Egyptian protesters occupying Cairo's Tahrir Square, yet another hero lifted up by the globocrat controlled mainstream media has turned out to be linked, knowingly or unknowingly, to a foreign plot.

Google marketing executive Wael Ghonim had gone missing on January 28, 2011 after taking part in organizing the first of the protests just days earlier. When he was freed two weeks later he was exalted a hero and served as a catalyst both in Egypt and worldwide to try and reinvigorate the faltering protest.

While Wael Ghonim is portrayed as a passionate activist fighting for the Egyptian people, his allegiances are much more specific. Having been living abroad in Dubai, his Facebook page didn't pop-up overnight, it was actually created nearly a year ago in tandem with Mohamed ElBaradei's arrival in Egypt during February 2010. Ghonim also created ElBaradei's official campaign website. Ghonim and ElBaradei then concurrently campaigned for the coming November 2010 Egyptian election and built up an opposition network in support for ElBaradei. This network included the April 6 Movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the independent labor unions now making up the bulk of the protests.

After ElBaradei's predictable loss, Ghonim shifted from campaigning to protesting. Contrary to popular belief, the protests weren't spontaneous or even tipped off by high food prices, but rather meticulously planned by Ghonim and the "Revolutionary Youth Movement," with members drawn from the opposition network ElBaradei had been busy building since early 2010. The date January 25, 2011 was specifically picked after the uprising in Tunisia played out.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
There's a few options here..

Viral propaganda.
Cut funding.
The power of the U.N. - it does have some power, it just doesn't use it.
At worst, they could send in a spook and take care of him.

Anything but a declaration of war to 'save the people of Egypt'. Please - not another stupid war.

I was making a point. ES apparently believes the US should maintain a policy of non-interference. He apparently is unaware the US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan or he doesn't consider invading and occupying a country to be meddling.

I also don't think the US should send in the military. I do think every Western Nation should seize Mubarak's assets and cut military and economic aid to Egypt.
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You are, for some reason, assuming that I pay attention to, and read, PMs, and that I somehow ignored your peace offering.
I'm not assuming anything, you ignored it. You just removed all doubt about that.

Again, you give yourself far too much importance.
We all do. It's part of the human condition. I am important to a several people in real life. On the net, I don't really care, this isn't real life. The fact that I get under your skin, says I'm important to you. You have given me some serious power there. Thanx.
Your 'little guy' comments are amusing; again, you seem to think you have some sort of authority or standing in the world.
I don't think I do. I know I do. In the real world that is.

If it makes you feel better to think you are someone special, keep right on doing so.
I didn't need you to tell me that. I was already planning on it little guy.

When you grow up and get a life, let me know. Until then stop whining when you get spanked, when you pick a fight with someone better suited for it then yourself.

I never wrote that.
I actually agree. But Germany elected Hitler.

So can we assume you will support US intervention if the Muslim Brotherhood takes power and starts wars with its neighbours and oppresses its people?

I suspect you have been misled by trolls like CB, who constantly attribute things to me that I've never said.
I've already proven every thing I have attributed to you, with direct quotes. Where none were easily attainable, I conceded. Something as foreign to you as critical thought.

I used to post rebuttals, but I don't bother anymore.
Because you got tired of being proven wrong. And looking like an ass.

In my opinion, electing a dictator is almost be an oxymoron.
You support Chacvez, he's attempting to become one. You support the Muslim Brotherhood, they will become one.

How do you fit that into your ideology?

I believe I said something along the lines that I support the right of people to elect whoever they want in free and fair elections, even if I don't like their choice. But I'm not in favor of that being a one time only permanent decision. In a true representative democracy, the mandate has a time limit, otherwise that would be electing a dictator.
How about electing a group that has all the ear marks of a dictatorship?