Obama Goes It Alone, Shielding Up To 5 Million Immigrants From Deportation


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
While unilateral executive action may not be the wisest move, it is not unprecedented as Reagan did the same:




Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
And then poof! 5 million new tax payers

ah the politics of hate eh?
never see beyond that wall of preconceived ideas

Illegal aliens for the most part will never produce enough income to generate substantial tax liabilities. Most work in menial jobs that don't pay much or provide much in the way of savings for retirement. Most will end up as a net loss from a federal revenue standpoint. America really has no need for more low skilled or unskilled labor.

So what has he done that is so cruel...

You need to go live in Iran to get a better idea of what a despot truly is.

ObamaCare, even the Republicans don't want to get rid of it.. it working in their states.. they just need the price to come down and get rid of the employer mandate.

GOP Governors Say Obamacare Is Here To Stay

...and he is so cruel he just have residency to 5 million illegals... wow what a cruel man..

Personally, he has proven himself to be a pretty good fella.. a good President.

Check it out mon ami:

"Soft despotism is a term coined by Alexis de Tocqueville describing the state into which a country overrun by "a network of small complicated rules" might degrade. Soft despotism is different from despotism (also called 'hard despotism') in the sense that it is not obvious to the people.
Soft despotism gives people the illusion that they are in control, when in fact they have very little influence over their government. Soft despotism breeds fear, uncertainty, and doubt in the general populace. Alexis de Tocqueville observed that this trend was avoided in America only by the "habits of the heart" of its 19th-century populace..."

Soft despotism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Soft tyranny is an idea first coined by Alexis de Tocqueville in his 1835 work titled Democracy in America.[1] In effect, soft tyranny occurs whenever the social conditions of a particular community hinder any prospect of hope among its members.[2] For Tocqueville, hope is the driving force behind all democratic institutions.[3] As such, whenever this all-encompassing hope is taken away from the people, liberal democracy fails. Examples of this failure can be seen in the Weimar Republic of Germany during the 1930s, in the French Third Republic around 1940 or arguably throughout western democracies since the economic collapse of 2008..."

Soft tyranny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why even bother having a House of Reps or Senate then?... Self-appointed-Dictator-for-life is what you really need

The US Constitution was designed to prevent the accumulation of power. That's why it created a system of checks and balances in which the three branches of govt. had the effect of limiting each other's power. By arrogating legislative power to the executive branch Obama has done violence to the system of checks and balances established by the US Constitution. As a result the United States is moving into a post-constitutional phase. This is a very sad day for people who believe that individual liberty and personal autonomy can only exist in the realm of limited and constrained govt.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Let us be practical for a moment. Yes all illegals should be deported and make them
re enter the country legally. Now in practical terms if that were to be done the social
and economic stability of the nation would be a disaster.
All you have to do is look at the massive migration of the 1940's when India and the
country of Pakistan split and millions migrated from what was once one big nation
called India. That split has made relatively few people happy either.
So everyone is PO's with Obama well NEWS FLASH Reagan sidestepped it, the
Bush family side stepped it and before that every President who had the emerging
problem side stepped it. They class distinction ed it instead.

If you are Cuban and you can get on shore you can stay. cop out
If you are from Russia, Ireland or God knows where we just don't mention you
if you are from Mexico or Central America we will build a wall and when that doesn't
work we'll complain about you but we will not deport you.

Put that in context neither side really wants to deal with the issue
neither side believes a wall is going to do any good so they don't build a bigger one
neither side actually believes there is an economic solution to stopping them

It is time to quit bitching about it and polarizing the side they are on and get down to
actually working together to solve the problem because it will take a more than one
course of action. This is the Palestinian situation of North America Everyone wants
to fight over it and have a position on it but no one wants a solution because they'd
have nothing to fight over.

I used to firmly believe they should all be deported until the numbers in the millions
would create more expense than making them citizens and the second step is to
assist in anyway they can to make life better for these people in their own country.
we are willing to employ them at home or in America through exploiting them but we
are not willing to invest in them in their own country at a fair rate of condition.
We are not longer willing to invest in our own people at a fair rate of compensation
either. The problem is with our system period globally we are creating rich, super rich
and the poor. Something Kennedy said decades ago

If we cannot help the many who are poor we cannot save the few who are rich

that statement still rings true today


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
So everyone is PO's with Obama well NEWS FLASH Reagan sidestepped it,...

...This is the Palestinian situation of North America...

