Obama better toughen up or risk being written off


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
There are things that rub me the wrong way.

She is rubbing quite a few the wrong way. However they happen to be the ones who pretty much had Obama elected.

When you see stories of unethical behaviour, of someone abusing thier authority to the highest degree

I have not heard these stories and I am sure if there was validity to them they will come out.

and then turn around and call themselves a bulldog with lipstick

I think she said pitbull but you have to understand who she is trying to get her message too. She is not trying to reach the "Give Peace a Chance" crowd...no pun intended...she is trying to reach the undecided folks...particularly women. AND women who feel disenfranchised by feminists. They finally have one of their own on the ticket.

and then is on the cover of TIME, or some mag like that, wearing a button down shirt and carring a rifle,

I think Time magazine had a little to do with that as well.

Hmmmmmm ... I don't know? It came off all wrong to me. This is the image she wanted for and everyone me to have of her.

She is not trying to reach you. You've already decided...true?

Obama could have Daffy Duck for a running mate and certain people will ALWAYS vote that ticket.

Palin and everybody else thinks it's cool, fine. I don't think it's cool though. She reminds me of drama class.

"Everybody else" gets to vote too!

And all the speech writing in the world doesn't change who you really are.

So do you know who she really is?

She talks a good talk but her walk? From what I can see, I think it's a little crooked.

And I know they ALL crooked, but you asked and I'm just telling you why.

Yes you did. Much appreciated. Lots of folks are liking the way she walks.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006

Two months is a long time in elections. Plenty off time for oscillating poll numbers. Besides which, the voter maps still have Obama holding more electoral college votes.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
What's so scary about her? Apart from the fact that she thinks she knows what she's doing.

Well...because a month ago Obama was riding the wave to the Executive Office. Since Palin came on the scene she has them scrambling trying to figure out what to do about her popularity. The people...at this time... really like this woman.

She DOES know what she is doing...that is what scares them.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005

Two months is a long time in elections. Plenty off time for oscillating poll numbers. Besides which, the voter maps still have Obama holding more electoral college votes.

No doubt.

This is far from over. It is an interesting race and that is for sure.


Electoral Member
Mar 12, 2008
Eaglesmack - please don't label me as I haven't even labeled myself. Just because I believe in peace doesn't make me weak or Liberal. So eat me.

If you're telling me that you don't know anything about what she's been doing as govenor of Alaska, then I'm afraid YOU are the weak one to jump on any bandwagon that suits political fancies. You follower! If you want to know what I'm talking about, look it up fool!

Besides, shouldn't you have some knowledge about what you endorse?

Aren't you a swell example of a republican?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Eaglesmack - please don't label me as I haven't even labeled myself. Just because I believe in peace doesn't make me weak or Liberal. So eat me.

WHOOOOOA! Don't get your beads all tangled up! Who called you weak? I didn't. Do people call you that a lot so you are just assuming I think that? You've got me wrong.

If you're telling me that you don't know anything about what she's been doing as govenor of Alaska, then I'm afraid YOU are the weak one to jump on any bandwagon that suits political fancies.

It just hasn't come up in the media. I am sorry if I do not go to globalresearch or moveonDOTorg for my daily fill.

What's with the name calling?

You follower! If you want to know what I'm talking about, look it up fool!

Wow...she really does have you folks scared! I told you she did. You folks are panicking! The name calling is the first sign of a liberal melt down.

Besides, shouldn't you have some knowledge about what you endorse?

I do. I also have class and control which, from this post, shows you clearly do not.

Aren't you a swell example of a republican?

I am not...but I sure vote Republican quite a bit because the Democrats go out of their way to lose elections.


Electoral Member
Mar 12, 2008
Well...because a month ago Obama was riding the wave to the Executive Office. Since Palin came on the scene she has them scrambling trying to figure out what to do about her popularity. The people...at this time... really like this woman.

She DOES know what she is doing...that is what scares them.

She's winning the popularity contest. You said it yourself. You and I both know that the lipstick has a lot to do with it. That, and the 'leaked' picture of her that reminds me of an Online Singles promo pic. It's pathetic!!

So if Americans are going to choose thier Vice President based on popularity and spunk, and not on her past behavior in an authorative position and her reputation based on what she's actually done and not hearsay, well . . then any pretty woman who could read could've done that!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
She's winning the popularity contest.

Which equals votes...which equals four years of McCaine

You said it yourself. You and I both know that the lipstick has a lot to do with it.

Put some lipstick on Biden then. :lol:

That, and the 'leaked' picture of her that reminds me of an Online Singles promo pic. It's pathetic!!

Which picture? There are so many out there.

So if Americans are going to choose thier Vice President based on popularity and spunk, and not on her past behavior in an authorative position and her reputation based on what she's actually done and not hearsay, well . . then any pretty woman who could read could've done that!

