Mars is inhabited.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
The air pressure on Earth is 14.7 PSIG at sea level. On Mars, the atmospheric pressure is roughly 0.147 PSIG. Many humans cannot survive at the summit of Mount Everest where the atmospheric pressure is approximately 5.5 PSIG

The surface gravity on Mars is 38 percent of Earth's gravity so Mars is less likely to be able to hold on to it's atmosphere.

The mean temperature on the surface of Mars is minus 63 degrees Celsius. The maximum surface temperature is minus 20 degrees Celsius. Obviously there is no liquid water.

The only life I would expect to find on Mars might be some form of bacteria.left over from better times.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Red and yellow black and white.... People come in brown.

There is much evidence to support the belief that man was a further evolution from the ape family. Distinct races are adaptations to specific environment.

Pray do tell us what God gave more of to the sons of Adam (or White, continuing with your analogy) than He did any of the others created in His image (thus - EQUAL)

All the four races are human beings; but it is not only the brown pigment amount that differs, but there are many distinctive features in the external shape and in the blood constituents and many other differences.
[The four human races]

They were created distinctively; each in a separate place of the Earth which were very much separated from each other; although there have been much mixing along this long time between the sons of Adam (the Caucasian) and the Yellow and the Black human races.

God gave to the sons of Adam some preferring by some criteria more than the rest of the human races.

But evenso all of them are human beings, and the most honored of them before God, is the most God-fearing among them.

God – be glorified – created Adam the father of the last human race, and gave him and his progeny a better shape, black or blond hair, soft hair or little wrinkled, complete beard, small or medium teeth, white or brown skin, black or colored eyes. This is in the shape; while in the intelligence he is more intelligent than the others, and there may be other body and mental privileges.
This is in the Quran 17: 70

وَلَقَدْ كَرَّمْنَا بَنِي آدَمَ وَحَمَلْنَاهُمْ فِي الْبَرِّ وَالْبَحْرِ وَرَزَقْنَاهُم مِّنَ الطَّيِّبَاتِ وَفَضَّلْنَاهُمْ عَلَى كَثِيرٍ مِّمَّنْ خَلَقْنَا تَفْضِيلاً

The explanation: ( We have honored the children of Adam, transported them on land and sea, provided them with ‘[food-stuffs:] pure and wholesome’ and preferred them greatly over many of those We created.)
Here, we see that God specified Adam’s descendants by favoring them more than the rest of mankind.

This does not mean the racial discrimination; but all of them are human beings created by God; the most honored in God's sight is the most God-fearing and the most obedient among them.

Each have their homes and countries and have their rights; but this is it; God created these four distinctively, and neither was Darwin right nor was Marx correct.
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Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
The air pressure on Earth is 14.7 PSIG at sea level. On Mars, the atmospheric pressure is roughly 0.147 PSIG. Many humans cannot survive at the summit of Mount Everest where the atmospheric pressure is approximately 5.5 PSIG

The surface gravity on Mars is 38 percent of Earth's gravity so Mars is less likely to be able to hold on to it's atmosphere.

The mean temperature on the surface of Mars is minus 63 degrees Celsius. The maximum surface temperature is minus 20 degrees Celsius. Obviously there is no liquid water.

The only life I would expect to find on Mars might be some form of bacteria.left over from better times.

They have the right to believe that life had been exterminated on both Mercury and Venus; but not on Mars, which has the day and night alternate regularly, which will not allow much heat and coldness.

Now they have fixed their table (Phoenix); on it there is a set to measure the atmospheric pressure, and another to examine the constituents of the air, and still another one to measure the temperature there in that fixed area.

Many of these data may change.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
They have the right to believe that life had been exterminated on both Mercury and Venus; but not on Mars, which has the day and night alternate regularly, which will not allow much heat and coldness.

Now they have fixed their table (Phoenix); on it there is a set to measure the atmospheric pressure, and another to examine the constituents of the air, and still another one to measure the temperature there in that fixed area.

Many of these data may change.

Much of it will, if the damn thing will work.

But it has already recorded the tempratures as:

At the landing site temps: -30C daytime, -80C night time.

That's a pretty damn cold night, even for a Polar Bear.... that's even colder then our own poles. And the daytime temp of -30C isn't all that promising either. You claim there is life on Mars because of Mars having Ice Caps which holds some water, but in reality, Life needs water.... in liquid form, and -30 to -80C isn't going to give it any chance of melting anytime soon (Since freezing is at 0 degrees C.)

