Mars is inhabited.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
This is a well-known logical fallacy; there must be an ultimate end of this alleged vicious circle: He is the Eternal God Who created everything.

It is like: is the egg from the hen, or the hen from the egg? There must be an initial hen that started all this chain of eggs and hens.

We read in the Quran 57: 3

هُوَ الْأَوَّلُ وَالْآخِرُ وَالظَّاهِرُ وَالْبَاطِنُ وَهُوَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ

The explanation: (He is the First [: no god before Him], and the Last [: no god after Him], and the Superior One, and the Unapparent, and He is Most Aware about all things.)

Eggs came first. Dinosaurs laid 'em too....


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
This is a well-known logical fallacy; there must be an ultimate end of this alleged vicious circle: He is the Eternal God Who created everything.

It is like: is the egg from the hen, or the hen from the egg? There must be an initial hen that started all this chain of eggs and hens.

This bugs me that you cannot see your own logical fallacy.

You say "God must have been there first, otherwise who created the universe"

Someone says "what was there before god then"

You then call it a Logical Fallacy to suggest that something came before god because something has to be eternal.

If you truly followed your own logic, then if there was something Eternal it could simply be that the universe is Eternal and the Universe spawned God.

The concept that God is eternal and spawned the universe is not somehow more logical.

I have no problem with believing God exists, even that he may be eternal and have created the universe. That does not make it logical that god created the universe and obviously nothing came before him.

Its call faith for a reason. Its not called logic for an equally good reason.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
As they say Phoenix landed at the periphery of the polar region.

Irrelevent since no matter where you head in our own poles, it very rarely hits -80C.... esspecially for a long period of time or on a normal pattern. In fact, I don't know if we ever recorded that cold of a temprature in recent history.

Oh, I stand corrected:

"The coldest natural temperature ever recorded on Earth was −89 °C (−129°F) at the RussianVostok Station in Antarctica in 1983"


Council Member
Sep 28, 2007
Ardrossan, Alberta
It doesn't matter what anybody here says, or how much proof you can provide to counter eanassir's arguments- as far as he's concerned it is all crypticlly explained within the koran. which, to him is the ultimate truth. He shows no logic and will argue with you to the death, However, if you do manage to get him in a corner then he will ignore you until he can figure out a way to twist the korans meaning until it fits fact or viceversa.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
This is a well-known logical fallacy;
Your ignorance is showing again. That's not a logical fallacy, it's the well-known problem of the infinite regress. If the universe had a creator, then what created the creator, and what created the creator's creator, and so on, ad infinitum. You choose to quite arbitrarily stop that regress at the first step and say that the creator has always existed, but that's no more or less arbitrary than stopping it at the previous step and just claiming that the universe has always existed. It doesn't answer the question at all, it just avoids it.

I would also suggest you read the masthead carefully where near the upper right corner it says, "Please become acquainted with the many forum topics and post threads in their correct forums!" You continue to post religious topics in the science and technology forum, on the mistaken assumption that the Quran is a science book. If in fact the Quran can be interpreted to be saying, as that stupid web site you keep referencing suggests, that for instance the gravitational effect of bodies is related to their internal heat, then it's simply wrong.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
v Americans have been misguided as to the proper place for their search: they searched in the desert region, and in some other desolate region. While if they search in the temperate regions, they may find people, animals and plants.

God – be exalted – said in the Quran 42: 32-34 concerning ships and how they lost their way in the vast sea, and may then perish:

وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ الْجَوَارِ فِي الْبَحْرِ كَالْأَعْلَامِ . إِن يَشَأْ يُسْكِنِ الرِّيحَ فَيَظْلَلْنَ رَوَاكِدَ عَلَى ظَهْرِهِ إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِّكُلِّ صَبَّارٍ شَكُورٍ . أَوْ يُوبِقْهُنَّ بِمَا كَسَبُوا وَيَعْفُ عَن كَثِيرٍ . وَيَعْلَمَ الَّذِينَ يُجَادِلُونَ فِي آيَاتِنَا مَا لَهُم مِّن مَّحِيصٍ

The explanation:
(And of His signs are [ships] that sail on the sea like 'high indicative marks'. [like the lighthouse on a mountain]

If He wills, He stills the wind, and the [ships] remain motionless on the [sea] surface. Surely in that are [indicative] signs for every steadfast and grateful [man.]

