Obama? Oh, NO!


New Member
Sep 28, 2006
So Senator Barack Obama won the primary in Iowa.
How that happened is as mysterious to me as how he ended up in the United States Senate in the first place.
I cannot understand why the people of Illinois took it on themselves to send as a representative of that great state a man whose father is Kenyan and whose stepfather is Indonesian. How many people in Illinois share that combination?
To complicate matters his mother is a white American. I mention that only because he is being advertised as the first black president. Colin Powell would have been the first black president. Barack Obama would be the first half-black president.
Even considering that the blacks in Illinois sent him to the Senate - why did they do that? Why didn't they vote in an American black man? Why are they crowing over a half-black, half-American guy?
The answer is in our American past.
Even before the Civil War there was a concern about what would happen to freed slaves.
Questions like 'Should they be allowed to wander around on their own?' were important points of discussion.
Putting the freed slaves on ships and sending them back to Africa was a big topic.
The cost, however, of just sending the newly born children of the 4 million slaves then in the country (about 40,000 to 50,000 a year) would have bankrupted the United States Treasury so that was abandoned. The fact that it would have cost so much to ship the slaves back should be a point of interest to anti-immigrant candidates like Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee. Even if laws were passed to send all the illegal Mexican immigrants back to Mexico there isn’t enough money to do it.
In any case - the Presbyterian Church in the United States became embroiled in this problem of what to do with the freed slaves. In the South the Presbyterians became the spiritual backbone of the Confederacy while in the North they tried to become the conscience of the Union but did not succeed.
At the end of the war the Presbyterian Church in the North succeeded in setting up colleges for the freed slaves throughout the South (and a couple were located in the North). Several of these colleges still exist today.
During the past 140 years since the Civil War the Presbyterian Church has split and split again. There are several sects and splinter sects in the United States today that can trace their history to that time - but they certainly don’t point that out.
There was considerable discussion about the benefits of providing these colleges. The main point being that eventually the freed slaves would leave on their own. In fact it was widely believed and encouraged that after the slaves were freed they would eventually collect all their things and return to Africa.
The scenario was similar to that of the story that is found in the Bible of the Jews leaving Egypt. Many black churches today closely identify themselves with the Jews in Egypt. Many popular black spirituals reflect that ideal -
“Pharoah’s Army Got Drowned”, “Go Down Moses” and et cetera.
The Presbyterian Church defended and encouraged the colleges by claiming that educated American blacks, when they eventually decided to leave the United States and return to Africa, would give the United States an advantage in Africa because they spoke English, had been educated in the Bible (the Protestant Bible - they were keen to ensure that ‘Romanist‘ blacks would not dominate Africa - Romanist meaning Catholic) and so, would be able to conquer and overwhelm the illiterate savages that had been left behind when the slaves were taken from Africa.
The ignorance of this stance is clear to many modern Americans but, and this point is very important, there are many churches and groups in the United States that still believe that it is the destiny of American blacks to return to Africa and rule there.
That brings us back to Barack Obama because the church he belongs to in Illinois is descended from those splinter sects that had been first chartered by the white, Northern Presbyterian Church.
Barack Obama seems to be, to many black Americans, the Messiah who is destined to lead them all back to Africa to conquer and regain their birthright.
There are several problems to this scenario. First of all, it may be said that the poor unfortunate men and women who were taken from Africa to be used as slaves were not, in the main, what one would call the ruling class in Africa at the time. The ruling class in Africa at the time were rounding up their enemies and taking them down to the shores to sell them for gold and manufactured goods to the Portugese, the Spanish, the English and later, the Americans.
The peoples who remained in Africa are not looking forward to being conquered again - no matter what the color of the returning avenger.
In the case of Barack Obama there are other troubling matters.
First of all his father, from Kenya, was in the United States getting a college education. Like many men and women in his position he apparently thought it a good idea to stay here. He then got married and fathered his son. Unlike many others in his privileged position he decided to return to where he came from and packed up and went to Kenya. He divorced his wife and abandoned his son - Barack Obama - apparently in Hawaii.
Obama’s mother then married an Indonesian and carted her son off to Indonesia - which is widely recognized as having a cruel, ignorant society based on exploiting the poor by violent means. That is - Indonesia is a slave economy. They are second only to Myanmar in their vicious treatment of their own citizens.
Obama claims that because he attended a mixed school in Indonesia that he has insight into the Muslim mind. Please recall that it was mixed school in Sudan where a visiting English teacher was threatened with death for naming a Teddy Bear ‘Mohamed’.
So Senator Obama is apparently wearing the crown of the Messiah for a splinter sect of the Presbyterian Church who believes he will lead them all back to Africa, glory and prosperity.
(Please note that the Kenya that Obama comes from is now embroiled in political violence as a petty dictator continues to rape that country for everything it is worth.)
So I can understand that the people of Illinois, who also have hosted Louis Farrakhan (an American black-muslim leader who believes that spaceships have encircled the earth and are ready to destroy all the white people), another leader who believes in the eventual repatriation of American blacks to Africa, voted in Barack Obama.
The question of what happened in Iowa is still unclear to me, however. Was it a bunch of Republican voting in the Democratic primary who have given us a choice between white and black or were the voting machines tampered with again like they were in Florida for the last presidential election?
We may never know.
It is a sad commentary on the people of Iowa that they have decided to potentially hand the reigns of our national government over to a man who admits smoking pot like a chimney and who is associated with a church whose very basis for belief is founded upon racism, bigotry and ignorance.
Maybe it is all a bad joke but I don’t want Barack Obama to be put into a position where he has access to nuclear weapons. I don’t want Barack Obama to burrow any further into our national government as he will bring along with him his followers. Even if we, like the deluded people of Illinois, give him the benefit of the doubt what guarantee is there that among his bizarre followers there are not some traitors who for a chance at glory with Allah would betray us all?
Having a man like Barack Obama in charge of the largest arsenal on earth which contains nuclear weapons, biological horrors and advanced technology is not wise.
Let him lead his people home, if they are fool enough to follow him into the ocean when he pretends to part the water, but let him leave our people alone.
I think he has gotten just about enough out of America and America has had just about enough of him.
What do you think?