Au contraire, Reagan closed a loophole in the Simpson Mazzoli Act. Obama isn't working with any piece of legislation. He's simply decided not to enforce existing law. By doing so Obama has usurped the legislative function of Congress. The effect is the same as if Congress had revoked existing law and replaced it with new legislation. Obama is legislating on a de facto basis.

The way to deal with illegal aliens and their progeny is to be as accepting of them as the Palestinians are of the Israelis. No peace...not now, not ever.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
No he's not. And to be honest...he really didn't do much for illegal immigrants from what I can see.

What Baals Tears said (below)... It maintains the status quo for most of the illegal immigrants (albeit a few may realize a progressive opportunity)... This will be a net cost to all Americans

Illegal aliens for the most part will never produce enough income to generate substantial tax liabilities. Most work in menial jobs that don't pay much or provide much in the way of savings for retirement. Most will end up as a net loss from a federal revenue standpoint. America really has no need for more low skilled or unskilled labor.

The US Constitution was designed to prevent the accumulation of power. That's why it created a system of checks and balances in which the three branches of govt. had the effect of limiting each other's power. By arrogating legislative power to the executive branch Obama has done violence to the system of checks and balances established by the US Constitution. As a result the United States is moving into a post-constitutional phase. This is a very sad day for people who believe that individual liberty and personal autonomy can only exist in the realm of limited and constrained govt.

Well put... Sadly, what is happening now sets a new standard for other Presidents to follow if they so choose.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Au contraire, Reagan closed a loophole in the Simpson Mazzoli Act. Obama isn't working with any piece of legislation. He's simply decided not to enforce existing law. By doing so Obama has usurped the legislative function of Congress. The effect is the same as if Congress had revoked existing law and replaced it with new legislation. Obama is legislating on a de facto basis.

It is tough to explain that to people who have their minds made up. We're dealing with Gruber Voters here.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Even Republicans don't want to get rid of it? Are you daft?

They just need the price to come down! Goooood luck with that! It's going up!

Get rid of the employer mandate? If you get rid of the employer mandate so goodbye to Obamacare in its entirety.

Yeah, sorry one Republican wants to get rid of it.. Sen Ted Cruz.. funny how a guy born in Canada wants to screw the everyday American over..

Look, when the Republicans take over the Senate in 2015, you watch.. Employer Mandate will be removed.. and not much else.

ObamaCare or AHC (Affordable Health Care) is here to stay..

Money talks: Obamacare initiative makes headway in Republican states

I'm not defending it.. it needs work.. and that is what the Republicans will do.. work on it.. it's already to entrenched into the USA to just obliterate it from history.

It is tough to explain that to people who have their minds made up. We're dealing with Gruber Voters here.

I'm not a Gruber voter, George W Bush voter..

Ronald Reagan, George Bush I, and now Obama has passed Amnesty.

I'm proud of Obama for what he has done on Immigration Reform.

... it's funny how the Obama haters are crawling out of the wood work like termites.

Republicans will shoot them in the foot here.. 2016 will be a Democrat President of the Republicans continue on with their anti-Immigration stance and start going after Obama on this Amnesty deal. Latin voters and plenty of swing voter will vote Democrat, and that includes me.. I'm tired of the crying and bickering and the inability to work together.

PS. Ted Cruz is the biggest Hypocrite in Texas, you know that Canadian that only gave up his Canadian Universal Health Care after he became a senator and now has Single Payer US Health Care for life.. ;)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Yeah, sorry one Republican wants to get rid of it.. Sen Ted Cruz.. funny how a guy born in Canada wants to screw the everyday American over..

Only one Republican!

Boomer... stop being ridiculous.

Look, when the Republicans take over the Senate in 2015, you watch.. Employer Mandate will be removed.. and not much else.

Remove employer mandate and Obamacare goes kaput!

Get a grip man!

ObamaCare or AHC (Affordable Health Care) is here to stay..

Money talks: Obamacare initiative makes headway in Republican states

I'm not defending it.. it needs work.. and that is what the Republicans will do.. work on it.. it's already to entrenched into the USA to just obliterate it from history.

Maybe and maybe not.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
... it's funny how the Obama haters are crawling out of the wood work like termites.

What TF are you talking about?

Dude you're F*ed up.

Republicans will shoot them in the foot here.. 2016 will be a Democrat President of the Republicans continue on with their anti-Immigration stance and start going after Obama on this Amnesty deal. Latin voters and plenty of swing voter will vote Democrat, and that includes me.. I'm tired of the crying and bickering and the inability to work together.

Oh I know I know.

The DamnGrumpy School of U.S Politics... not having a CLUE.