Neither USA nor EU nor Russia nor any other state can reverse the weather change


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
There are currently at least four artificial satellites orbiting the moon: the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, Artemis P1 and Artemis P2, and the Chang'e 5-T1.

And there can be no doubt about it that your brain is sadly orbiting around an empty vacuum part of space. :p


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
How could you deduce it was 'mother nature'? Did she tell you that or it is only the insisting of atheists to deny God the Creator and Almighty?

Anyhow, God knows who is the 'stupid gullible buffoons' : those who see the changes before their eyes and yet they keep to their Al Gore or others trivial claims.
Know then that the destiny of Earth will be like that of the present condition of Venus, then will be like that of Mercury... which will gradually take place within1-2 thousands years.
Moreover, the political leaders of the imperial states exploit the climate change to their advantages: politically and economically and to subject the weak countries to their cunning and wickedness: so as to increase the suffering of the weak countries in exchange of increasing their own income and to achieve their wicked purposes.

The standstill of the earth

First of all, I personally do not believe in any god. I prayed to God to cure my wife's dementia that she was suffering from, and she ended up dying from that disease. This bullshit of praying to a god for help is just total bullshit. Some loving God, eh?

How we all came about has been always up for questioning, and many keep trying to answer that question. I have asked many so-called religious people that if there is a god, well then, what proof do they have that a god exists? All I ever get back from them is "oh, I just know that there is a god". Unh? That's it?

And if there is a so-called loving god, then why does he keep this crazy fkn world going? How many more years will it be before this god decides that there has been enough suffering on earth, and he will finally now end all of the sadness and sorrow and famines, and hunger and wars? How many more of his children are going to have to suffer and die before this god starts to give a shit?

Climate change is like covid. All bullshit, and a great excuse for the psychos out there to make lots of money off of the many gullible and stupid sheeple who will listen to their bullshit and donate to their stupid globalist elite causes. the sheeple need to question more, and not take for granted everything told to them by their lying politicians, globalist elites, and that lying and fake MSM. Ignore them and goodness and peace and freedom will return and be restored.

This was my sermon from the mound for today. (y)


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
If it gets hotter as you get closer to the sun, why is it that when the temperature at sea level is 20C, the temperature at 12,000 meters above sea level (12 km closer to the sun), the temperature is about -55C?

Gesus, you surprised me, chief? I did not think that you were that smart enough to figure that one out all by yourself, or did you get that from some book that you read? Just wondering. :D


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Because it is an early one of the signs of Doomsday, i.e. it is the beginning of successive events preceding Doomsday.
It is because the earth has advanced towards the sun by several miles.
Therefore, it is useless to make conferences and meetings of leaders of the world countries aiming at reversing the weather change.. because it is a matter begger than all these governments and countries and the UN.

The earth approaches the sun
The quaran is not a source of facts. It is a fable,


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
I've never understood the overwhelming, soul-freezing fear of the devout.

No miracle their gods ever pulled is one-tenth as awesome as each incremental increase in our understanding of the universe.

No blessing their gods ever bestowed is even one percent as amazing as the blessings we have bestowed on ourselves through learning.

No punishment their gods ever doled out comes close to what we do to each other every day.

Collectively, we are the greatest and most powerful being in existence. Sodom and Gomorrah? Try Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Raising the dead? Any EMT with a high-school education and three months of training can do it routinely. Fly through the air? Buy a ticket. Know what's happening far away? Flip on the TV. Talk with those in far-off lands? It's on your belt.

It's what amused me about the Harry Potter death spell "Avada Cadaver." The magic words shoulda been "Glock 19."
My mother used to claim my music would raise the dead. Closest I ever got was Grateful Dead.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Tourchie is right about the first part though. All the carbon taxes in the world are not going to stop the ice age that is approaching.
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Casey Jones you better watch your speed!
I tried to get out of a speeding tick with that excuse once. Back around the time automobiles were first invented, people firmly believed that we would die by going over, I think it was 60mph. I told the cop I was performing a science experiment. Didn't work, but he did laugh.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I tried to get out of a speeding tick with that excuse once. Back around the time automobiles were first invented, people firmly believed that we would die by going over, I think it was 60mph. I told the cop I was performing a science experiment. Didn't work, but he did laugh.
Shoulda tried "Sorry, I'm high on cocaine."

I'm sure that woulda gone over well.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
the source of gravity is the mass of the planet.
The mass of the planet plays a role if the planet is hot: i.e. its core is hot, or at least it gains heat from a hot object.. like the Moon gets some weak gravity from the sun shining on one of its hemisphere for 14 days, alternatively.
The important factor is the heat, and the mass if the object is hot; e.g. if a sun is smaller than another sun, the bigger sun has a stronger gravity.
The large planet with a hot core has a greater gravity than a smaller planet also having a hot core.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I've never understood the overwhelming, soul-freezing fear of the devout.