Council Member
Mar 16, 2007
Calgary, Alberta

You racist prick. Get lost.

Quote: half-black, half-American

The rest of your excremental post is filled with more of the same.



New Member
Sep 28, 2006
I am not a racist.
Your personal attack is a racist rant, however. It shows an obverse racism.

'Personal attacks don't change the facts.'
Everything in the piece is historically documented.
Barack Obama is half-black and he has, if I am not mistaken, Kenyan citizenship, which makes him half-American and half-Kenyan - Kenya is in Africa - that makes him half African and in any case his father was and still is African.

Your violent attitude might work for you sometimes but you can't intimidate the truth.


Council Member
Mar 16, 2007
Calgary, Alberta
No, no, no, no, no. You can't dodge the charge that easily.

It is a schoolyard tactic to point at the one who calls you out and label your accuser a hater.

Here we go with some quotes from your post:

I cannot understand why the people of Illinois took it on themselves to send as a representative of that great state a man whose father is Kenyan and whose stepfather is Indonesian. How many people in Illinois share that combination?
To complicate matters his mother is a white American. I mention that only because he is being advertised as the first black president.

I doubt the accuracy of this statement. I doubt its relevance. It is brought up for exactly what reason, other than to point out RACE POLITICS.

Why are they crowing over a half-black, half-American guy?

Blacks aren't Americans? Just who is an American, anyway? What defines American in your racist world view?

man who admits smoking pot like a chimney

Name your source - or did you just make this up to scare us with an out of control black man - the great white racist fear?

I don’t want Barack Obama to be put into a position where he has access to nuclear weapons. I don’t want Barack Obama to burrow any further into our national government as he will bring along with him his followers.

Because why? He's black (and therefore, according to your logic not "American")?

Let him lead his people home, if they are fool enough to follow him into the ocean when he pretends to part the water, but let him leave our people alone.
I think he has gotten just about enough out of America and America has had just about enough of him.
What do you think?

I think that if you have issues with Obama's politics, you should nail him on them, and more power to you.

If you have a problem with his skin colour, keep it away from here.