Or [God] makes the [ships] get lost because of [the sins] that the [crew and passengers] have earned, but even He pardons much [of their sins, and postpones their punishment.]

And that those who dispute about Our revelations may know they have no escape [from the sea save by God's will.] )

Russians had been misguided before, because they were atheists, and they chose to investigate Venus more than Mars, and their efforts turned useless. Their astronaut had just circled around the earth in his capsule and they said he had not seen God.

Americans had a better chance and were more fortunate; because they are Christians, and not all of them are atheists; a large number of them believe in God – be glorified – the Almighty and Most Gracious Who gave them more success, and they went and landed on Moon, and the American glorified God at his first step on Moon.

Then Americans chose to go to Mars rather than Venus, and so they were fortunate and successful. But because of their association with God and their enthusiasm about Jesus: the righteous servant of God, they have been misguided in their efforts to find life on Mars, while it does obviously exist, but till now they have not found any indication of life there, and this is a miracle of God that He confounded them and blinded them to this.

v In case they go to the mountains of Mars, specially the large chains, not the sporadic isolated mountains, they may find there water springs, streams or rivers in the valleys inbetween such mountains; but of course the plain land (almost it was some deserts) will be easier for their rovers to move there, and for their table (Phoenix) to land safely upon.



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Martian atmosphere is nothing at all like Earth Atmosphere. Any living creature dropped anywhere on mars would not suffocate, it wouldn't have time. The surface pressure is so different it would be ripped apart outwards.

You know when a submarine goes too deep into the ocean how its crushed by the intense pressure? Its like that only in reverse.

Venus has never had life.

Mercury could never have had nor could it ever have life in anyway. Its a sun scorched rock, it is basically a rock in flame.

Is the atmosphere of Mars exactly known? Then why have they sent their space ships with scientific sets to record and measure the atmospheric pressure and the constituents of the air there on Mars?

The Martian atmosphere is not that thin as you think; while it bears the ice cloud at some high altitude, and such cloud is moved with the wind just like on earth.

Moreover, how could you know, then assert, that no life had been on either of Venus and Mercury?

And why are only Mercury and Venus – apart from the rest of the planets and the earth – that have such particular atmosphere and day and night pattern?

Mercury Has Stopped Its Axial Rotation
Venus Has Stopped Its Axial Rotation



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Irrelevent since no matter where you head in our own poles, it very rarely hits -80C.... esspecially for a long period of time or on a normal pattern.

If their temperature measurement is precise, then why haven't they found ice, and till now they saw only some tiny white matter just under the soil or mixed with the soil, which is doubted whether it is ice, salt or calcium compoud or else?

Where is the ice that is very obvious on the extensive polar regions as did it appear in the past images taken by other spacecrafts?

Moreover, what is the idea behind digging under the surface to find ice? Will the ice be below the ground or above the ground?


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Eanassir, yes they have measured Mars atmosphere.

Specifically. This is a religious thread with no basis in science. Science has already spoken on this matter.

But if you want to bring Religious texts as science into it.

The Koran is false. It claims Muhammed was the last prophet God would send, but God has sent other Proohets.

Joseph Smith was a prophet who revealed more knowledge from God after Muhammed and the Book of mormon is very clear that God will never stop sending Prophets.

Ergo, nothing in the Koran matters because it has been proven false.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Eggs came first. Dinosaurs laid 'em too....

This is only an example of a logical problem; it is not the egg or the hen that is meant.

Moreover, they did not see the Dinosaur, but saw its skeleton embedded at some parts of the earth. It could have lived in the past on this earth, then was extinct; or it might have lived on a past planet of the previous solar system, then its skeleton came embedded in the meteorites that formed the mountains.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
When I said in the past reply that there should be an ultimate end and source that all such chains did come to the existence, the gang of the atheist altogether jumped to the ceiling, (and some of them are only two faces of one coin), and they started to say their usual expected words.

God – be exalted – created the matter particles from the ether particles which is the initial state.

