Mandatory drug sentences 'colossal mistake', Canada told


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
We ought to distinguish between seller and buyer too. As for sellers of hard drugs, it would be reasonable to treat them like murderers, but that's essentially what they're doing the slow way.
By this reasoning we should treat outfits like McDonald's the same way. Also Big Pharma kills more people each year than all illegal drugs put together.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
All I'm saying is to make the program more 'punitive' (not the right word) but not in a manner that will screw some poor sap for life with a drug conviction. Basically, I'm curious if there is a way to step-up the community service program such that it really does act as a stronger punishment - society gets some nominal benefit from it and there is enough 'punishment' such that buddy at least doesn't get caught again (possibly even kicks)

Seems what you are suggesting is to lessen the current laws regarding small scale possession and trafficking whereas the government seems intent on increasing the penalties. As it is right now, you can still be sent away for lengthy prison sentences for any type of drug distribution.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Seems what you are suggesting is to lessen the current laws regarding small scale possession and trafficking whereas the government seems intent on increasing the penalties. As it is right now, you can still be sent away for lengthy prison sentences for any type of drug distribution.
The old man who was curing cancer in the east (NS or NB) by giving them free pot oil is now hiding out in Europe somewhere to avoid the present draconian pot laws in this country. Harpo needs to have his head examined.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Harpo needs to have his head examined.
Do you really think Harper is calling the shots? I would thing someone is giving him a certain agenda to follow. No way Bush was behind any of the planning for 9/11 but he did have a part tp play in how events went after the attack (from insiders)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Kinda scary when the country that started the war on drugs is telling you to be more progressive.

Yes we called it the War on Drugs but lets be honest, every country where drugs are illegal combats dealers/users etc. Bringing up the "War on Drugs" in a derogatory sense is just a catch phrase for drug advocates. Smoking weed in Massachusetts has been non-criminalized for crying out loud. California is like Denmark as Doctors are giving out prescriptions for "medical use" for anyone that wants it. The marijuana distributors are as big Wal-Marts out there and lines are out the door!

Does Canada NOT have drug laws?


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Yes we called it the War on Drugs but lets be honest, every country where drugs are illegal combats dealers/users etc. Bringing up the "War on Drugs" in a derogatory sense is just a catch phrase for drug advocates. Smoking weed in Massachusetts has been non-criminalized for crying out loud. California is like Denmark as Doctors are giving out prescriptions for "medical use" for anyone that wants it. The marijuana distributors are as big Wal-Marts out there and lines are out the door!

Does Canada NOT have drug laws?

We do, but the essence of the legislation is minimum mandatory sentences for drug possession, which by most accounts failed miserably in the US by causing overcrowding and the cost of it.

Quebec expert backs Tory crime bill amid U.S. warning on sentencing - The Globe and Mail

"In comparison, officials in the United States are aiming to get rid of mandatory minimum sentences.

In a letter sent to the Canadian Senate by the Law Enforcement Against Prohibition Group, Eric Sterling, who served as counsel to the U.S. House judiciary committee during the 1980s, said mandatory minimum sentences for minor marijuana offences did not work."


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
We do, but the essence of the legislation is minimum mandatory sentences for drug possession, which by most accounts failed miserably in the US by causing overcrowding and the cost of it.

Quebec expert backs Tory crime bill amid U.S. warning on sentencing - The Globe and Mail

"In comparison, officials in the United States are aiming to get rid of mandatory minimum sentences.

In a letter sent to the Canadian Senate by the Law Enforcement Against Prohibition Group, Eric Sterling, who served as counsel to the U.S. House judiciary committee during the 1980s, said mandatory minimum sentences for minor marijuana offences did not work."

I do not think minimum/maximum/mandatory sentences or any combination is going to deter criminals from being criminals. I think it comes down to crime and punishment. If you do the crime accept the punishment. In my opinion it has little to do with deterrence. I bet if we had a mandatory one year sentence for shop lifters we would still have shop lifting.

They should never say a punishment will deter criminals... because it never works.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
By this reasoning we should treat outfits like McDonald's the same way. Also Big Pharma kills more people each year than all illegal drugs put together.
Got a link to prove your claim?


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
We ought to distinguish between seller and buyer too. As for sellers of hard drugs, it would be reasonable to treat them like murderers, but that's essentially what they're doing the slow way.

No different from cigarette and alcohol companies. The consumer chose to buy the product. They can live (or die) with the health consequences.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
No different from cigarette and alcohol companies. The consumer chose to buy the product. They can live (or die) with the health consequences.

Add guns, knives, cars, etc. to the list.

'We have learned the hard way that long sentences are not deterring people' says attorney who wrote U.S. laws

An attorney who helped U.S. politicians write mandatory-minimum sentencing laws during the 1980s has a warning for Canadian parliamentarians.

Imposing long jail terms for minor drug offences has been a mistake in the U.S. and won't work in Canada," said Eric E. Sterling, who once served as counsel to the U.S. House Judiciary Committee.

Are you really considering taking the US GOVERNMENTS advice on this MF? ;)


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Are you really considering taking the US GOVERNMENTS advice on this MF? ;)
There are millions of BHO lovers in the great white north but enough of us are still independent eough to vote for as right a guvmint as possible, unlike many of your fool countrymen did in '08.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
There are millions of BHO lovers in the great white north but enough of us are still independent eough to vote for as right a guvmint as possible, unlike many of your fool countrymen did in '08.

You are hardly independent, Walt. You couldn't think for your self if your life depended on it.

Also Walt, you realize that Canada is not the US? You seem to forget that sometimes with your perverse adulation of US politicians.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
There are millions of BHO lovers in the great white north but enough of us are still independent eough to vote for as right a guvmint as possible, unlike many of your fool countrymen did in '08.

And as many stated we can see a number of DUMB ffN Laws into play that even the Minister for Public Safety cannot even understand what clauses are in it.

Tell me the difference between being charged for having 4 or 6 Pot Plants?

Then we have Tony - AKA the Gazebo Man or I never saw 50 Million I could not waste - in charge of the hen house.

Yesir Walter we got us some bright ones we did, real bright ones like smart like a big dog, ceptin I prefer the dog first.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
One more example of why it is best to turn left when the americans turn right.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Have never claimed to be tolerant of idiots, step up and take a bow es, and have readily admitted to being bigoted when it comes to the united sl*ts of america. So your point would be what… oh that's right, the Only point you have is the one on the top of your head. A built in dunce cap.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Have never claimed to be tolerant of idiots, step up and take a now es, and have readily admitted to being bigoted when it comes to the united sl*ts of america. So your point would. E what… oh that's right, the Only point you have is the one on the top of your head. A built in dunce cap.

Wow Gerry, maybe someday you'll be able to form a complete sentence.

I am admiring your sentence structure at this very moment!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Have never claimed to be tolerant of idiots, step up and take a bow es, and have readily admitted to being bigoted when it comes to the united sl*ts of america. So your point would be what… oh that's right, the Only point you have is the one on the top of your head. A built in dunce cap.

Look at you running to fix your disaster of a post because of what I said in response. I love it!

You still need to make some corrections though. Would you like some help?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Wally, I will not neg rep you because to do so would lower me to your infantile level of behaviour and intellect.
And thanks again for the neg rep and for proving me right about your infantile behaviour. But then anybody who thinks any of the Republican candidates has an IQ about that of a snail probably watches Sponge Bob Square Pants thinking it is a reality show.