Michelle Bachmann March to 2012


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Bachmann approved of Bush's borrowing and deficit creation. But the fact that Republicans created 80% of the current deficit means nothing to the forum right wingers. As always, it's



Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The biggest problem for the Republicans is the image that has already been presented.
The Donald. Palin and that whole crowd have diminished the importance of the goal.
Obama will be a second term President, and then it will be a Clinton's turn. with Obama
playing a support role. The deal was done a long time ago. In fact we could see Joe
Biden replaced for the next election. Joe is ready to go, using health reasons and it the
perfect way out. Face it Clinton against Palin is hardly a contest.
It is not the IQ level it is the perceived IQ level that hinders the Republicans. In my own
opinion, the biggest problem with modern day Republicans is that they are Republicans.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Oh, thanks for the negative reps, Walter. Coming from a right wing nut, it is truly an honour.

Yep, you've got to consider Walter's negatives as the equivalent of a thumbs up by anyone else. I especially like it when he gives a thumbs down without explanation because he can't think of one.

An atheist state would abolish religious freedom, let alone freedom altogether. The Soviet Union, self-declared atheist China, and their lack of freedom - these things don't phase you?

Atheist China and its religious intolerance

Soviet anti-religious legislation
Persecution of Christians in the Soviet Union

Really? - Here is a list of the top 20 least religious nations in the world. How many of them have abolished religion?Bradley Wright's Blog: The 20 least religious countries in the world

And then there is the USA where religious fundamentalists wish to establish a Christian theocracy that would impose its values on the rest of Americans.

BTW - just in case you missed it the Soviet Union ceased to exist about 20 years ago.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Actually, the US would be better off being run by atheists, because they don't have a religious axe to grind with the Muzzies, they have no reason to hate anybody because they're different, and are more socially aware, no reasons for wars, no god that is better than the next guys,no reason to impose their moral standards on anyone.

We all could use a little religion. Knowing the truth will set us free, Take us from clear to eternity.
YouTube - ‪'We Stand Tall' - David Miscavige, top Scientology Execs Singing‬‏

She is a honest wing nut, and maybe a little honesty is what we need now. 2 natural children and 23 foster children, Michelle Bachmann is a good women.


Time Out
Aug 15, 2010
Rep. Michele Bachmann. She has a notorious reputation for making false statements.


"The top 1 percent of income-earners pay about 40 percent of all taxes into the federal government."

"One. That's the number of new drilling permits under the Obama administration since they came into office."

"The president of the United States will be taking a trip over to India that is expected to cost the taxpayers $200 million a day."

I hope she doesn't think she's going to be the Republican candidate and be able to say stuff like that without the media refuting her all the time

Jesus that's a poor record. Only 1 true statement :lol: .. What half-wit is voting for her?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
A secessionist as a presidential candidate? I doubt it.

14 Reasons Why Rick Perry Would Be A Really, Really Bad President

14 Reasons Why Rick Perry Would Be A Really, Really Bad President

Supporters of Texas Governor Rick Perry are not going to like this article at all. Right now, Republicans all over the United States are touting Rick Perry as the "Republican messiah" that is going to come charging in to save America from the presidency of Barack Obama. Many believe that if Rick Perry enters the race, he will instantly become the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. Perry certainly looks the part and he knows how to give a good speech, but when ordinary Americans all over the country take a hard look at his record, they may not like what they see. The truth is that Rick Perry is a big-time globalist, he has raised taxes and fees in Texas numerous times, he has massively increased the size of government spending and government debt in Texas, he has been trying to ram the Trans-Texas Corridor down the throats of the Texas people and he tried to force young women all over Texas to be injected with the Gardasil vaccine. No, Rick Perry is not going to save America. In fact, he would likely be very, very similar to both Bush and Obama in a lot of ways. Right now, Rick Perry is trying to portray himself as a "good conservative" so that if he enters the race he will be accepted by Christian conservatives. If Rick Perry did win the Republican nomination, he would have a great chance of winning the general election because he would very much be an "establishment" candidate.
But before Republicans get too excited about Rick Perry, there are a whole lot of things that they should know about him.

..... more .....


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Jesus that's a poor record. Only 1 true statement :lol: .. What half-wit is voting for her?

Should Bachmann become the GOP's choice for president, her lack of true policy experience will lead to a steamroll victory by Obama in November. At least she knows how many states to visit.


New Member
Feb 4, 2008
She would be FAR BETTER than what we have now! Obama as wasted billions and billions of dollars and is still spending and promising more billions over seas! He has been by far the Worse President we ever had! I personally believe He hates the United states! We are in such debt, I doubt we can get out of it!


Time Out
Aug 15, 2010
She would be FAR BETTER than what we have now! Obama as wasted billions and billions of dollars and is still spending and promising more billions over seas! He has been by far the Worse President we ever had! I personally believe He hates the United states! We are in such debt, I doubt we can get out of it!

You're not a very sane person if you think Bachmann would make a better president than Obama.
You were in debt way before Obama became president doofus.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Oops! :lol:

Bachmann says she has the ‘spirit’ of John Wayne… Gacy|Raw Replay

Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann was surely confused Monday when she suggested she had the “spirit” of a serial killer.

“Well what I want them to know is just like, John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That’s the kind of spirit that I have, too,” she told Fox News prior to the official announcement of her candidacy in Waterloo.

Conservative newspaper The Washington Times was first to point out that the presidential hopeful had picked the wrong John Wayne.

“Waterloo’s John Wayne was not the beloved movie star, but rather John Wayne Gacy, the serial killer,” Stephen Dinan wrote.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Jesus that's a poor record. Only 1 true statement :lol: .. What half-wit is voting for her?

0bama's record is much more poor. (poorer?) And yet all the half-wits and those who whites who were guilt-ridden about slavery (which was abolished more than 140 years ago) and voted for 0bama, whose roots have nothing to do with slavery.

Go figure.

And as far as legislative accomplishments, Bachmann makes 0bama look like a dwarf.

"Obama became president doofus."

I know that is taken words out of context, but that is what the Left always does and it is fun to return the favour.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
She really needs to drop this "I am from Iowa, I have Iowan qualities" schtick....her family left Iowa when she was very young...her formative years weren't spent in Iowa. Will she revert to a Minnesotan after the Iowa Caucus and Straw Polls are finished? It's got to be better than claiming you have the spirit of a teen murdering clown!


Time Out
Aug 15, 2010
0bama's record is much more poor. (poorer?)

How do you figure that?

And yet all the half-wits and those who whites who were guilt-ridden about slavery (which was abolished more than 140 years ago) and voted for 0bama, whose roots have nothing to do with slavery.

There is no truth to this but neonazis would agree with you.

And as far as legislative accomplishments, Bachmann makes 0bama look like a dwarf.

I would love to see examples.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Thanks for the negative CUBert; It is better than 0bama's bowling score, which is far better than his performance as president.

How do you figure that?

There is no truth to this but neonazis would agree with you.

I would love to see examples.

You show me 0bama's legislative achievements first. You are just lucky I did not ask you to show me 0bama's executive achievements.

So, step up, and I am confident I can top whatever you offer.

Thanks for another negative, CUBert! Your generosity is exceeded only by unreasonable and totally inexplicable adoration of 0bama.


Time Out
Aug 15, 2010
Are you retarded? You said "And as far as legislative accomplishments, Bachmann makes 0bama look like a dwarf.", so I'm telling you to provide examples and you can't even do that.
Of course you got a negative, your posts are generally devoid of any logic or facts.