New Member
Sep 28, 2006
You have attempted to confound the truth, and, of course, that won't work.

You are the dodger. Your first attack lacked any position whatsoever other than that of hatred and ignorance. Keep to the issues and stop the personal attacks.

'Personal attacks don't change the facts.'


Council Member
Mar 16, 2007
Calgary, Alberta

You're being all slippery. You aren't responding to the comments that I quoted from your post - at your request.

Again - tell us how this isn't racist tripe. Prove me I'm wrong and I'll write a big apology.

Otherwise just go away.



New Member
Sep 28, 2006
pangloss statements in parentheses

"No, no, no, no, no. You can't dodge the charge that easily."
There is no charge of racism here. There is only your sick and perverted opinion that are attempting to twist the truth.

"It is a schoolyard tactic to point at the one who calls you out and label your accuser a hater."
This is no schoolyard and these are not academic issues.
You seem well acquainted with the tactics of a bully.

"Here we go with some quotes from your post:"
Let's see what you have come up with.

I cannot understand why the people of Illinois took it on themselves to send as a representative of that great state a man whose father is Kenyan and whose stepfather is Indonesian. How many people in Illinois share that combination?
To complicate matters his mother is a white American. I mention that only because he is being advertised as the first black president.

"I doubt the accuracy of this statement. I doubt its relevance. It is brought up for exactly what reason, other than to point out RACE POLITICS."
Which statement do you doubt the accuracy of? There are several items even in that paragraph. Do you know how many half-black/half-white, half-American/half-Kenyan whose stepfathers raised them in Indonesia people live in Illinois? He is being advertised as a black candidate for President but his mother is white. That makes him half-black. So - if they are going to advertise his race they should be clear about it.

Why are they crowing over a half-black, half-American guy?

"Blacks aren't Americans? Just who is an American, anyway? What defines American in your racist world view?"
I never said blacks aren't Americans. Your hatred has colored your reading.
I am not a racist.
You need me to tell you what an American is? That would have been the point for you to define it but you seem steeped in hatred.
My definition of what an American is matches that of Thomas Jefferson : There are two prerequisites for being an American, that you be alive and that you be here.
That's probably a little bit over your head. Show it to someone you trust and ask them if you've have made a complete fool of yourself or only an idiot.

man who admits smoking pot like a chimney

"Name your source - or did you just make this up to scare us with an out of control black man - the great white racist fear?"
Barack Obama is the source. He wrote about it in his book about himself. He spoke about it on television. His voice has been transmitted on the radio about that. I don't fear an out of control anything. You are a case in point. You seem out of control and filled with irrational hatred. I am not afraid of you. I am displeased that Barack Obama is the one of the few that the Democrats can come up with to send to the White House. They obviously can't be trusted if that is the best they have got and that is exactly the sort of thing that helps the Republican party.
Are you following any of this or do you believe that Oprah Winfrey is a reasonable political power?

I don’t want Barack Obama to be put into a position where he has access to nuclear weapons. I don’t want Barack Obama to burrow any further into our national government as he will bring along with him his followers.

"Because why? He's black (and therefore, according to your logic not "American")?"
I gave you several reasons why he should not be President. There are many other reasons why he should not only be considered and many more that point to his inadequacy as a Senator from Illinois. You are ignoring them.

Let him lead his people home, if they are fool enough to follow him into the ocean when he pretends to part the water, but let him leave our people alone.
I think he has gotten just about enough out of America and America has had just about enough of him.
What do you think?

"I think that if you have issues with Obama's politics, you should nail him on them, and more power to you."
I have done that effectively and as well as I could with the information I have.
He should hit the road along with Jingles in Louisiana and Schwarzenegger in California. Do you have a problem with Americans having Americans running the government or are you one of those who hates this nation so much that they would hand it over to some clown who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth?

"If you have a problem with his skin colour, keep it away from here."
You've got some serious issues to deal with. When you get out of the schoolyard maybe they can be discussed
In the future keep to the issues and leave racism out of it.
I'd like to see you deny my allegations about the origin of the racist underpinnings of Barack Obama's church. What you would have to do is go back in time and erase over 160 years of historical information.
You obviously don't see the connection but you are advocating eugenics and segregation.
Jesus said, "Pity no man", so, you're on your own.


