Neither USA nor EU nor Russia nor any other state can reverse the weather change

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
It's not religion that fears death, it's people, religion is part of the response to it. I know of no religion that doesn't claim some part of the personality lives on after the death of the body.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
But since you brought it up, I'd have to say that religion does seem to me to be much about death and destruction. To take the example most familiar to most of us (except Torch light), Christianity believes in the efficacy of a single brutal human sacrifice, scapegoating one person for the malfeasance of us all, for all time, and looks forward to his return which will be the occasion of much more death and destruction, the end of the world in effect and the permanent condemnation of all those who don't believe the right things, if you read Revelation carefully. You seem to have a more nuanced view of that than most Christians, but it seems to me that many Christians look forward to all that mayhem as a harbinger of the best possible news, the second advent. Islamic eschatology is no better, just look at Torch light's frequent lip smacking descriptions of what will happen to all us atheists and idolaters and unbelievers. They're death cults, both of them, gleefully looking forward to the end of all things by fire and sword, and enslaving the few survivors in a permanent divinely ordered dictatorship.

Fortunately there's no reason to think any of it's true, the danger is that it can be self-fulfilling if enough people believe it.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
But since you brought it up, I'd have to say that religion does seem to me to be much about death and destruction. To take the example most familiar to most of us (except Torch light), Christianity believes in the efficacy of a single brutal human sacrifice, scapegoating one person for the malfeasance of us all, for all time, and looks forward to his return which will be the occasion of much more death and destruction, the end of the world in effect and the permanent condemnation of all those who don't believe the right things, if you read Revelation carefully. You seem to have a more nuanced view of that than most Christians, but it seems to me that many Christians look forward to all that mayhem as a harbinger of the best possible news, the second advent. Islamic eschatology is no better, just look at Torch light's frequent lip smacking descriptions of what will happen to all us atheists and idolaters and unbelievers. They're death cults, both of them, gleefully looking forward to the end of all things by fire and sword, and enslaving the few survivors in a permanent divinely ordered dictatorship.

Fortunately there's no reason to think any of it's true, the danger is that it can be self-fulfilling if enough people believe it.
Monotheistic religions seem to be all about death, fear of death, and dominance. Polytheistic religions are basically just superhero comic books. And Cosmic Muffin religions are just overthought morality.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
No matter where you go on Earth, there is god even when cultures were remote and without contact.

Think aboot that.
All people know God Almighty and Most Gracious: the Creator, but most of them associate other things or objects with Him in the worship and glorification : this is the idolatry or the associating of others with God.
While others: the atheists: they in fact ignore God or deny Him.
At last all people will submit themselves to God : the believers submit willingly, while the atheists and idolaters will be compelled to submit themselves in the Hereafter after death, when they will suffer the punishment.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
That's not knowledge, it's a false claim. It's hardly a conceit to accept what the evidence says, and the evidence says that temperature has no effect of gravitational forces. You've produced no evidence to the contrary, you just keep repeating the claim of Al-Hilly, a scientific illiterate, based on no evidence at all. Produce the evidence and I'll consider it, and if you can prove the claim there'll be a Nobel in it for you, which comes with a nice pile of money. Legions of physicists and engineers, since Isaac Newton first figured out the basics of it all about 400 years ago, have worked on gravity without considering the temperatures of the bodies concerned, and the physics undeniably works without it. Yet on the basis of an unsupported claim rooted in religious belief by a scientific illiterate, you say they have all been wrong, and you know the truth. The conceit is yours, not mine.

Al-Hilly did not learn in schools, but he gave many evidences: go to his book The Universe and the Quran and see the subjects related like: The gravity, and Proving that the gravity is because of the heat, and other related subjects.

It works because it coincide: the heat with the mass.
The bigger the hot body like the sun, the greater the force of its gravity.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
All people know God Almighty and Most Gracious: the Creator, but most of them associate other things or objects with Him in the worship and glorification : this is the idolatry or the associating of others with God.
While others: the atheists: they in fact ignore God or deny Him.
At last all people will submit themselves to God : the believers submit willingly, while the atheists and idolaters will be compelled to submit themselves in the Hereafter after death, when they will suffer the punishment.
Idols like meteorites?

