Mars is inhabited.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007

I sincerely hope others will join me, as I join Dexter in serving you notice that in our opinion, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Your statement that Mars is inhabited is just nonsense. The surface of Mars is a frigid desert with no water, no plant or animal life at all. Your arguments are childish in the extreme. I won't be joining your B.S. topics again. Good bye.

"nonsense" and "childish" as such is your reply. Farewell, I am really sad to say Good bye; and enjoy drinking Canada Dry :smile:
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House Member
Aug 28, 2006

According to the NASA chart above, water makes up only 0.03 percent of the skimpy Martian atmosphere, so ice is not going to be found in great quanties no matter what eanassir
wants to say.

well great quantities is a subjective term. For some life to exist you can have very minute quantities by earth standards, but still be very great quantities on the scale of whats available in the solar system.

Quite frankly Eanassir has really proven he doesn't want a debate, I could show him anything in the world from a direct quote in the Koran to loading him in a rocket ship and taking him to Mars and he would never believe he is wrong.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
well great quantities is a subjective term. For some life to exist you can have very minute quantities by earth standards, but still be very great quantities on the scale of whats available in the solar system.

Quite frankly Eanassir has really proven he doesn't want a debate, I could show him anything in the world from a direct quote in the Koran to loading him in a rocket ship and taking him to Mars and he would never believe he is wrong.

#Juan said: "According to the NASA chart above, water makes up only 0.03 percent of the skimpy Martian atmosphere"

I say: Let her tell you what is then the percentage of water in the atmosphere of Earth? :roll:

We shall see who will prove correct: the non-graduate Quran interpreter or they [this is not related to #Juan, but to some other guys here] being qualified in science of the shoe selling!

But then when everything will be verified and fulfilled, and the intelligent life will be discovered, they will never admit it; but they will stick to their desires, and will say: "We said this from the start, it is not new! It has been said thousands of years ago!",

Although they now insist that there is no life on Mars; only to disprove the Glorious Quran by every means, and this will indeed be very far far from them; as God said in the Quran61: 8

يُرِيدُونَ لِيُطْفِؤُوا نُورَ اللَّهِ بِأَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَاللَّهُ مُتِمُّ نُورِهِ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْكَافِرُونَ

The explanation:
(They desire to extinguish the light of God [: the Quran] with [the words of] their mouths, but God will complete [revealing] His light however much the unbelievers are averse.)
It means: like one that blows on the sun in order to put it out.

Moreover, some of them; (not you of course; I can guess who); some of them started to say some advertising of shoes in their science forum, then they deleted it; this to display their rancor and it proves my words are correct.

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House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Ok, Eanassir, lets start from the very basics.

What would you need to see to believe there are no people, birds or trees on Mars?


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Ok, Eanassir, lets start from the very basics.

What would you need to see to believe there are no people, birds or trees on Mars?

This may lead us to some sort of vicious circle; so by now I shall stop speaking in this subject until something new will be discovered.
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House Member
Aug 28, 2006
So basically nothing in existence could convince you there are no people on mars, even If you went there yourself and looked around?

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
As I said before you cannot use facts, reason, physics, chemistry, etc on religious people. Otherwise there wouldn't BE any religious people.
lol Addendum: it also doesn't work on trolls like eannassir, obviously. They simply do this to annoy you.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC

This photo shows the Pathfinder vehicle near the big rock.
Hey!!!! Look near the horizon at the left. Isn't that the golden arches?


Council Member
Sep 28, 2007
Ardrossan, Alberta
Arguing with eanassir is an exercise in futility- If you took him there and drove him around to prove there was no life- he would say that they were all underground or something- I quit debating him on anything. I wonder if his position is indicative of all people where he's from.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
The sandstorms on Mars:
A Martian dust devil spins across Gusev Crater just before noon on March 15, 2005. Photo credit: Mars rover Spirit.

These sand storms need an atmosphere not that thin, in order to bear the sand storms and wind whirls. In addition, we (living in the hot sandy regions of the Earth: like Iraq and Arabia) are familiar with such wind whirls in summer time, when the ground will be hot, especially at noon time. To confirm this, see that their "Spirit" took the images of such wind whirls in the spring season of Mars, and at noon time. Therefore, how do they claim that all the surface of Mars is freezing?

The cloud of Mars:
Moreover, in the images sent by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, there has been some clouds, but no much cloud appear to obscure the land features; therefore, why doesn't the cloud appear to obscure the land features on Mars? This indicates the Orbiter flies at a very high altitude over the planet Mars (a more height than the satellites circling around the Earth), and the images have been subjected to some modification. While the images taken for the Earth, by some satellites, show its surface obscured by some extensive clouds.

