Since 1980, this guy has re mortgaged his house 11 times, all the way from $58k.
Just what gives here?? Most normal people would have their mortgages paid off since 1980, it was only $58k...
Both him and his wife are professionals drawing a professional salary...
Is this the kind of guy we want running our country, do you want him to keep remortgaging our country.. Wtf goes here???
Mulcair remortgaged home 11 times | Canada | News | Toronto Sun
Just what gives here?? Most normal people would have their mortgages paid off since 1980, it was only $58k...
Both him and his wife are professionals drawing a professional salary...
Is this the kind of guy we want running our country, do you want him to keep remortgaging our country.. Wtf goes here???
Mulcair remortgaged home 11 times | Canada | News | Toronto Sun