Layton is soft on capitalist pigs


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Quoting earth_as_one You mean set priorities and deal with as many issues as possible in the time alloted starting with the most important ones first?

Personally I don't think a name change is as important as climate change and the environment, sustainable energy, gender violence, foreign aid, immigration policy and first nations land claims.
Are you referring to handing out out tax dollars to every tom, jane and low life in the country and elsewhere?

No I was referring to NDP deciding their policies regarding the environment, sustainable energy, gender violence, foreign aid, immigration policy and first nations land claims.

Your question was like "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" It wasn't so much a question as misleading and manipulative statement.


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
Layton is soft in the head.

The average Canadian views the NDP as completely unelectable and incompetent to govern.
The Dippers will be forever bannished to the fringes from where they can endlessly bleat and whine.
They continue to represent the will of small vested interest groups and are unable to make the leap towards representing the rank and file.
So sad, too bad.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Layton is soft in the head, however the capitalist pigs do not have forever to repair their badly leaking and badly stinking old garbage barge of a boat. Socialism will rise capitalist will go extinct the natural way and the state subsidized sun will shine in perpetuity.


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
Layton is soft in the head, however the capitalist pigs do not have forever to repair their badly leaking and badly stinking old garbage barge of a boat. Socialism will rise capitalist will go extinct the natural way and the state subsidized sun will shine in perpetuity.

So now that the Russians and Chinese are busily embracing the evils of capitalism whom do you suggest we model ourselves after in our quest to become a true workers paradice?

North Korea?

Or perhaps you feel we should reinvent the wheel and throw ourselves upon the mercies of some local wingnut?

Don't hold your breath DB.



on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Layton, the whole NDP, have severed all relationships with the Social Democratic, Progressive movement of the first half of the 20th Century. They are inundated with Post Structural, New Age spirituality in the guise of

1. radical pagan environmentalism.. and its frauds of AGW, and solutions of Cap and Trade.. disastrous and disassembling to any industrial and advanced agricultural economy.

2. of homosexual affirmation, abortion, embryonic stem cell research.. all in the lies of supporting 'human rights'.. and utterly corrosive to working families, individuals and society in general. We have nurtured a pevasive culture of death and deep pessimism.

At the same time they have lost all coherence and integrity in opposing predatory Free Market Capitalism.. Free Trade, Monetarism, deregulation, privatization of critical infrastructure, unfettered usery, regressive taxation.

That has sabotaged the economic environment supporting a responsible, National, entrepreneurial, free enterprise system that the country was built on and which produced the greatest growth of equitably shared wealth (particularly between 1946 and 1971)... and replaced it with an economic culture ruled by the law of the jungle, and opened our country for looting by an oligarchic global, utterly amoral, investment organism.
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Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Layton is just like the rest of them, the only thing that distinguishes him from the other leaders is his uncanny resemblance to the Monopoly Man and a pornstar moustache.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
ced agricultural economy.

2. of homosexual affirmation, abortion, embryonic stem cell research.. all in the lies of supporting 'human rights.. and utterly corrosive to working families, individuals and society in general. We have nurtured a pevasive culture of death and deep pessimism.

How does supporting human rights cause corrosion to working families, individuals etc? Your desired-idealistic view of society through your leave it to beaver monocle has passed thankfully.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Are Russia and China really embracing the same form of capitalism we see going down the tubes right now? If so their destination will be the same, only the speed of decline will be faster by far. Capitalist efficiency leads to social decline. Your wheel analogy is interesting, capitalism always revolves through busts and booms in a great circle that represents its lack of direction like the lost thing it is. We have lived and died at the mercy of the overclass for a very long time, there we find all manner of wingnuts in legion. I assume that you work Trex. What's wrong with a parradice for workers? Why don't you want to share the land? Point me to a capitalist social success story, just one and just capitalist.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
How does supporting human rights cause corrosion to working families, individuals etc? Your desired-idealistic view of society through your leave it to beaver monocle has passed thankfully.

It has nothing to do with 'human rights', which i put in hyphens. If anything there is a great affinity between the radical individualism and moral relativism of the ethos that the NDP fully supports, and which includes all those things, and the inhuman and predatory doctrines of Free Market capitalism. They become one and the same in outcome, a twisted debasement of human potential.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
So Stem Cell Research is a "twisted debasement of human potential"?

Adult Stem Cell research, which has shown enormous potential absolutely not.

Embryonic Stem Cell research, which involves reducing a fully conceived, genetically complete human being, to a stem cell line, is murder.

Layton is so dense, he can't tell the difference. He's a fool.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Adult Stem Cell research, which has shown enormous potential absolutely not.

Embryonic Stem Cell research, which involves reducing a fully conceived, genetically complete human being, to a stem cell line, is murder.

Layton is so dense, he can't tell the difference. He's a fool.
You remind me of vegetarians who get upset about people who wear leather. Cows are killed and eaten. There is nothing they can do to stop it. May as well put the hides to good use.

Fetuses get aborted whether you like it or not. There is nothing you can do to stop it. Science may as well put them to good use. I may not condone abortion but I am a realist. I do not want to impose on others how they should live their lives, I don't think anybody has that right. So, fetuses are aborted. It is a fact of life. People have illnesses that can be helped by stem cell research. Why impose your will upon others because you are revolted by it. It really has nothing to do with you.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The first main sucess story concerning capitalism I can think of DB is present day mankind on the planet Earth.


See we have totally different perspectives, you see success and I see rampant corruption, an insatiable gluttonous wealthy elite and economic and social disaster previously unrecorded in history. You mispelled success by the way and that makes me suspicious of your opinion about it.:smile: