NDP would restore retirement age to 65

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Much as I dislike and mistrust the NDP I doubt even they could put us on par with Greece without being in power for several decades.

Agreed. My point is that Greece is the example of 'those that call the tune, have to pay the piper'.... I am not arguing the amount of time it takes, in the Greek example, I'd wager it took generations but once you get too far down the path, the political will to change course is often not there

Really, but you said that the foundational ideology is identical. Here, I requoted. See, I even highlighted it for you.

Mulclair is the NDP and Trudeau is the Liberals.

That ideology is there... You are welcome to take a look at their policies and make whatever assessment you feel reasonable, but the fact is this, blocking the private sector (where the 'new' money originates) whilst spending beyond revenues (within reason) is what landed Greece where they are today... You can find all the examples of where that ideology has been applied in Canadian jurisdictions and see a parallel result.

PS - this isn't about the name of political parties btw


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Agreed. My point is that Greece is the example of 'those that call the tune, have to pay the piper'.... I am not arguing the amount of time it takes, in the Greek example, I'd wager it took generations but once you get too far down the path, the political will to change course is often not there

and making the greek comparison at this point in time is fear mongering at the least. There is no comparison.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
What if I want to keep working?

Does a Commisar grab me and put me away for my own good?

Wait until they find out that there are all sorts of essential skills that the following generation lack and never learned. They'll be forcing us to retire and bringing trained workers from India to take our places.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
What if I want to keep working?

Does a Commisar grab me and put me away for my own good?

Wait until they find out that there are all sorts of essential skills that the following generation lack and never learned. They'll be forcing us to retire and bringing trained workers from India to take our places.

Then keep working. The retirement age is the age you must be before you can draw a full pension from CPP. It used to be 65, then the cons raised it to 67, and now the NDP is saying they will drop it back down to 65.

No one is saying you can't work beyond retirement age.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Mulcair must be onto some heavy magic when all the rabid righties get their shorts twisted into this big a nutball

...and I got the red seal of approval to prove it....


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Then keep working. The retirement age is the age you must be before you can draw a full pension from CPP. It used to be 65, then the cons raised it to 67, and now the NDP is saying they will drop it back down to 65.

No one is saying you can't work beyond retirement age.
Doesn't matter to the voting population as much at this time as it doesn't affect the older voter who is the highest population voting wise .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The problem Greece has is rampant corruption.
Est losses in tax revenges are as high as 20 Billion Euro annually. Yet little to no enforcement or repercussions. Italy will be the next to taste the German austerity plans.

A link to one example.
The Island of the Blind: The audacious scam that epitomized Greece’s ‘mentality that rules are made to be broken’ | National Post

These things tend to happen with socialist governments. Everyone has a sense of entitlement.

Not sure how that would work with the retirement of the baby boomers and the low birthrate today.

Raise taxes. Its the socialist way.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
I am going to support Mulcair this time although here is one case where I don't
agree I think 67 is alright but most people are working longer anyway. I am past
67 I farm and I don't consider myself retired or really ready to retire. It might have
been better to leave it at 65 for those in ill health and let the age migrate up the
line to say 70 for the rest. Given the choice many would opt for the 70 age of
retirement. I think


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I am going to support Mulcair this time although here is one case where I don't
agree I think 67 is alright but most people are working longer anyway. I am past
67 I farm and I don't consider myself retired or really ready to retire. It might have
been better to leave it at 65 for those in ill health and let the age migrate up the
line to say 70 for the rest. Given the choice many would opt for the 70 age of
retirement. I think
The age you retire and the age you can collect full benefits are completely different .


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
Doesn't matter to the voting population as much at this time as it doesn't affect the older voter who is the highest population voting wise .

If I were in my 30s or younger I wouldn't plan on collecting anything from my CPP contributions. Young people should save and invest now for a pension-less retirement in the future.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
If I were in my 30s or younger I wouldn't plan on collecting anything from my CPP contributions. Young people should save and invest now for a pension-less retirement in the future.

riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight..... the hell with holding the government accountable for how they used/invested our MANDATORY contributions. Just forget about it. Typical right wing, higher income, selfish prick attitude.


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight..... the hell with holding the government accountable for how they used/invested our MANDATORY contributions. Just forget about it. Typical right wing, higher income, selfish prick attitude.

You sure are ornery today.

Anywho, it doesn't matter who is in power tomorrow, who is in power today or who was in power yesterday. The fact of the matter is it's taken a collective effort by all governments at all levels in not only ours but multiple countries to cock up all our economies with debt. The trajectory we are on doesn't look good just based on US debt let alone ours.