No miracle their gods ever pulled is one-tenth as awesome as each incremental increase in our understanding of the universe.

No blessing their gods ever bestowed is even one percent as amazing as the blessings we have bestowed on ourselves through learning.

No punishment their gods ever doled out comes close to what we do to each other every day.

Collectively, we are the greatest and most powerful being in existence. Sodom and Gomorrah? Try Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Raising the dead? Any EMT with a high-school education and three months of training can do it routinely. Fly through the air? Buy a ticket. Know what's happening far away? Flip on the TV. Talk with those in far-off lands? It's on your belt.

It's what amused me about the Harry Potter death spell "Avada Cadaver." The magic words shoulda been "Glock 19."
What a self conceit!
This indicates the extreme ignorance.
Whatever knowledge man may gain, it is still very little in relation to the much unknown and undiscovered knowledge.
Quran 17: 85, which means:
(And, of the knowledge, you [people] have only been given so little.)

Moreover, you have been misguided to many scientific facts which are before your eyes, yet you do not see them: like many things in the book The Universe and the Quran, e.g. the life on Mars and the planets beyond it, while all evidences indicate life is exists there,

The planets are inhabited
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Had it not been the atheists and blasphemers, man would have been travelling between galaxies. But God does not give much knowledge to blasphemers and disbelievers.
Quran 96: 1-8 which mean:
1. Recite [O Mohammed] in the name of your Lord Who created [the universe from non-existence.]
2. [Who] created man from the 'larva-like structure'.
3. Recite [O Mohammed], and your Lord is the Most Generous [more than all the generous.]
4. Who taught [the writing] with the pen [so that heavenly revelations, the religious knowledge and others might be written.]
5. He taught man [some knowledge and some sciences] that he did not know [before that.]
6. [Moreover, man longs to know the future and the metaphysics.]
No, [We shall not teach him that; for then] man will surely rebel

7. If he knew [the metaphysics or the future], he would forgo [the religion and the heavenly scriptures and would deny the existence of the Creator.]

[Then God – be glorified – started to threaten this associater who denied the ‘sending to the Next Life’ and the ‘Judgment’, so He said:]
8. Finally, the return [of the unbeliever after death] will be to your Lord.

See more explanation of these ayat here:
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
First of all, I personally do not believe in any god. I prayed to God to cure my wife's dementia that she was suffering from, and she ended up dying from that disease. This bullshit of praying to a god for help is just total bullshit. Some loving God, eh?

This was my sermon from the mound for today. (y)
[One of the Prophet’s companions asked him: "Is our Lord Near so that we can pray Him in secret, or is He far so that we should cry out to Him?"
Therefore, this aya was revealed:]

Quran 2: 186, which means:
(And when My servants ask you [Mohammed] concerning Me, I am always Near;
I answer the prayer's prayer when he prays to Me.
So let them seek after My answer [by being obedient to Me],
and let them believe in Me [and in My Holy Names];

so that they may be led aright.)

More explanation:

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
The mass of the planet plays a role if the planet is hot: i.e. its core is hot, or at least it gains heat from a hot object.. like the Moon gets some weak gravity from the sun shining on one of its hemisphere for 14 days, alternatively.
The important factor is the heat, and the mass if the object is hot; e.g. if a sun is smaller than another sun, the bigger sun has a stronger gravity.
The large planet with a hot core has a greater gravity than a smaller planet also having a hot core.
You're right, bigger things have stronger gravity than smaller ones, but for the wrong reason, the heat of a planet's core has nothing to do with gravity. How many times have I told you that? The force of gravity between any two bodies depends only on the product of their masses and the inverse square of the distance between them, temperature does not appear in the equation. That's the basic Newtonian equation and it's good enough to calculate all the orbits of everything in the solar system, including planning the paths of our satellites, except for the planet Mercury which requires a slight relativistic correction to come out as observed, because it's so deep in the sun's field. If you'd read something other than mediaeval superstition you might learn something true and useful.
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
[One of the Prophet’s companions asked him: "Is our Lord Near so that we can pray Him in secret, or is He far so that we should cry out to Him?"
Therefore, this aya was revealed:]

Quran 2: 186, which means:
(And when My servants ask you [Mohammed] concerning Me, I am always Near;
I answer the prayer's prayer when he prays to Me.
So let them seek after My answer [by being obedient to Me],
and let them believe in Me [and in My Holy Names];

so that they may be led aright.)

