Bachmann approved of Bush's borrowing and deficit creation. But the fact that Republicans created 80% of the current deficit means nothing to the forum right wingers. As always, it's
Oh, thanks for the negative reps, Walter. Coming from a right wing nut, it is truly an honour.
An atheist state would abolish religious freedom, let alone freedom altogether. The Soviet Union, self-declared atheist China, and their lack of freedom - these things don't phase you?
Atheist China and its religious intolerance
Soviet anti-religious legislation
Persecution of Christians in the Soviet Union
Actually, the US would be better off being run by atheists, because they don't have a religious axe to grind with the Muzzies, they have no reason to hate anybody because they're different, and are more socially aware, no reasons for wars, no god that is better than the next guys,no reason to impose their moral standards on anyone.
She is a honest wing nut, and maybe a little honesty is what we need now. 2 natural children and 23 foster children, Michelle Bachmann is a good women.
2 natural children and 23 foster children, Michelle Bachmann is a good women.
Honest women don't tell lies.
Rick Rep leader.
Rep. Michele Bachmann. She has a notorious reputation for making false statements.
"The top 1 percent of income-earners pay about 40 percent of all taxes into the federal government."
"One. That's the number of new drilling permits under the Obama administration since they came into office."
"The president of the United States will be taking a trip over to India that is expected to cost the taxpayers $200 million a day."
I hope she doesn't think she's going to be the Republican candidate and be able to say stuff like that without the media refuting her all the time
A secessionist as a presidential candidate? I doubt it.
Jesus that's a poor record. Only 1 true statement :lol: .. What half-wit is voting for her?
She would be FAR BETTER than what we have now! Obama as wasted billions and billions of dollars and is still spending and promising more billions over seas! He has been by far the Worse President we ever had! I personally believe He hates the United states! We are in such debt, I doubt we can get out of it!
Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann was surely confused Monday when she suggested she had the “spirit” of a serial killer.
“Well what I want them to know is just like, John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That’s the kind of spirit that I have, too,” she told Fox News prior to the official announcement of her candidacy in Waterloo.
Conservative newspaper The Washington Times was first to point out that the presidential hopeful had picked the wrong John Wayne.
“Waterloo’s John Wayne was not the beloved movie star, but rather John Wayne Gacy, the serial killer,” Stephen Dinan wrote.
Jesus that's a poor record. Only 1 true statement :lol: .. What half-wit is voting for her?
0bama's record is much more poor. (poorer?)
And yet all the half-wits and those who whites who were guilt-ridden about slavery (which was abolished more than 140 years ago) and voted for 0bama, whose roots have nothing to do with slavery.
I would love to see examples.And as far as legislative accomplishments, Bachmann makes 0bama look like a dwarf.
How do you figure that?
There is no truth to this but neonazis would agree with you.
I would love to see examples.