If you threw on those same tempratures in our own polar areas.... or even on the entire planet, all the water would freeze up and we would all eventually die, because we wouldn't have any water at easy access. We'd have to melt it in order to use it.

To me, I see Mars as either a Dead Planet, or a Dormant Planet waiting to be set active..... and either way, we don't have the power or technology to do anything about it, except observe and report.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Eanassir you crease me up sometimes. Though I am surprised that you use computers as everybody knows that the messages written are carried by tiny little demons and that the electricity is created by forcing the demons to fornicate and the resulting friction creates static sparks...8O

The computer does not work by demons; these demons are some other kind of creation just like you, living in communities, having their strict laws; they are invisible creatures because their bodies are composed of gases, while their souls are composed of ethereal particles just like our souls. They live their material lives then die and their souls go to the world of souls just like our souls.

Genies (or demons) inhabit the gaseous layers of the upper atmosphere of every inhabited planet. Moreover, they inhabit some deserted places.

They can show us themselves, but people are afraid and terrified from them (I also am afraid of them); on the other hand, some men among mankind subjected some of demons (or genies) to do some work and service to them.
Genies (or demons)

There is a complete soora or chapter of the Quran (72) about them in addition to many other Quranic revelations in many other chapters.



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Much of it will, if the damn thing will work.
and -30 to -80C isn't going to give it any chance of melting anytime soon (Since freezing is at 0 degrees C.)

As they say Phoenix landed at the periphery of the polar region.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
It would sure make for some interesting basketball....

Certainly the African have more elastic and powerful muscles, in addition to other creation characteristic like the broad nose and the sickle shape of the RBC in their blood; they were created to suit the condition of the African forests. They are excellent runners and winners in the sport races.


Council Member
Sep 28, 2007
Ardrossan, Alberta
I did hear talk of them taking the polluting gases CFCs caused by us to the poles on mars and , when released they would cause water molecules to form and terraforming would be the result this is the theory whether true is another matter
I was doing some reading on that very subject- I think the conclusion was that if you want to terraform Mars then it's probably best to send some kind of factory there and pollute the hell out of it- and we definately have the tech to do that;-)

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Mars is inhabited

Recently they have successfully landed their Phoenix and fixed it on the surface of Mars (in addition to their mobile rovers that are moving in a desolate area there.)

Phoenix is equipped with advanced sets for testing the constituents of the soil, measuring the atmospheric pressure, temperature and taking images.

Indications of life on Mars:
  • There is water on Mars; there are two poles; with variation in winter and summer, like that on Earth. There are clouds moved by the wind, like that on Earth.
  • Its atmosphere is clear, not like that of Venus (turbid and full of smoke), and not like Mercury that lost most of its atmosphere.
  • The distribution of the temperature on the surface of Mars is somewhat similar to that on Earth with its variation according to the particular region of the planet, with succession of day and night.
Some comments:
v They have been misguided as to the proper place for their search: they searched in the desert region, and in some other desolate region. While if they search in the temperate regions, they may find people, animals and plants.
v In case there are two frozen poles, where does the large amount of snow, which melts in spring and summer time, go? There must be seas and rivers.
v This large planet with all these features, and with its two moons, is certainly full of living beings: people, (and demons or genies), animals and plants, and is suitable for living of the people of Earth (may be with some modifications.)
The journey to Mars is successful


God is mighty and he must have created other human form of life somewhere else in another corner of the universe. Although we human beings are spiritual creatures, we still are very skeptical of God’s involvement in the creation of this vast Universe.

Life in the Universe
Exploring the Solar System
The Features
Space Missions to Mars
Water on Mars?
Life on Mars?
Future Space Missions to Mars
Meteorites from Mars


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Although we human beings are spiritual creatures, we still are very skeptical of God’s involvement in the creation of this vast Universe.

Then Who created the universe?

Moreover, is there any doubt about God Who splitted the planets making them nine, after being one flaming sun?