Moreover, don't they know that to God belong the matter of guiding people, and He grants this gift (of guidance) to whom He please; then why shouldn't they ask God to guide them, as did Prophet Abraham ask God to guide him to recognize his Lord, and then God guided him?

But they in fact are proud even over their Lord Who created them, and they don't want to yield to the truth, and are loth to submit themselves to kneel down except to their own pride, and don't want to restrain themselves fromt their lusts and desires, and they view themselves in a higher position than believers; but the situation will be reversed in the next life of souls .

This is in the Quran 32: 13
وَلَوْ شِئْنَا لَآتَيْنَا كُلَّ نَفْسٍ هُدَاهَا وَلَكِنْ حَقَّ الْقَوْلُ مِنِّي لَأَمْلَأَنَّ جَهَنَّمَ مِنَ الْجِنَّةِ وَالنَّاسِ أَجْمَعِينَ
The explanation: (If We had so willed, We could have given to every soul its guidance, but My due word was pronounced in truth: " Certainly, I will fill Hell with [the wrong-doers of] the genie-kind and the man-kind altogether.")

It means: He will not guide wrong-doers; because they do not deserve and in order to punish them.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
A vision of existence.

A consciousness that is “I” lives’ near the bottom of gravity well. Now whether this is by “design” or not doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that this single circumstance affords a degree of predictability that doesn’t exist beyond. I’m inclined to believe that it’s the existence of this particular gravity well that makes my existence possible. My “biology” exists because a balance-of-sorts exists between the gravitational forces, the centrifugal forces and the myriad of interrelated and oft-conflicting forces that bind the local matter of the universe into a relatively stable situation. A relatively stable situation I regard as “normal”.

The complex multi-celled organism that is I critically relies on the happenstance that some of these interrelationships remain stable enough, sufficiently long enough, for this variety of biological expression to thrive.

I’m not alone.

This experience of ‘existence’ is crammed full of simpler (less complex and with significantly fewer cells) life forms. Then of course there are a few billion more multi-celled complex biological organisms, which are, nearly exactly the same as my personal experience of organic existence.

We could spend a lot of time, and in fact some of these similar biological complexes have spent their entire corporeal existence pondering the “why” of it all….

As far as I’m able to determine, this pursuit of “why” hasn’t been particularly useful. Then again, when the question of “why” captivates and condenses the emergent property of consciousness…. it has proven to be the engine behind the scramble for ever-improving technologies that can be employed to self-regulate the quantity of similar multi-celled complex biological organisms.

Now there may be some exquisitely simple “explanation” to satisfy the question of why we complex multi-celled “conscious” organisms practice self-destruction with the eagerness and robust enthusiasm that’s apparent across the breadth of the human sojourn.

Among all these biological forms, occupying (sharing) this little corner of the gravity well one overarching reality exists that appears to influence nearly everything else. All forms and expressions of this kind of biology consume.

Many forms consume protein and oxygen and carry on the biological process of replicating themselves without any conscious awareness. “Aware” of neither their “consciousness” nor their contribution to the ebb and flow of the fixed and finite mass of “matter” that is similarly relied upon by nearly every other life form, simple or otherwise. One startling “difference” (and there are far fewer differences than there are similarities) is that the vast majority of living creatures in this little soap opera don’t engage in the self-destruction game. Now a few may and have traveled a far shorter journey to their extinction than have others but no life form with the capacity to conceive of their own existence practice selective and terminal hostility toward each other on the basis of what they may or may not “believe”.

It would appear that the facility/faculty to conceive-of or imagine some universal absolute truth regarding the nature of existence and/or the beginning of this existence is embraced as justification, (and at the extreme extension of this grasp of the ethereal) duty or obligation to eradicate everyone and everything that doesn’t satisfy this particular vision of “reality”.

Human beings have exhibited a propensity to self-destruction predicated on concepts and ideas while the far greater mass of living biological organisms not similarly “gifted” with this vision go about consuming without this impulse to specific and exclusive entitlement.

Is the “real” nature of humankind found in iconology and dogma, rituals and ceremonies or is a clearer understanding of who and what human beings “are” and the answer to “why” revealed in the “success” of the human dynamic across the whole of human existence?

