New law will regulate religious work and proselytizing in Russia


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
We need this in Canada......

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into law Thursday an anti-terrorism measure that seeks to increase phone and social media surveillance, as well as penalties for online extremism. The measure, which takes effect July 20, also limits proselytizing by religious groups outside of officially designated sites.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released a statement Friday, noting that missionaries "will honor, sustain and obey the law" and "work within the requirements of these changes."

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) condemned the law in a news release Friday, calling it a "guise" that authorizes "sweeping powers to curtail civil liberties."

People who conduct religious missionary work — including preaching, praying and disseminating materials — in private residences can be fined up to $15,000 and may be deported under the new law. Religious groups, such as the Mormon church, Jehovah's Witnesses and Muslim organizations, also must be registered to operate in the country. USCIRF worries that dissidents will be imprisoned; it said the law makes it "very difficult for religious groups to operate."


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
guess Putin doesn't want Russia to be the next Hawaii...
"simple greed and military interest overrode any concerns of moral right and legality. Hawaii's legitimate government was toppled using threat of American military force. Hawaii was stolen from her people for the benefit of wealthy American plantation owners and military interests, and the justifications for the crime were invented after-the-fact.
Hawaii is not legally a state! | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
the missionaries were the advance guard
"Interest in HAWAII began in America as early as the 1820s, when New England missionaries tried in earnest to spread their faith."

there are lots of other examples of how the religious are used for geopolitics, but if people can't see it by now:
there are none so blind....

social media surveillance
...from the OP
thats us
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Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
Why are they afraid?

Let everyone say what he believes without restrictions ...
there is no such forcing of anything on anyone ...

In fact, they are afraid lest the truth will be exposed to people: who may know God Most Gracious: that He is One without associate or son, and lest people may know about the glorious Quran.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
Quran 2: 256-257, which mean:
{[The Prophet – salam to him – invited some of Quraish tribesmen to convert to the Islam religion, but they said: "Abu Lahab and Abu Jah'l prevent us from believing in you, and we fear lest they should hurt us and take our wealth if we follow you; this is the meaning of His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 28: 57, which means:
(They said: " If we follow the guidance together with you [Mohammed], we shall be kidnapped out of our land.")
Therefore, this aya was revealed in reply to their words:]

256. [There can be] no compulsion in religion [: none can compel you to be disbelievers a;]
the correct way [of the Islam] has been made distinct from the error [of the association and idolatry.]
And anyone [of you] rejects [Abu-Jahl] the tyrant c, and believes in God [Alone, joining no associates with Him,] has indeed grasped a most firm handle [of ship] which is never detachable, [so he will not be drowned and will be safe of Hell if he follows the religion of the Islam.] d
God is All-Hearing [of your words], All-Knowing [of your intentions, O idolaters!]

257. God is the Patron of the believers [: He takes care about their affairs]; He brings them out of the darkness [of ignorance and unbelief] to the light [of knowledge and the Islam.]
But those who disbelieve [in the Quran and in Mohammed]: their patrons are [their arrogant chiefs:] the tyrants, [who] bring them out of the light [of knowledge and guidance brought by Mohammed] to the darkness [of ignorance and unbelief, when they invite them to their religion of the idolatry] – such [chiefs and their followers] are the fellows of Fire, to dwell therein forever.

a i.e. none has any authority or control to compel you to keep up to your religion.

b i.e. after the correctness and truth of the Islam religion has become distinct to you from the deception and error of your religion of the disbelief, idolatry and association.

c and does not obey him.

d i.e. this is a parable about one who is saved from destruction; i.e. like one drowned in the sea, and he sees a ship coming towards him, with many handles attached to it, so if he holds one of these handles, and it is firm, strong and is not detachable, he will be saved by it from the drowning.

So likewise, anyone holds fast with the Islam religion, will be safe of Hell and will go to Paradise [in heaven.]

The interpretation is by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly.


Council Member
Jan 30, 2016
Organized religion has no place in the face of people who don't want them there. If your a believer in one of the words religion, then go there and do whatever you want to do there. This is me, but I do not want you at my door, I do not want you preaching to me, I'd rather stick a pin in my eye, you cannot convince me with your stupid rhetoric to take your hand and start fuc&^%ing singing or something. Keep it in your place of worship please, if ever I change my mind, I know where to find you..... on top of the most expensive real estate in every big or small city on earth.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If you ever saw what a mess religion-especially but not specifically Mormonism- has made of countries in the South Pacific you'd see where Putin is coming from.
You mean how Russian Othodox Church is a propaganda arm of the Neo-Soviets as to where Putin is coming from?

bill barilko

Senate Member
Mar 4, 2009
If you ever saw what a mess religion-especially but not specifically Mormonism- has made of countries in the South Pacific you'd see where Putin is coming from.
Is see that Walter doesn't like my post-I guess his 'Magic Underwear' is too tight.