Justin Trudeau announces he will step down as Liberal Leader


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Nah. He just really doesn't care. He has his plans for destroying Canada and he's going to see them through to the bitter end. Period.
You'd think by now he'd at least have brought it down a notch or two from "rich, peaceful, proseperous, and free." Or is this one of those destructions where ya wire everything up all careful and quiet-like, then flip one switch and KABOOM!

Y'know, like Biden.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

Mostly because under Turdeau those scientists are trying to tell us that men are women.

Except that's not true.

Trans women are trans women, trans men are trans men.

That doesn't make them any less women or men than non-trans people.

Science is just saying that the 'normal belief' about sex and gender is more complicated/complex than Joe Public thinks.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Wasn't that how we got Turdeau in the first place?


Morons voting with the "Anyone but Harper" movement?


Look where that got us.

Maybe we need some idiocy to offset the idiocy?

Which is more idiotic - doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result, or doing something totally different?

Maybe we shouldn't vote for any one party to have absolute control. Make the entire House minority with no one leading.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Maybe we shouldn't vote for any one party to have absolute control. Make the entire House minority with no one leading.
We did that last time, in 2021, & by February of 2022 we had the non-coalition coalition that’s definitely not a coalition-type coalition…so all the power in the hands of a minority that didn’t even have the popular vote…instead of an actual coalition to keep each other in check.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
You'd think by now he'd at least have brought it down a notch or two from "rich, peaceful, proseperous, and free." Or is this one of those destructions where ya wire everything up all careful and quiet-like, then flip one switch and KABOOM!

Y'know, like Biden.
Peaceful? Are you kidding me? Car jackings in my region are up over 600% since 2015. Little kids and their parents are literally being stabbed to death in store parking lots. And despite Trudeau's ardent insistence in making more and more rifles illegal, shootings have skyrocketed across the country. Damn those hunters and farmers sure have been busy.

Rich? Worst debt-load in Canadian history. On top of that, Canadians are now paying 43% of their earnings in taxes without a corresponding increase in govt services, despite Trudeau increasing the size of the snivel service by 40%. Fuck man, we can't even develop new resources without getting permission from the FN and doing enviro study after enviro study so that after about 20 years maybe you can start. Trudeau has also abused the immigration system AND foreign students as a source of cheap labour, screwing young Canadians out of jobs and housing.

Prosperous? Ah yes, Trudeau's ever increasing tent cities. Yep, nothing says "prosperity" like having homeless people all over the place. But he is giving out free drugs to addicts so...prosperity? And despite Trudeau's promise to make life more affordable for the middle class and to make it easier for the lower class to attain middle class status, the middle class has been pounded and there's little to no hope of those in the lower class raising themselves up.

Free? Well, freer than some other places anyway. The dichotomy of Tamara Lich being prosecuted to the full extent of the law while violent criminals benefit from Trudeau's "protected class" revolving door bail policies is a bit mind-blowing though.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Peaceful? Are you kidding me? Car jackings in my region are up over 600% since 2015. Little kids and their parents are literally being stabbed to death in store parking lots. And despite Trudeau's ardent insistence in making more and more rifles illegal, shootings have skyrocketed across the country. Damn those hunters and farmers sure have been busy.

Violent crime is bad around here too; has certain age types wondering "What happened to society" and other age types answering "Drugs, mental health issues" which fall on both the Feds and Provincials.

Rich? Worst debt-load in Canadian history. On top of that, Canadians are now paying 43% of their earnings in taxes without a corresponding increase in govt services, despite Trudeau increasing the size of the snivel service by 40%. Fuck man, we can't even develop new resources without getting permission from the FN and doing enviro study after enviro study so that after about 20 years maybe you can start. Trudeau has also abused the immigration system AND foreign students as a source of cheap labour, screwing young Canadians out of jobs and housing.

I'm glad I got my house when I did so now at least I have a place.

Jobs though, well you can either blame jobs on the young who don't want to work, or on employers who don't want to pay what people are worth, and throw in rising rates in everything which is both Government and Corporate Greed being at fault.