Did not Obama win on popularity? Hillary Clinton was far more qualified.

What behavoir do you speak of? I know the Obama Campaign is searching high and low for dirt and so far they found ZILCH. Maybe you can help.

Why didn't he pick Ann Coulter? Miss America?


Electoral Member
Mar 12, 2008
Dude. For the second time, stop calling me Liberal. And you say I'm a name caller. You started it.
"WHOOOOOA! Don't get your beads all tangled up!" This is another example of name calling. You see, I'm not the hippy you imply. But your comment sure gave me a giggle.

And as for class and control, honey, you don't know a thing about me. But I'm sure if you did, you wouldn't say such things. But it's okay Eaglesmack.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Dude. For the second time, stop calling me Liberal. And you say I'm a name caller. You started it.
"WHOOOOOA! Don't get your beads all tangled up!" This is another example of name calling. You see, I'm not the hippy you imply. But your comment sure gave me a giggle.

And as for class and control, honey, you don't know a thing about me. But I'm sure if you did, you wouldn't say such things. But it's okay Eaglesmack.

Well I didn't think "liberal" was considered name calling.

The beads comment was in response to fool, weak, etc.

Likewise... you don't know a thing about me honey.


Electoral Member
Mar 12, 2008
You know I was gonna put an example on here for you but I can see that you are not really taking what I'm trying to say seriously. You're basically taking every line I write and adding you're own smart ass comments that don't really mean anything and without really answering or working together on the issue.

Believe me Eaglesmack, the 'dirt', as you so put it, is out there. You should've found it already if you were at all serious about the presidential elections. It's just that the Dems have already stated that they weren't going to perpetuate and were above that sort of thing and they're sticking to it. I don't know but I have a lot of repect for that.

If you want to talk about class, now THAT'S class.

Unlike the allusion of a pitbull wearing lipstick.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
You know I was gonna put an example on here for you but I can see that you are not really taking what I'm trying to say seriously. You're basically taking every line I write and adding you're own smart ass comments that don't really mean anything and without really answering or working together on the issue.

Believe me Eaglesmack, the 'dirt', as you so put it, is out there. You should've found it already if you were at all serious about the presidential elections. It's just that the Dems have already stated that they weren't going to perpetuate and were above that sort of thing and they're sticking to it. I don't know but I have a lot of repect for that.

If you want to talk about class, now THAT'S class.

Unlike the allusion of a pitbull wearing lipstick.

No problem. Taking out talking points is how some folks do it around here by using quotes etc. I was also trying to add a bit of humor which I can tell you are not in a mood for that.

But look...if there is dirt or corruption on her...they will use it. I think she is too new to have much. They rolled out the pregnant daughter PDQ. Unfortunately for the Dems it did not stick and sort of backlashed against them.


Electoral Member
Mar 12, 2008
No problem. Taking out talking points is how some folks do it around here by using quotes etc. I was also trying to add a bit of humor which I can tell you are not in a mood for that.

But look...if there is dirt or corruption on her...they will use it. I think she is too new to have much. They rolled out the pregnant daughter PDQ. Unfortunately for the Dems it did not stick and sort of backlashed against them.

Eaglesmack : I was using humor as well and it eluded you too. So we can say we're even.

To the point : Her daughter being pregnant doesn't have too much of an effect on me. That's her personal life. What might affect me on that, would be if it turned out that her daughter got married so young due to pressure because of her mother's political situation. That, to me, is different.

Look up the incident with the Alaska state trooper. That one I don't like because it shows something about how Palin uses her authority and how she views that role and makes one question if she understands that there are limitations to that role.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I've just read through two pages of posts, and now I want to vote for the party that has
Sarah Palin for VP......and I'm not even an American. Mr. Obama has much work to do
before the first Tuesday of November of this leap year.

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
Obama bin Laden hasn't got a chance.

I hate to say it but my aunt who's an American said she wouldn't be voting this time but I know she will - she'll be voting against the guy in the turbin

People are just being nice right now but that won't last IMO.


Electoral Member
Mar 12, 2008
Obama bin Laden hasn't got a chance.

I hate to say it but my aunt who's an American said she wouldn't be voting this time but I know she will - she'll be voting against the guy in the turbin

People are just being nice right now but that won't last IMO.

Oh my gosh! Is that what they mean when they make those Obama/Manchurian Candidate comments?

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
It's a little difficult for us in Canada to understand what exactly Obama means to the USA. For example the Blue Jays have a black coach; how many other black coaches in baseball are there?

The thing is that there is a lot of stuff going on that the media can't talk about. It was very enlightening to talk with my aunt.

Yes, the subtle innuendos you might hear in the media are hugely significant.

Most people really aren't too keen on having a black Muslim president but they would never say that.


Electoral Member
Mar 12, 2008
But he said he's not Muslim over and over. He said he was Christian. I don't understand why people haven't got that yet?