I don’t know what it would be like to be a “god”. I can’t imagine it so I can’t (with any authority) tell anyone else why this god or that god or if the circumstance is that there is only one “god”…. Conceives of my existence….and hence what I or anyone else should or shouldn’t “believe”.

I simply don’t know.

And anyone who tells you that he/she does… playing a fools game.


lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
This is only an example of a logical problem; it is not the egg or the hen that is meant.

Moreover, they did not see the Dinosaur, but saw its skeleton embedded at some parts of the earth. It could have lived in the past on this earth, then was extinct; or it might have lived on a past planet of the previous solar system, then its skeleton came embedded in the meteorites that formed the mountains.

Tough fossil! Have you seen the way those meteorites whack this rock - or what's left after?

Not a dinosaur bone to be seen - and it's been very well explored.
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Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
This is only an example of a logical problem; it is not the egg or the hen that is meant.

Moreover, they did not see the Dinosaur, but saw its skeleton embedded at some parts of the earth. It could have lived in the past on this earth, then was extinct; or it might have lived on a past planet of the previous solar system, then its skeleton came embedded in the meteorites that formed the mountains.

Eanassir, both you and the Koran are giving me a stomachache.

The meteorites that made the mountains? A meteorite as big as a mountain, coming in at around forty thousand miles per hour would make a crater not a mountain. Mountains can form in several ways, two of which are volcanic action, and the folding or shifting of the Earth's crust as the tectonic plates collide and slide over each other.

Believe it or not, prehistoric animals like the dinosaur are related to us as we are related to the first sea creatures that crawled up on the land.

From what you have written, the Koran is a scientific wasteland. You might just as well quote a comic book.
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Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
A vision of existence.

A consciousness that is “I” lives’ near the bottom of gravity well. Now whether this is by “design” or not doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that this single circumstance affords a degree of predictability that doesn’t exist beyond. one “god”…. Conceives of my existence….and hence what I or anyone else should or shouldn’t “believe”.

I simply don’t know.

And anyone who tells you that he/she does… playing a fools game.

Good post Mikey..


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
The Koran is false. It claims Muhammed was the last prophet God would send, but God has sent other Proohets.

Joseph Smith was a prophet who revealed more knowledge from God after Muhammed and the Book of mormon is very clear that God will never stop sending Prophets.

Ergo, nothing in the Koran matters because it has been proven false.

The teachings of some religious men are not necessarily like what their followers will adopt after that religious man;

therefore if you can answer these questions briefly without adding or omitting any word:

According to the exact words of Joseph Smith (not to your opinion or to those who came after Joseph Smith):
  • Is God one or three?
  • What is the shape and appearance of God?
  • Who is Jesus Christ, and what is he?
  • Is Jesus the same God the creator?
  • What is the trinity?
  • Is Jesus the son of God?
  • Was Jesus crucified, and then resurrected?
  • Are people the sons of God? And how is that? Are they the sons and daughters of God together with Jesus, or is Jesus their older brother?

When you answer these questions according to the words of Joseph Smith himself, we may know then was he a prophet of God or not?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
The portions of the destroyed planets might have carried such skeletons.

Now we have a planet destroyer out there too? Have you ever heard of a fellow called Einstein? I believe his "For every action there is an equally opposite reaction" might give you a clue about what's going to happen to any fossil if its planet is smacked to smithereens.

I gotta hand it to ya.... It takes big ones to post the Koran/Quaran/Choran as the answer to all in a science forum.
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Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Eanassir, both you and the Koran are giving me a stomachache.

From what you have written, the Koran is a scientific wasteland. You might just as well quote a comic book.

This is in the Quran 15: 91-93
الَّذِينَ جَعَلُوا الْقُرْآنَ عِضِينَ . فَوَرَبِّكَ لَنَسْأَلَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِيْنَ . عَمَّا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ
The explanation:
(Those who considered the Quran as 'spiky thorns.' [: like the spiky tree that when man eats of it, its spikes will be inserted in their throats and cut their throats.]

But [O Mohammed] by your Lord! We will question them all.

About their works.)

So that the disbeliever will be questioned only in a way of rebuking and will go to Hell without judgment,

while the believer will be questioned in a way of judgment to be given his rank in Paradise,

and even prophets will also be questioned about the conveying of their message and their duty.