More explanation:

Cut with the nonsense. No loving god would allow since the beginning of time to watch as his children starve, live in poverty, and be involved with endless wars. The Bible or Quran are just empty words only and they mean nothing to those that have to try to live and survive. Matter of fact, all religions have played a big part in this travesty of injustice against humanity that is still going on today. When one dies, they die, and that is it. If there is no life after death, then there is no way that you are going to know when one your dead. I look at it this way. Could we all just be a part of a computer game of some sort by chance? :unsure:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You're right, bigger things have stronger gravity than smaller ones, but for the wrong reason, the heat of a planet's core has nothing to do with gravity. How many times have I told you that? The force of gravity between any two bodies depends only on the product of their masses and the inverse square of the distance between them, temperature does not appear in the equation. That's the basic Newtonian equation and it's good enough to calculate all the orbits of everything in the solar system, including planning the paths of our satellites, except for the planet Mercury which requires a slight relativistic correction to come out as observed, because it's so deep in the sun's field. If you'd read something other than mediaeval superstition you might learn something true and useful.
This is what they told us in the school lessons. But I tell you: yes, the heat (or energy) is the important factor.
While they did not tell us what the gravity is, and why it is manifested in this way.
The gravity

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
No loving god would allow since the beginning of time to watch as his children starve, live in poverty, and be involved with endless wars.
God gave man choice in the life of this World, but most of people chose to be wrong-doers and transgressors and trespassers on the rights of others, so they kindled wars till now, which is against God's commandments.

Moreover, God created this material World for the purpose of the next ethereal spiritual and lasting life in the Hereafter.
And it is a test for man: to see will he be thankful for His bounties or will he be blasphemous and deny His blessings.

In addition, God guides the man who is worthy of guidance ( the kind to the poor and needy).. so as to believe in God as One God without associate or peer.

And God misguides the wrongdoer and the transgressor, so that this one will become atheist or idolater.

So while the World is temporary and is a test of man: will he persevere patiently and be thankful ... or blaspheme and denies the blessings of his God?

Therefore, in the life in the World, man will be tested by distress and hardship once, and by prosperity and good health at another time.

While in the Hereafter, man will not become ill or suffer in Paradise for the guided to the 'exclusive devotion to God alone.'
But the second category of people: the wrongdoers and disbelievers will suffer in the Next Life.

Quran 21: 35, which means:
(We try you [once] with evil and [another time with] good, so as to check you c, then to Us you shall be returned [following your death d.])

c To see will you be patient in distress, and be grateful in the prosperity, or will you blaspheme and be ungrateful?
d And We will then reward you according to your work: the grateful for his gratitude, and the ungrateful for his non gratitude and blasphemy.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
God gave man choice in the life of this World, but most of people chose to be wrong-doers and transgressors and trespassers on the rights of others, so they kindled wars till now, which is against God's commandments.

Moreover, God created this material World for the purpose of the next ethereal spiritual and lasting life in the Hereafter.
And it is a test for man: to see will he be thankful for His bounties or will he be blasphemous and deny His blessings.

In addition, God guides the man who is worthy of guidance ( the kind to the poor and needy).. so as to believe in God as One God without associate or peer.

And God misguides the wrongdoer and the transgressor, so that this one will become atheist or idolater.

So while the World is temporary and is a test of man: will he persevere patiently and be thankful ... or blaspheme and denies the blessings of his God?

Therefore, in the life in the World, man will be tested by distress and hardship once, and by prosperity and good health at another time.

While in the Hereafter, man will not become ill or suffer in Paradise for the guided to the 'exclusive devotion to God alone.'
But the second category of people: the wrongdoers and disbelievers will suffer in the Next Life.

Quran 21: 35, which means:
(We try you [once] with evil and [another time with] good, so as to check you c, then to Us you shall be returned [following your death d.])

c To see will you be patient in distress, and be grateful in the prosperity, or will you blaspheme and be ungrateful?
d And We will then reward you according to your work: the grateful for his gratitude, and the ungrateful for his non gratitude and blasphemy.

God gave no one any choice. He just posted us here to suffer, pay taxes, and then die. Why would a god create life to only destroy that life. There is no common sense or logic for that to be done. There is no need to die to go to some so-called heaven. God could have created heaven on earth when he started up this shitty world and kept us all happy and alone to enjoy his wonderful world that he created.

Even the animal world he created where animals in order to survive must kill other animals to survive. If I were a god, I would have shown his children that there will be no killing by any animal on another animal and make that as an example for humans to follow. My boy, you have it all wrong. Something started this shitty world and has enjoyed watching it's created children to suffer and die for centuries now.

If you can prove to me that your god exists, then I will believe you. But until then, there is no real and true loving god that loves his children. Just a hateful and sick god who appears to thrive off of suffering. Why would a god allow a disease like dementia or Alzimer's to exist where that individual suffers until they die. That is just plain mean spirited. Your god loves watching his children suffering. I would have done a better job if I were God; I can guarantee you that. :unsure: