Mars is inhabited.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Mars is inhabited

Recently they have successfully landed their Phoenix and fixed it on the surface of Mars (in addition to their mobile rovers that are moving in a desolate area there.)

Phoenix is equipped with advanced sets for testing the constituents of the soil, measuring the atmospheric pressure, temperature and taking images.

Indications of life on Mars:
  • There is water on Mars; there are two poles; with variation in winter and summer, like that on Earth. There are clouds moved by the wind, like that on Earth.
  • Its atmosphere is clear, not like that of Venus (turbid and full of smoke), and not like Mercury that lost most of its atmosphere.
  • The distribution of the temperature on the surface of Mars is somewhat similar to that on Earth with its variation according to the particular region of the planet, with succession of day and night.

Some comments:
v They have been misguided as to the proper place for their search: they searched in the desert region, and in some other desolate region. While if they search in the temperate regions, they may find people, animals and plants.
v In case there are two frozen poles, where does the large amount of snow, which melts in spring and summer time, go? There must be seas and rivers.
v This large planet with all these features, and with its two moons, is certainly full of living beings: people, (and demons or genies), animals and plants, and is suitable for living of the people of Earth (may be with some modifications.)
The journey to Mars is successful

The emigration to Mars

An anticipated meeting between the inhabitants of Earth and the inhabitants of some other planets



Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005

The density of the atmosphere on Mars is about one one hundredth that of Earth's atmosphere so liquid water is not very likely on Mars. The surface of the planet Mars has been mapped and there are no seas or lakes or rivers, or forests.. It looks like there was once liquid water on the surface of Mars, but that was in the distant past. Unless the inhabitants of Mars are CO2-breathing Troglodytes who live underground, there are no people living on Mars either.
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Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
I did hear talk of them taking the polluting gases CFCs caused by us to the poles on mars and , when released they would cause water molecules to form and terraforming would be the result this is the theory whether true is another matter


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007

The density of the atmosphere on Mars is about one one hundredth that of Earth's atmosphere so liquid water is not very likely on Mars. The surface of the planet Mars has been mapped and there are no seas or lakes or rivers, or forests.. It looks like there was once liquid water on the surface of Mars, but that was in the distant past. Unless the inhabitants of Mars are Methane-breathing Troglodytes who live underground, there are no people living on Mars either.

Every day there is a new discovery about Mars; it may be this time or in the near future that they will prove there is life on Mars.

This Phoenix (although it is stationary in its place) carries many advanced equipment to measure the constituents of the air; I don't think it is much different from that of our Earth; it is fresh air that is present there.

These gases like Methane, SO2, H2S and other poisonous are also present on Earth, but may be at high altitude; and so we get rid of their harmful effect. But on Mars, they have estimated such gases from far distances, by indirect ways like using the spectrum of light …etc.

See the answer to question 1 in the subject of "Dialogue with the author" at our website just before

"And the gases, We have collected and packed, with Our surplus towards them and Our mercy to them; for if We let these gases at the surface of the earth, then their life will be impossible, but they will rather suffocate and die. Therefore, We have lifted these gases by Our mercy, and packed them in layers by Our surplus, so We have made the oxygen and nitrogen in the air for their inspiration and many other benefits; nevertheless, We have lifted the suffocating and harmful gases by Our mercy and surplus, and We are still more Open-handed with profuse favors and grace of God"

If we study the atmosphere of Earth from the surface of Mars using the same methods, we may reach the same results and say that the earth atmosphere is full of methane and some other similar gases.

While concerning what they say the atmosphere is thin; this might have been for the same reason just mentioned; then how can such atmosphere carry many clouds at some high distances, and these clouds move by the wind?

If the snow is little, it may go under the ground; but in case there is such tremendous frozen pole, it should melt and form many water bodies like rivers and seas.

Take a look at this map to demonstrate the hydrogen distribution on the first meter of the surface of Mars, and see that there is a concentration of the hydrogen in the middle in addition to that in the polar region.

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Council Member
Sep 28, 2007
Ardrossan, Alberta
There may have been life in the distant past when water flowed across the surface and it's atmospere was different, but the hydrogen they detected is chemicaly locked with oxygen in the form of frozen water and the atmospere presently consists of 95% CO2 3% nitrogen and 2% argon, not palatable to life as we know it.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007

Ya think???