Another point: the Hubble telescope images show Mars as if having some continents and oceans, like the images of the Earth taken by some satellites; while the images coming from the MR Orbiter show something different: only desolate land with scattered rocks and sands, which indicates their way of taking, transmitting and modifying the images of Mars is defective.

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Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
When we study this valuable map of Mars by the Hubble,
We see:
  • The two polar regions with polar ice caps.
  • There is a large amount of cloud formation, which disproves the idea of a dry planet.
  • The continents appear in the brownish color.
  • The area with green to blue regions may be oceans and seas.

This is confirmed by the hydrogen concentration map on the surface of Mars:
Where the blue regions in the middle may coincide with the regions of green to blue in the first map; and the hydrogen here indicates the water, and it turns that these middle blue areas may be the oceans on Mars.



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
The afterglow of sunset on Mars:
The afterglow of the sunset reflects many things, other than the dust in the atmosphere; it reflects the high and extensive atmosphere, which they claim to be thin.

See the link below:
"Analyses of images like the above photograph show that at least some Martian days are capped by a sunset significantly longer and redder than typical on Earth. For up to two hours after twilight, sunlight continued to reflect off Martian dust high in the atmosphere, casting a diffuse glow."

This gives a clew to the size of Mars, whose year is twice the Earth year and its day is longer than the Earth day, and its afterglow of the sun is longer and redder than typical on Earth.
And see also this image of the red afterglow of the sunset on Mars:



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
The water cycle on Mars:
The cloud drifted by the wind is not a new discovery; but the thing I doubt that is all this cloud cirrus!?
See the link below:
The clouds on Mars drifted by the wind.

And the new thing they have observed these days is "the water available in the atmosphere" according to their expression, and the fog, which is some form of water droplets precipitation.
"The atmospheric water is available to form into clouds, fog and frost, such as the lander has been observing recently."

The fog of course will disprove their postulation of the sublimation; because the fog is a collection of tiny water droplets.



Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005

This link reveals a dark spot near Olmpus Mons volcano on Mars.
  • This image expounds clearly that they cannot see details in inches and feet as do some claim.
  • It can be that this dark spot is some deep water in the ocean; because the deep water will give a deeper color than the surrounding relatively shallower water.

eanassir, How many times do you have to be told? There is no liquid water on the surface of Mars. We know what the atmospheric pressure on Mars is, and we also know what the temperature is, and we can duplicate those conditions here on Earth. Liquid water simply cannot exist at the extremely low pressure or the low temperatures found on Mars. Any water on Mars will be in the form of ice, and there will be very little of that.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
eanassir, How many times do you have to be told? There is no liquid water on the surface of Mars. We know what the atmospheric pressure on Mars is, and we also know what the temperature is, and we can duplicate those conditions here on Earth. Liquid water simply cannot exist at the extremely low pressure or the low temperatures found on Mars. Any water on Mars will be in the form of ice, and there will be very little of that.

I told you many times that their data and findings there on Mars are doubtful; they base their findings on some presumptive ideas and try to modify the things accordingly; and now step by step the subject will be clearly obvious;
don't you see this image and many other images not very clear and precise as do they claim?
They color the images according to their ideas that Mars is red and its dust is red; and that Mars has no liquid water, and they see the river beds and their tributaries but they say all that is dry; then where has the water gone? inspite of that there is a large polar cap: north and south, and they have seen the cloud and the fog.
Don't you see the alternation of night and day on Mars? and that its day is longer than the day of the Earth? And that its sunset afterglow is longer in duration? So all these observtion bear many indications to the life on Mars and it is not a dead planet as do they assert.



Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
I told you many times that their data and findings there on Mars are doubtful; they base their findings on some presumptive ideas and try to modify the things accordingly; and now step by step the subject will be clearly obvious;
don't you see this image and many other images not very clear and precise as do they claim?
They color the images according to their ideas that Mars is red and its dust is red; and that Mars has no liquid water, and they see the river beds and their tributaries but they say all that is dry; then where has the water gone? inspite of that there is a large polar cap: north and south, and they have seen the cloud and the fog.
Don't you see the alternation of night and day on Mars? and that its day is longer than the day of the Earth? And that its sunset afterglow is longer in duration? So all these observtion bear many indications to the life on Mars and it is not a dead planet as do they assert.

They colour Mars red because Mars is red. The following is a photo that I have taken through a very small telescope and you can see that the planet is red. The small polar cap is easily visible. If there were liquid oceans, what colour would you expect them to be? Do you think the water would be red? As has been said a number of times on this topic, Mars might well have had an atmosphere and liquid oceans in the past, but now it doesn't. Right now Mars is a cold, dry, dusty, red rock.
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