Jan 6, 2007
I'm with Pangloss on this one. There's no such thing as 'half black-half American'. One's a skin color, the other's a nationality. It would be akin to being half woman and half smoker. One has nothing to do with the other.

He may hold a dual citizenship as an American/Kenyan, but white people could too.

Frankly your whole supposition that he has any desire to 'lead his people to Africa' is a bit ridiculous. You're attributing the attitudes of others to him based solely on his skin color.



Council Member
Mar 16, 2007
Calgary, Alberta
I'm done here Cranston.

What you wrote is racist and you defend it, therefore you are a racist.

The goofy thing is how much energy you put into confusing what you wrote as a way of deflecting criticism and discouraging exegesis.

Oh, and of course your game of "blame the whistleblower."

Done and done, racist.



Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
It's amazing there are some people who think like this. This is more like a personal confession of who one is than an attempt at a serious discussion.

eh huh

New Member
Dec 27, 2007
Obama & The CFR

Democrat CFR

Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
John Edwards
Chris Dodd
Bill Richardson
Republican CFR

Mitt Romney
Rudy Giuliani
John McCain
Fred Thompson
Newt Gingrich

The CFR's membership is a union of politicians, bankers, and scholars, with
several large businesses holding additional corporate memberships.
Corporate members include:
Halliburton of Dubai
British Petroleum
Dutch Royal Shell
Exxon Mobile
General Electric
Lockheed Martin
Merck Pharmaceuticals
News Corp (FOX)
Time Warner
JP Morgan/ Chase Manhattan
& several other major financial institutions

Many prominent publications are influenced and controlled by the CFR:
US News & World Report
Atlantic Monthly
& several major publishing houses

I predict the CFR to win the next presidential election:lol:. I also predict a North American Union by 2012. If you think you don't get much of a say now...

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
I didn't much care for the article, and I really am not following the race down south other than the typical newsclips, but I couldn't help pipe in about the half-black thing.

I don't think the point was that he's half-American BECAUSE he's black. I read it as two separate things. Half black AND half American. No causal connection between the two.

Just my two cents.

Carry on. :)


Jan 6, 2007
I didn't much care for the article, and I really am not following the race down south other than the typical newsclips, but I couldn't help pipe in about the half-black thing.

I don't think the point was that he's half-American BECAUSE he's black. I read it as two separate things. Half black AND half American. No causal connection between the two.

Just my two cents.

Carry on. :)

He's not 'half' american.

He was born in the states. He's fully american. He may hold a dual citizenship due to his parentage, but that's through no doing of his own. And it's 'dual', not 'half' citizenship.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
He's not 'half' american.

He was born in the states. He's fully american. He may hold a dual citizenship due to his parentage, but that's through no doing of his own. And it's 'dual', not 'half' citizenship.

Fair enough, I didn't mean to make any arguments other than that of the assumption that he was being labelled half-American because he's black.

Not saying I agree with anything that was said.

Truth be told I didn't get past the first few paragraphs :)


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
It's crap, the whole thing from beginning to end. Obama's crap as well in my opinion but for no other reason than he belongs to the wealth machine something he shares with his green blue turquoise and pink fellow candidates. Who cares about colour or ancestral history, I condemn him only on his record and association with money and nothing else. All rascist must die.


Jan 6, 2007
Did he really say that?

I was going to read it, but the small type and the lack of paragraphs dissuaded me.

Obama will be the next President.

See, you're smarter than me Toro. I wasted my time reading it. lol.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
The first couple sentences are all one needs to read. The ancestry of a candidate is irrelevant. The skin tone is irrelevant.

Serious stupid going on here. Lets assume person A and person B make the same statements on all platforms. Are you telling me that you think it matters if Person A is of Latino ancestry and Person B is say Irish?

The answer is not in Americas past, your logic is from the past.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Oh, so now all of you show up, after I finished smacking down this racist poopy-head. . .;-)

Nice to know y'all got my back.


I just got back from Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, great movie by the way.

We can't all tend to the farm at all times ;)