There may have been - or there may yet be. If there is life, it's certain not to be in a way we understand.

Why not Ya think??? Woof to Mars!

It may be or mostly it will be somewhat different : See the different four human races from black to white with different nice eye colors. And an example is the animals and plants of Australia. I have now some buisness, and return later by God's will.

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Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
This thread made me lol!

Isn't your reason for thinking (knowing) people live on Mars because the same man that thought Satan lived in peoples noses said so? :lol:

So here is one for you: If Satan lives in our noses who lives in the Martians noses? Or are you like the Christians and think the booger man is everywhere?
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Electoral Member
May 14, 2007
Eanassir you crease me up sometimes. Though I am surprised that you use computers as everybody knows that the messages written are carried by tiny little demons and that the electricity is created by forcing the demons to fornicate and the resulting friction creates static sparks...8O


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Indications of life on Mars:
  • There is water on Mars; there are two poles; with variation in winter and summer, like that on Earth. There are clouds moved by the wind, like that on Earth.
There are usually two poles for every planet, that's how they rotate in our solar system, and they are usually cooler then the rest of each planet, because they don't receive as much sun as the rest of the planet.

They all have different seasons, because their orbits around the sun are much like ours' ie: not a perfect circle.

There are clouds moved by wind on Jupiter.... much faster then anything we normally see here on Earth. In fact, there are plenty of variations of clouds on many planets in our solar system.

  • Its atmosphere is clear, not like that of Venus (turbid and full of smoke), and not like Mercury that lost most of its atmosphere.
Just because the atmosphere is clear, doesn't mean the atmosphere is of decent quality to maintain life.

  • The distribution of the temperature on the surface of Mars is somewhat similar to that on Earth with its variation according to the particular region of the planet, with succession of day and night.
Every planet has this, based on the speed of their rotation cycles via their poles.

Although I believe there might be a small chance of some kind of life on Mars, none of the above are indications or evidence that there is life on Mars.

Rip the atmosphere off of the Earth and put Mar's on our planet and chances are you're going to see no life here on this planet as we currently know it.... and Earth would probably be just as barren as Mars, and all our water would either be frozen too, or evaporate out into space due to the thin atmosphere and intense heat bashing the planet's surface through a thin atmosphere..... oh and our nights would be extremely cold too, because the atmosphere retains most of the collected heat from the sun.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Why not Ya think??? Woof to Mars!

It may be or mostly it will be somewht different : See the different four human races from black to white with different nice eye cokors. And an example is the animals and plants of Australia. I have now some buisness, and return later by God's will.


Naw ... Woof no go. Mars too cold. Woof not even like Northern Ontario chilly.

Even if a mammal has the beak of a duck and lays eggs, it's of a chemical form we recognize. Humans? From no matter what latitide, we are all some shade of brown. Pigmentation is the variable. Life forms on Mars will have evolved around the chain of elements native to their planet.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
There may have been life in the distant past when water flowed across the surface and it's atmospere was different, but the hydrogen they detected is chemicaly locked with oxygen in the form of frozen water and the atmospere presently consists of 95% CO2 3% nitrogen and 2% argon, not palatable to life as we know it.

The extinction of life occurred on Mercury and Venus when their circumstances became deadly and fatal.

While Mars is viable with life, and its circumstances are better than Mercury and Venus; only it has to be explored more, and in new methods and this will occur by time.

The formation of these planets occurred at the same time, and more or less of the same substances; but the thing for Mercury and Venus had been changed and deteriorated.

Such gases as N2, O2, Argon are the major constituents of the air in the lower atmosphere, but when you go to the high altitudes, the constituents will certainly differ, the light gases like H2 and Helium you will find high up.

Methane, CO2, NH3, SO2, H2S and other gases are also present in the atmosphere of the earth due to many sources like volcanoes and some biological activities.

The same is true on Mars; but almost such gaseous values, as they gave, will change according to the new methods, and in fact they are now studying such constituents. There is a set on their table of the Phoenix which is assigned for this purpose.

If we study the Earth atmosphere from Mars surface, we may think the earth is full of such gases which are in fact present at some high altitudes; because we then look through the whole width of the atmosphere from outside.



