Muhammad tops charts as No. 1 baby name in UK


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
We don't incarcerate cadavers

And all you've done is given him the Islamist martyr status he was after. He was probably looking to be killed and you've given him what he wanted.

During the Woolwich attack, the cops shot both Adebolajo and Adebowale but made sure they only wounded them, not killed them, as that was what they both wanted. They wanted to be killed and seen as martyrs. The cops made sure, however, that they shot to wound them rather than kill them so that, rather than becoming martyrs like they wanted, they were forced to face British justice and now they'll just spend decades languishing in prison, which is what they DON'T want.

The Canadians merely create another Islamic martyr, giving him probably what he wanted, whereas the British drag them to court to face British justice, denying them the martyr status they wanted.

Today, Adebolajo lost his appeal against his whole life tariff - which will see him in prison for the rest of his natural life, until he is dead - after it was dismissed by the High Court after just 45 seconds whilst Lee Rigby's relieved family looked on.

Relief of Lee Rigby's family after Islamic fanatic killer's murder conviction appeal is dismissed in just 45 seconds when judges reject claims he was 'at war with Britain'

Michael Adebolajo hacked to death Lee Rigby with Michael Adebowale

Judges took 45 seconds to reject Adebolajo's appeal against conviction

His QC said it shouldn't stand because he was 'at war' with Britain

Both murderers also failed in appeals to
reduce length of prison sentences
Adebolajo was handed life with no parole, Adebowale given 45 years

Lee Rigby's family and widow were at the High Court for the hearing

By Martin Robinson
3 December 2014
Daily Mail

Lee Rigby's heartbroken fiancée and estranged wife both sobbed with relief today after one of his Muslim extremist killers had an appeal against his murder conviction thrown out in just 45 seconds.

The soldier's future bride Aimee West said she hoped 'this is the last we will hear from them' as Michael Adebolajo, 29, and Michael Adebowale, 23, also lost appeals against their life sentences for the 'barbaric' murder.

Rebecca Rigby, who was married to the Fusilier and had his son Jack, said the family is 'relieved that this is over and justice has been done'.

Adebolajo ran down the 25-year-old soldier in Woolwich south-east London in May last year before 'butchering him' with his accomplice.

Both had denied murder because they were 'soldiers of Allah' but were found guilty at the Old Bailey last December.

Members of the soldier's family, including his fiancée Aimee and also his estranged wife Rebecca Rigby, broke down at the High Court as their applications were rejected by judges.

Quashed: One of Lee Rigby's killers, Michael Adebolajo, right, had his appeal against his conviction thrown out in 45 seconds today and will remain in prison for the rest of his life

Emotional: Rebecca Rigby, left, broke down as she and Miss West watched Michael Adebowale, who appeared in the High Court via video link

Adebolajo's legal team today claimed he should have his conviction quashed because he was 'at war' with Britain, before also failing to argue his whole life sentence should be reduced.

His application for leave to appeal was rejected by Lord Chief Justice Lord Thomas, sitting at the Court of Appeal in London with Lady Justice Hallett and Mr Justice Openshaw.

They spent less than a minute explaining why they would not agree to it, and later called the argument pushed by his QC 'hopelessly misconceived'.

Anyone in Britain who believes they have suffered an injustice when convicted of a crime can make an application to appeal the decision. If accepted a full hearing will be held at the Court of Appeal.

The judges then heard argument on behalf of Adebolajo against a whole-life sentence which condemns him to die behind bars.

Lawyers for his co-accused Michael Adebowale, who was jailed for life with a minimum term of 45 years, were also arguing for a reduction in sentence.

But Lord Thomas said it was 'just' punishment for the 'horrific and barbaric' murder.

Adebowale, who appeared from Broadmoor jail via video link did not react while Adebolajo, who is at HMP Frankland, had refused to appear for the hearing at all.

Members of Fusilier Rigby's family gasped with relief and there were tears as the decision was announced.

Bereft: Rebecca Rigby, the estranged wife of Lee Rigby and mother of his son Jack, was in court for the hearing, as was the soldier's fiancée Aimee West and both sobbed as the appeals were rejected

After the decision was announced, Fusilier Rigby's fiancee Aimee West said: 'I am relieved and thankful with the outcome of today's hearing.

'I hope that this is the last we will hear from them both, so that I can focus on rebuilding my life and keeping Lee's memory alive.'

Choking back tears, Lee Rigby's estranged wife Rebecca said: 'I would like to thank everyone who made today's verdict possible.

'We are relieved that this is over and justice has been done. I would like to thank everyone for their continued support over the last 18 months and hope I can now build a future for my son Jack and ensure his (Lee's) memory lives on.'
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Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
The fact that Mohammed has topped the UK baby name's list is a tragedy. British, Christian culture must be preserved and I hope sanity prevails and Jack or some other great British name returns to the top of the boys' names list next year.

I explained why it's hardly a big deal and is in fact a statistic coincidence.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I explained why it's hardly a big deal and is in fact a statistic coincidence.