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Al-Hilly… go to his book…
Okay, I read his “proofs.” The first one is simply false. He claims that pouring boiling water into cold water will produce a layered effect in which the hot water sits on top of the cold water. Try it; that’s not what happens. The others are simple ignorance, he didn’t know about buoyancy and convection, which readily explain them. Buoyancy was known to the ancient Greeks, it’s still called Archimedes Principle. Smoke and steam and such rise because they’re less dense than the air, wood floats on water because it’s less dense than water, and so on. The role of gravity is just to establish the direction of down, smoke and flame and vapour behave quite differently in a zero g environment like the space station.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Okay, I read his “proofs.” The first one is simply false. He claims that pouring boiling water into cold water will produce a layered effect in which the hot water sits on top of the cold water. Try it; that’s not what happens. The others are simple ignorance, he didn’t know about buoyancy and convection, which readily explain them. Buoyancy was known to the ancient Greeks, it’s still called Archimedes Principle. Smoke and steam and such rise because they’re less dense than the air, wood floats on water because it’s less dense than water, and so on. The role of gravity is just to establish the direction of down, smoke and flame and vapour behave quite differently in a zero g environment like the space station.
It is correct not false: pouring hot water on cold water: the top will be hot, the bottom will be cold. This is true.
Smoke and steam rise because they are hot in addition to their less density.
I add also the fog comes down to the ground because it is less hot, while the water vapor rise because it is more hot.
So it is true, and no objection to Archimedes.
Therefore, you take it from one side, while the other side is true: the effect of heat.
Idols like meteorites?
Idols can be anything. But you are wrong with your Jewish confinement: those who worshiped the calf statues and the stars of the sky.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
What sad? There’s plenty of beauty and joy in my life, I just don’t find it in religion.
Not any religion and not every religion. The religion of God: not Judaism or Christianity or other idolatry, but the creed of Abraham: a monotheist and he was not an idolater.
Quran 6: 125, which means:
(Whomever God wills to guide , He makes him rejoice in [accepting] the Islam ; whomever He wills to misguide, He makes his chest constricted, being embarrassed as if he were engaged in ascending up in the sky; thus God lays 'psychological illness' upon those who do not believe [about the Next Life.])


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Monotheistic religions seem to be all about death, fear of death, and dominance. Polytheistic religions are basically just superhero comic books. And Cosmic Muffin religions are just overthought morality.
The idols and totems do not harm or benefit anyone in any way.
While God is the Most Gracious, Most Merciful: the All-Seeing, the All-Hearing.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
It is correct not false: pouring hot water on cold water: the top will be hot, the bottom will be cold. This is true.
No it's not, they will mix and come to an intermediate temperature. Try it.
Smoke and steam rise because they are hot in addition to their less density.
They're less dense *because* they're hotter than the air around them. How do you think a hot air balloon works, by reducing the force of gravity on the balloon?
I add also the fog comes down to the ground because it is less hot, while the water vapor rise because it is more hot.
Then why don't all clouds sink down to the ground? They're just fog up high, where the air has cooled below its dew point. Fog doesn't come down to the ground, it forms near the ground when the ground is cooler than the air above it and cools the air below it's dew point, or air masses of different temperatures and humidities flow together over the ground and cause condensation as the mixing cools the warmer, wetter air below its dew point.
So it is true, and no objection to Archimedes.
No it's not true, temperature is unrelated to gravitational forces. You understand less than nothing about this and I'm done trying to convince you of anything about it, your ignorance is relentless, wilful, and inexcusable. With all the resources of the internet available to you, you persist in these delusions when you could easily verify everything I've said with a little searching. You will find no legitimate scientific references to temperature affecting gravitational forces. But no doubt you'd reject that too, 400 years worth of work by scientists and engineers all over the planet is trumped by medieval superstition in your world.
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
God gave no one any choice. He just posted us here to suffer, pay taxes, and then die. Why would a god create life to only destroy that life. There is no common sense or logic for that to be done. There is no need to die to go to some so-called heaven. God could have created heaven on earth when he started up this shitty world and kept us all happy and alone to enjoy his wonderful world that he created.

Even the animal world he created where animals in order to survive must kill other animals to survive. If I were a god, I would have shown his children that there will be no killing by any animal on another animal and make that as an example for humans to follow. My boy, you have it all wrong. Something started this shitty world and has enjoyed watching it's created children to suffer and die for centuries now.

If you can prove to me that your god exists, then I will believe you. But until then, there is no real and true loving god that loves his children. Just a hateful and sick god who appears to thrive off of suffering. Why would a god allow a disease like dementia or Alzimer's to exist where that individual suffers until they die. That is just plain mean spirited. Your god loves watching his children suffering. I would have done a better job if I were God; I can guarantee you that. :unsure:
Ya free will sucks!
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
No matter where you go on Earth, there is god even when cultures were remote and without contact.

Think aboot that.
That’s why I said there are about 5000 varieties of god. Many of them claim to have the one true god. The whole bunch have to get together and pick one before trying to sell it to the rest of us. To date I must have offered at least 50 people to bring their god over for tea and I will believe them. Not a single one has come through with the goods. For all his faults I think Cliffy came closest.