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
This thread made me lol!

Isn't your reason for thinking (knowing) people live on Mars because the same man that thought Satan lived in peoples noses said so? :lol:

So here is one for you: If Satan lives in our noses who lives in the Martians noses? Or are you like the Christians and think the booger man is everywhere?

Satan has control over his unaware followers; so he stirs in them vain desires and vain dreams; and so they see themselves smart and very intelligent.

Then they follow him step by step until he brings them to complete loss and failure.

He suggests to them by sending to them, by inspiration, his Satanic suggestions to the convolutions (or gyri) of their brains. Moreover, he – being an invisible spiritual being – stands before them, spread out his hands and shouts in their faces: "turn back from going to such and such good work", and he entice them to be against God their true Master, the Most Gracious.

This is in the Quran 43: 62
وَلَا يَصُدَّنَّكُمُ الشَّيْطَانُ إِنَّهُ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ مُّبِينٌ
The explanation: (Let not Satan hinder you [people]; for he is to you an enemy avowed.)

The nose is the route of entry of the soul (or the ghost) when man regains his consciousness following the temporary departure of the soul (or the ghost) from the body by coma or fainting.
See here this nice true story of one who fainted then regained his consciousness:



Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
Isn't this all a little ego-centric ?

Is this universe all about just us ?

Is it self-convenient and self-serving to think Mars is just a prop in our own morality drama ?

We, this little spec of a molecule, in this vast scheme, this play ?


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
[/list]There are usually two poles for every planet, that's how they rotate in our solar system, and they are usually cooler then the rest of each planet, because they don't receive as much sun as the rest of the planet.

They all have different seasons, because their orbits around the sun are much like ours' ie: not a perfect circle.

There are clouds moved by wind on Jupiter.... much faster then anything we normally see here on Earth. In fact, there are plenty of variations of clouds on many planets in our solar system.

Just because the atmosphere is clear, doesn't mean the atmosphere is of decent quality to maintain life.

due to the thin atmosphere and intense heat bashing the planet's surface through a thin atmosphere..... oh and our nights would be extremely cold too ...

This indicates that these planets bear life on them just like our earth; i.e. God – be glorified – created people serving Him on such planets, just as did He create on our Earth.

Moreover, some planets have the pole as the hottest region like the planet Uranus, which rotates around its horizontal axis, so that the polar region will be always facing the sun; because it is so far, this will make such region warm and liable to bear life, and there will be graduation of temperature: the pole will be the hottest, then the nearby regions will gradually be less warm and more cold because of the obliquity of the sun rays.

When I said Mars has two poles, I meant that the polar regions of Mars are frozen with large amounts of ice.

The atmosphere of Mars is not thin as do they imagine; it bears much cloud at considerable height, with some fast moving wind which drafts such cloud.



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Isn't this all a little ego-centric ?

Is this universe all about just us ?

Is it self-convenient and self-serving to think Mars is just a prop in our own morality drama ?

We, this little spec of a molecule, in this vast scheme, this play ?

God has not created all this in vain; such a solar system with its planets circling around the sun, and having their different axes according to their different distances, and they rotate around themselves to form the day and night and rotate around the sun to form the year and the seasons, and they have moons that shine for their people; there are people, other than us, there on the planets.
See this Earth and how God - be glorified - filled it with large numbere of creatures and people; then how about the extensive planets will they be empty and devoid of created beings?
This is in the Quran 3: 190-191
إِنَّ فِي خَلْقِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضِ وَاخْتِلاَفِ اللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ لآيَاتٍ لِّأُوْلِي الألْبَابِ
الَّذِينَ يَذْكُرُونَ اللّهَ قِيَامًا وَقُعُودًا وَعَلَىَ جُنُوبِهِمْ وَيَتَفَكَّرُونَ فِي خَلْقِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضِ رَبَّنَا مَا خَلَقْتَ هَذا بَاطِلاً سُبْحَانَكَ فَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ
The explanation: (There – in the creation of the heavens and the earth [: the planets and the earth], and the alternation of the night and the day – are indicative signs [of a Wise Creator Who created them perfectly] to men having discerning hearts.