I know you did. But statistic coincidence or not, it's not something I want to continue happening. This is Great Britain. Not Pakistan. I want it kept that way.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I just explained to you why it doesn't and you even agreed. Weird. You have the facts. You agree with them. But for some reason they can't penetrate your deep racist paranoia.

There's nothing racist about wanting to protect your country and your culture. The only racists are those on the Left who want immigrants to flood into Britain in order to "enrich British culture." They're anti-British racists who think that British culture is "too white" and "Too Christian" and don't like seeing "Jack" top the list of boys' names and much prefer to see "Mohammed" or "Abdul" at the top. British culture doesn't need "enriching." It doesn't need to be Islamified - something which IS happening.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
What was it all the while Britain imposed its culture on people who would have perferred them to swim back to England? As ye sow, so shall ye reap (or: Karma's a bitch)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
What was it all the while Britain imposed its culture on people who would have perferred them to swim back to England? As ye sow, so shall ye reap (or: Karma's a bitch)

I believe they justified it by calling invasions bringing the peons out of the stone age.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
What was it all the while Britain imposed its culture on people who would have perferred them to swim back to England?

I like to call it "civilising." Telling all those barbarous savages with bones through their noses who did nothing but chuck spears about and shrink their enemies' heads to accept the Christian god, the English language, English common law, the railways, cricket, afternoon tea on fine Wedgwood pottery and all the other benefits of high British civilisation.

What's the problem?

As ye sow, so shall ye reap (or: Karma's a bitch)
I don't buy that argument.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Remember, if it wasn't for the British Empire Canada as we know it wouldn't exist. It'd just be some strange land inhabited by people with feathers on their heads who worship spirit gods and dance to try and make it rain. You would never have got to play cowboys and Indians, either.

Canadians have a lot to be thankful to the British for.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
And all you've done is given him the Islamist martyr status he was after. He was probably looking to be killed and you've given him what he wanted.

During the Woolwich attack, the cops shot both Adebolajo and Adebowale but made sure they only wounded them, not killed them, as that was what they both wanted. They wanted to be killed and seen as martyrs. The cops made sure, however, that they shot to wound them rather than kill them so that, rather than becoming martyrs like they wanted, they were forced to face British justice and now they'll just spend decades languishing in prison, which is what they DON'T want.

The Canadians merely create another Islamic martyr, giving him probably what he wanted, whereas the British drag them to court to face British justice, denying them the martyr status they wanted.

Above is the very logic that got Britain in so much trouble in WW 1 & 2, hence your plea to Canada and the United States of America to deal with the problem that you created.

North Americans have been kicking a s s and takin' names all these years, and the reason is, that we get the job done... None of this mamby-pamby nonsense of incarcerating people so they can spew their bile for decades to come.

Maybe, just maybe you will learn, but to do this, you'll have to part with the wimpy attitude and man-up


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Above is the very logic that got Britain in so much trouble in WW 1 & 2,

Yeah. Alright, then.

hence your plea to Canada and the United States of America to deal with the problem that you created.
And what plea was this?

North Americans have been kicking a s s and takin' names all these years, and the reason is, that we get the job done...
The British were "kicking ***" when North Americans were still chucking spears about and doing rain dances.

None of this mamby-pamby nonsense of incarcerating people so they can spew their bile for decades to come.
No. All you lot have done is created a martyr and missed the opportunity for the guy to face proper justice in a court of law. You've just given the guy and his supporters what he wants, whereas Adebolajo and Adebowale respectively will be making sure they don't drop the soap in the showers for the next 45 years and for the rest of his life.

Maybe, just maybe you will learn, but to do this, you'll have to part with the wimpy attitude and man-up
Just think, your Muzzie terrorist is a martyr of your own making, whereas we in Britain have the satisfaction of spending the decades to come in the comforting satisfaction that our two Muzzie scumbags are still being punished and that we denied the the martyrdom they were looking for when they charged at police officers.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
There's nothing racist about wanting to protect your country and your culture. The only racists are those on the Left who want immigrants to flood into Britain in order to "enrich British culture." They're anti-British racists who think that British culture is "too white" and "Too Christian" and don't like seeing "Jack" top the list of boys' names and much prefer to see "Mohammed" or "Abdul" at the top. British culture doesn't need "enriching." It doesn't need to be Islamified - something which IS happening.

It's funny that you modern day racists are so afraid of the word racist. Back in the day, racists wore it on their sleeves. You're one of those rare racists that spouts racist hatred all day without attempts to soften and equivocate, but you're still afraid of the word itself. You have no problem with going on about your cultural superiority, or savages with bones in their noses, or your fear of baby names. For some reason admitting to being a racist is too much. The word is ultimately irrelevant. You say racist things. You have racist ideas. It's all you ever talk about. You're obsessed. Don't use the word. Racists are natural cowards anyways, and since you're already afraid of babies, you might have a hard time admitting to what you are. But we all know.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Remember, if it wasn't for the British Empire Canada as we know it wouldn't exist. It'd just be some strange land inhabited by people with feathers on their heads who worship spirit gods and dance to try and make it rain. You would never have got to play cowboys and Indians, either.

Canadians have a lot to be thankful to the British for.

Not really. France beat you by a half century and the Vikings long before that