New Rulers declare Libya Liberated

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
If the Libyan War Was About Saving Lives, It Was a Catastrophic Failure

Nato claimed it would protect civilians in Libya, but delivered far more killing. It's a warning to the Arab world and Africa

By Seumas Milne

October 27, 2011 "The Guardian" - - As the most hopeful offshoot of the "
Arab spring" so far flowered this week in successful elections in Tunisia, its ugliest underside has been laid bare in Libya. That's not only, or even mainly, about the YouTube lynching of Gaddafi, courtesy of a Nato attack on his convoy.

The grisly killing of the Libyan despot after his captors had sodomised him with a knife, was certainly a war crime. But many inside and outside Libya doubtless also felt it was an understandable act of revenge after years of regime violence. Perhaps that was Hillary Clinton's reaction, when she joked about it on camera, until global revulsion pushed the US to call for an investigation.

* If the Libyan War Was About Saving Lives, It Was a Catastrophic Failure

UN ends Libya no-fly zone

UN ends Libya no-fly zone | The Raw Story

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
NTC Vows to Prosecute Those Responsible for Gadhafi Killing
Backtracking on initial denials that he was even executed, Libya's interim government vowed to find and prosecute the man who shot Gadhafi

by John Glaser, October 27, 2011

Libya’s interim government has vowed to prosecute anyone found responsible for the death of Muammar Gadhafi, in a sharp break with earlier denials that he was executed.

NTC Vows to Prosecute Those Responsible for Gadhafi Killing -- News from

Well, Well. Maybe the new leadership is going to be more civilized , legal and ethical than first thought. Kinda puts those that did this butchering and all those that supported it to major shame. (and if tried in a court of law......would be guilty of crimes against humanity.)

IF they follow through, locate and arrest those butchers and proceed to try them in a court of law can then have some respect for the new leadership and its potential for the future.

This is very good news.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
an interesting little twist:

Dual US-Libyan Citizen Appointed New Libyan Prime Minister
Abdurraheem el-Keib spent his career in academia and has at least some tenuous ties to the energy sector

by John Glaser, November 01, 2011

Abdurraheem el-Keib, a dual US-Libyan citizen, has been elected prime minister of Libya by members of the National Transitional Council who voted in a televised event on Monday, sticking ballots into a transparent box.

Dual US-Libyan Citizen Appointed New Libyan Prime Minister -- News from

Expectations are high for el-Keib in a country with persisting battles going on in loyalist pockets of Libya, large unsecured weapons stockpiles, serious charges of war crimes committed by NTC fighters, and a war torn country to try to mend together.