Prosperous? Ah yes, Trudeau's ever increasing tent cities. Yep, nothing says "prosperity" like having homeless people all over the place. But he is giving out free drugs to addicts so...prosperity? And despite Trudeau's promise to make life more affordable for the middle class and to make it easier for the lower class to attain middle class status, the middle class has been pounded and there's little to no hope of those in the lower class raising themselves up.

And whose fault is that? Yes I know you blame Trudeau, but you do know that it's also the responsibility of the Provinces too, to pay the employment of people as well, and it's not like they're somehow better off either.

Free? Well, freer than some other places anyway. The dichotomy of Tamara Lich being prosecuted to the full extent of the law while violent criminals benefit from Trudeau's "protected class" revolving door bail policies is a bit mind-blowing though.

We are free. Just because you don't agree on that with others, doesn't make your assumption valid.

If Lich did nothing wrong, then she'll be found not guilty of that.

Violent Criminals shouldn't get that revolving door, but they do, because even the Law isn't perfect. But that's not on Trudeau, that's on the Law which if you don't like it, push for changes like everyone else.

I mean, if Trudeau held all the power like you and others think he does, then he's even more of a fucking idiot than I took him for, for squandering it and not actually doing anything with it.

Personally people need to start putting the blame on ALL parties involved, not just their hated person of the day. I blame Trudeau for what he's done wrong/fucked up, etc... but I also blame Blaine Higgs in NB for the shit HE'S fucked up, and the other people who are at fault too (corporations of all kinds, greedy-ass landlords, Joe Public thinking some things are beneath them to be a job). I refuse to give Trudeau that much 'credit' for being such a fuck up.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Peaceful? Are you kidding me? Car jackings in my region are up over 600% since 2015. Little kids and their parents are literally being stabbed to death in store parking lots. And despite Trudeau's ardent insistence in making more and more rifles illegal, shootings have skyrocketed across the country. Damn those hunters and farmers sure have been busy.

Rich? Worst debt-load in Canadian history. On top of that, Canadians are now paying 43% of their earnings in taxes without a corresponding increase in govt services, despite Trudeau increasing the size of the snivel service by 40%. Fuck man, we can't even develop new resources without getting permission from the FN and doing enviro study after enviro study so that after about 20 years maybe you can start. Trudeau has also abused the immigration system AND foreign students as a source of cheap labour, screwing young Canadians out of jobs and housing.

Prosperous? Ah yes, Trudeau's ever increasing tent cities. Yep, nothing says "prosperity" like having homeless people all over the place. But he is giving out free drugs to addicts so...prosperity? And despite Trudeau's promise to make life more affordable for the middle class and to make it easier for the lower class to attain middle class status, the middle class has been pounded and there's little to no hope of those in the lower class raising themselves up.

Free? Well, freer than some other places anyway. The dichotomy of Tamara Lich being prosecuted to the full extent of the law while violent criminals benefit from Trudeau's "protected class" revolving door bail policies is a bit mind-blowing though.
Sounds like a real hellhole. Guess I'll cancel my upcoming trip and go to El Salvador instead.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick


And this thoroughly pisses me off for a lot of reasons.

To focus on rail, Canada has SHIT rail services. There is less and less reason to use rail all the time, whether it's for travel of people on Via, or just using it for the bare minimum to transfer goods. Meanwhile CEO's get this kind of kickback for... what?

Putting the lives of workers at risk, unfair/unreasonable demands on them does NOT make for a good work environment. And Trudeau just applauded these assholes by giving them this gift.

Yet another fucking reason for Trudeau to go. And for PP NOT to be elected either. Personally I hope Singh pulls the trigger and causes the fall of the Government, forces an early election so we can really see how inept the Libs and Cons are.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
To focus on rail, Canada has SHIT rail services. There is less and less reason to use rail all the time, whether it's for travel of people on Via, or just using it for the bare minimum to transfer goods. Meanwhile CEO's get this kind of kickback for... what?
Looking at the microcosm of the city I live in… we had passenger rail service here starting in about 1870 & I took a train (one of the last handful that stopped in Regina) in 1984 or so. Yes, we still have freight trains, but no passenger service in the southern half of the province, including the Capitol city.

For me to take a train somewhere, I would have to drive about 250 km, just to get on or off the train & then the same to get home again. Doesn’t make a whole Lotta financial sense.

