Mansplaning 🤷*♂️🤔


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Obviously, none of them had the full story. That ain't what history, archaeology, and anthropology are about. Responsible ones view the evidence as objectively as they can and devise theories and draw conclusions based on the evidence and sound logical principles.

Then get told they're wrong by a bunch of Yahoos who BELIEVE!

Not much different from trying to explain evolution with some Biblethumper screeching about Gawd.
I'm told one can be shunned from the club for daring to question the accepted theories.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
No, as opposed to "Oh, the cops shot a White guy, therefore in a country with huge historical racial problems, in which the FBI released a report in 2006 about the increasing problem of White supremacy in policing, there can't possibly be any racial bias, because all of that magically vanished from the mind and heart of every American in 1964 and now my pale Canadian ass is chapped because people with the same skin color as mine in a completely different country are butthurt!"
Blah blah blah. 1)Those same FBI stats state as I said earlier, that White cops killed less than half the Black people killed by cops over the last 20 years, 2) The DoJ states that Black cops are 3.3 times more likely to fire their weapon at an active scene. 3) This bullshit about "cops only killing POCs" has come to Canada as well, dumb ass. Like so many other worthless American imports.
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