[Those] who remember God when they stand up, sit down and recline, and contemplate in the creation of the heavens and the earth, [then say]: "Our Lord, not in vain have You created this [universe!] Glory be to You! Protect us from the torment of the Fire.")


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Naw ... Woof no go. Mars too cold. Woof not even like Northern Ontario chilly.

Even if a mammal has the beak of a duck and lays eggs, it's of a chemical form we recognize. Humans? From no matter what latitide, we are all some shade of brown. Pigmentation is the variable. Life forms on Mars will have evolved around the chain of elements native to their planet.

All the four races are human beings; but it is not only the brown pigment amount that differ, but there are many distinctive features in the external shape and in the blood constituents and many other differences.

They were created distinctively; each in a separate place of the Earth which were very much separated from each other; although there have been much mixing along this long time between the sons of Adam (the Caucasian) and the Yellow and the Black human races.

God gave to the sons of Adam some preferring by some criteria more than the rest of the human races.

But evenso all of them are human beings, and the most honored of them before God, is the most God-fearing among them.

Moreover, life did not evolve spontaneously on Earth, as it did not evolve on the planets, but God creates what He please wherever and whenever He will.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
All the four races are human beings; but it is not only the brown pigment amount that differ, but there are many distinctive features in the external shape and in the blood constituents and many other differences.

They were created distinctively; each in a separate place of the Earth which were very much separated from each other; although there have been much mixing along this long time between the sons of Adam (the Caucasian) and the Yellow and the Black human races.

God gave to the sons of Adam some preferring by some criteria more than the rest of the human races.

But evenso all of them are human beings, and the most honored of them before God, is the most God-fearing among them.

Moreover, life did not evolve spontaneously on Earth, as it did not evolve on the planets, but God creates what He please wherever and whenever He will.

Red and yellow black and white.... People come in brown.

There is much evidence to support the belief that man was a further evolution from the ape family. Distinct races are adaptations to specific environment.

Pray do tell us what God gave more of to the sons of Adam (or White, continuing with your analogy) than He did any of the others created in His image (thus - EQUAL)
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Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
This indicates that these planets bear life on them just like our earth;

None of those explinations above are valid for proving, let alone indicating that Mars contains life on it. It might have at one time, many eons ago, and it might have a chance of holding life on it again in the future, but the closest anybody is ever going to get to finding life on Mars, is if they find some microorganisms locked in ice (Which could be a process to start life back on Mars)

But there are certainly no other living creatures on Mars's surface in comparison to us humans.... as Mars can not substain humans in it's pressent form. In other words, it's not much more hospitable then our Moon.

Perhaps there's some underground Matrix society forever in a locked battle with their own machines deep in the core of Mars.... but until we can see what's under the surface of Mars, we will never know...... well... unless they start shooting at us or some alien child starts playing Tonka with our Rovers and caught on camera.

i.e. God – be glorified – created people serving Him on such planets, just as did He create on our Earth.

Funny, I don't remember the Bible ever talking in depth about other planets and life on them.

And even if there was any truth to the above "..... created people serving Him on such planets, just as did He create on our Earth" Might be logical, as there is probably life on many other planets then our own..... that doesn't mean there is life on Mars.
Moreover, some planets have the pole as the hottest region like the planet Uranus, which rotates around its horizontal axis, so that the polar region will be always facing the sun; because it is so far, this will make such region warm and liable to bear life, and there will be graduation of temperature: the pole will be the hottest, then the nearby regions will gradually be less warm and more cold because of the obliquity of the sun rays.

Either way, that is still not evidence towards there being any life.

When I said Mars has two poles, I meant that the polar regions of Mars are frozen with large amounts of ice.
The atmosphere of Mars is not thin as do they imagine; it bears much cloud at considerable height, with some fast moving wind which drafts such cloud.

Fair enough, but still not evidence of life being on Mars. The only way anybody will ever truly know if there is or not, is if we actually see this life in some fashion or another. I imagine soon enough in time, we'll be able to determine this.

I am not on either side of the argument for life on Mars, although I do lean on the concept that there might be some bacteria or single celled organisms on the planet, until we know for sure, there is no absolute answer at this time one way or another.

In a scientific mentality, if they don't see it or able to measure it, then it doesn't exist..... but I'm not an avid science follower.