When we contemplate our solar system, we see it marvellous, systemized and ordered, and created for a purpose: to bear life in the form of intelligent human beings to serve and worship God alone without any associate or equal:

Planets circling around a sun, at different distances from it, with their different axes of inclination to make it proper and counteract for the far distances. Then there is the alternation of day and night on them: so that the heat will not accumulate on one side while the other side will be frozen; the seasons, the atmosphere, the cloud and rain, the plant and animal subjected to this man. In addition, moons shine for the inhabitants of such planets; so that they will be aware about the passing of time and learn the counting: all such findings explain clearly that there is a Wise God Who created all this miraculous system.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
When we contemplate our solar system, we see it ... created for a purpose: to bear life in the form of intelligent human beings to serve and worship God alone without any associate or equal
That's the purpose of the solar system, is it? All that requires is one planet humans can live on. What's the rest of it all about? Why did it exist for billions of years before humans showed up? And why does a supposedly perfect being need anyone to serve and worship him anyway?

Too bad the project managers at NASA didn't consult you about where to land their probes. No doubt you could have given them much better advice, based on the Quran, than all their engineers and scientists were able to come up with. You could even have told them what they'd find. According to that fatuous web site you keep pointing us to: " Mars is inhabited and contains plant, trees, animals, human beings, mountains, rivers, seas and other things."

Your ignorance is beyond redemption.

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
Satan has control over his unaware followers; so he stirs in them vain desires and vain dreams; and so they see themselves smart and very intelligent.

Then they follow him step by step until he brings them to complete loss and failure.

He suggests to them by sending to them, by inspiration, his Satanic suggestions to the convolutions (or gyri) of their brains. Moreover, he – being an invisible spiritual being – stands before them, spread out his hands and shouts in their faces: "turn back from going to such and such good work", and he entice them to be against God their true Master, the Most Gracious.

This is in the Quran 43: 62
وَلَا يَصُدَّنَّكُمُ الشَّيْطَانُ إِنَّهُ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ مُّبِينٌ
The explanation: (Let not Satan hinder you [people]; for he is to you an enemy avowed.)

The nose is the route of entry of the soul (or the ghost) when man regains his consciousness following the temporary departure of the soul (or the ghost) from the body by coma or fainting.
See here this nice true story of one who fainted then regained his consciousness:


OK, thanks for that.

So what does your god say about global warming? He has about as good a chance of being right as anyone else at this point.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Maybe the same entity that created God. What was there before God?

This is a well-known logical fallacy; there must be an ultimate end of this alleged vicious circle: He is the Eternal God Who created everything.

It is like: is the egg from the hen, or the hen from the egg? There must be an initial hen that started all this chain of eggs and hens.

We read in the Quran 57: 3
هُوَ الْأَوَّلُ وَالْآخِرُ وَالظَّاهِرُ وَالْبَاطِنُ وَهُوَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ
The explanation: (He is the First [: no god before Him], and the Last [: no god after Him], and the Superior One, and the Unapparent, and He is Most Aware about all things.)



Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
Earnassir, this world is bigger than the vision you claim to have in the Koran.

You are nowhere near the enlightenment of a true humble muslim scholar.
The best Muslim scholars are nowhere near as rigid, nor confining, nor boring.

I know many Muslims who would pull you back and desire to teach you an other way to reach out to people.

They would not even like my method here in criticizing you either.

True teachers know their audience. They know their audience is not an empty vessel or ignorant of the truth as you see it. They look at education and knowledge as a two-way street.

Perhaps you have nothing to learn from anybody here ?

Is there a real Earnassir behind this Koran ? Do you have any hobbies ? Do you have a girl friend ? Do you have any doubts ? Fears ? What is your fallible human side, Clarise ?


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Dexter: I was wondering when you were going to show up:)

The purpose from creating the solar system is almost to bear intelligent beings on all or most of its planets; and God is the All-Knowing about His purpose.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Eanassir, alot of what you are saying simply isn't true and can be easily researched.

Martian atmosphere is nothing at all like Earth Atmosphere. Any living creature dropped anywhere on mars would not suffocate, it wouldn't have time. The surface pressure is so different it would be ripped apart outwards.

You know when a submarine goes too deep into the ocean how its crushed by the intense pressure? Its like that only in reverse.

Mars is not a place of life (at least like anything on earth).
Venus has never had life.

Mercury could never have had nor could it ever have life in anyway. Its a sun scorched rock, it is basically a rock in flame.

I know you believe your religion and its teachings, and thats fine, but you are basically calling your own religious book a liar when you draw connections that make it wrong.

Very little if anything you have said on the first page regarding mars is remotely true.