For bulky, heavy, non-time sensitive goods, the trains make sense the way they currently operate. Outside of that it’s Truck/Air freight. It wasn’t always that way.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Peaceful? Are you kidding me? Car jackings in my region are up over 600% since 2015. Little kids and their parents are literally being stabbed to death in store parking lots. And despite Trudeau's ardent insistence in making more and more rifles illegal, shootings have skyrocketed across the country. Damn those hunters and farmers sure have been busy.

Rich? Worst debt-load in Canadian history. On top of that, Canadians are now paying 43% of their earnings in taxes without a corresponding increase in govt services, despite Trudeau increasing the size of the snivel service by 40%. Fuck man, we can't even develop new resources without getting permission from the FN and doing enviro study after enviro study so that after about 20 years maybe you can start. Trudeau has also abused the immigration system AND foreign students as a source of cheap labour, screwing young Canadians out of jobs and housing.

Prosperous? Ah yes, Trudeau's ever increasing tent cities. Yep, nothing says "prosperity" like having homeless people all over the place. But he is giving out free drugs to addicts so...prosperity? And despite Trudeau's promise to make life more affordable for the middle class and to make it easier for the lower class to attain middle class status, the middle class has been pounded and there's little to no hope of those in the lower class raising themselves up.

Free? Well, freer than some other places anyway. The dichotomy of Tamara Lich being prosecuted to the full extent of the law while violent criminals benefit from Trudeau's "protected class" revolving door bail policies is a bit mind-blowing though.
Only 43% tax , more like 53% .


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Looking at the microcosm of the city I live in… we had passenger rail service here starting in about 1870 & I took a train (one of the last handful that stopped in Regina) in 1984 or so. Yes, we still have freight trains, but no passenger service in the southern half of the province, including the Capitol city.

For me to take a train somewhere, I would have to drive about 250 km, just to get on or off the train & then the same to get home again. Doesn’t make a whole Lotta financial sense.

For bulky, heavy, non-time sensitive goods, the trains make sense the way they currently operate. Outside of that it’s Truck/Air freight. It wasn’t always that way.

Being the last stop in NB before the train crosses into NS, we always have Via pause on its trip. It used to be daily.

Now it's like once or twice a week.

As a kid, my mom, brother and I took the train to Saint John while dad drove. Now, the Train doesn't even stop there. Hell, it doesn't even go past Saint John, rather it goes down the more 'french' side of the province before crossing over to head to NS.

It'd be great is Via had service to Halifax daily but people can drive there quicker.
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Except that's not true.

Trans women are trans women, trans men are trans men.

That doesn't make them any less women or men than non-trans people.

Science is just saying that the 'normal belief' about sex and gender is more complicated/complex than Joe Public thinks.
Nope and Nope.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Being the last stop in NB before the train crosses into NS, we always have Via pause on its trip. It used to be daily.

Now it's like once or twice a week.

As a kid, my mom, brother and I took the train to Saint John while dad drove. Now, the Train doesn't even stop there. Hell, it doesn't even go past Saint John, rather it goes down the more 'french' side of the province before crossing over to head to NS.

It'd be great is Via had service to Halifax daily but people can drive there quicker.
The train station in Regina, that stood for more than a 100 years, now has no trains going to it…. But it does have hundreds of VLT’s & a “hit or miss” buffet on the weekends.
1725057552768.jpegBelow is the train station in Regina about 110 years ago.
The train station was connected with underground, tunnels all over the downtown area to the south of it, and under the tracks underground with tunnels into the warehouse area to the north of it. A 100 years ago, on the Prairies, in the winter, bicycle couriers were running those tunnels along with freight, etc…


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The train station in Regina, that stood for more than a 100 years, now has no trains going to it…. But it does have hundreds of VLT’s & a “hit or miss” buffet on the weekends.
View attachment 24396Below is the train station in Regina about 110 years ago.
View attachment 24395
The train station was connected with underground, tunnels all over the downtown area to the south of it, and under the tracks underground with tunnels into the warehouse area to the north of it. A 100 years ago, on the Prairies, in the winter, bicycle couriers were running those tunnels along with freight, etc…
Yes a hundred years ago it was not practical to fly . Freight is the main use of today’s railroads . And their intermodal services move a lot .