Judge Denies Bail for Convoy Leader over Intention to Cause Harm


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
The CBC is rarely funny. Beaverton 1, CBC 0.
Oh, the CBC is pretty funny, just not in the *haha giggle* kind'a way. I mean didn't you find it hysterical that with all the govt bleating about "misinformation", Canada's nationally force-funded Broadcaster out and out lied about who was financially supporting the Convoy?
And you don't find it funny that this govt then used the DISinformation they got from the already proven to be less than credible CBC news division and used it to make political hay?
I mean c'mon bro, where's you sense of humour?

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
The judge was obviously instructed by Trudeau cuz he hates her, what she stands for & how admired she is. He's vindictive & since all our judges are appointed, the judge was simply following his masters instructions.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Seems to me. . . admitting my relative ignorance of Canadian laws and ways. . . that she definitely violated her bail conditions.

As some people have hinted at, the real question is why bail in the first place? It shoulda been just a summons and Own Recognizance. Or maybe just "get the hell out of my city/county and don't come back" (pretty much what the DC judge did to that knucklehead who scared the crap outta the staff and customers of the Comet Ping-Pong Pizza Parlor with his wackaloon mission to save the child sex slaves).

But. . . she pissed off the government. That's always been dangerous, "free country" or not.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Seems to me. . . admitting my relative ignorance of Canadian laws and ways. . . that she definitely violated her bail conditions.

As some people have hinted at, the real question is why bail in the first place? It shoulda been just a summons and Own Recognizance. Or maybe just "get the hell out of my city/county and don't come back" (pretty much what the DC judge did to that knucklehead who scared the crap outta the staff and customers of the Comet Ping-Pong Pizza Parlor with his wackaloon mission to save the child sex slaves).

But. . . she pissed off the government. That's always been dangerous, "free country" or not.
No, she pissed off a petty tyrant who praised truckers for two years for traveling around North America bringing us the goods we need sans vaccinations that weren't available yet and then tried forcing his dividend increasing vaccines on them.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
No, she pissed off a petty tyrant who praised truckers for two years for traveling around North America bringing us the goods we need sans vaccinations that weren't available yet and then tried forcing his dividend increasing vaccines on them.
Originally the protest were healthcare workers calling foul on a number of issues. "Truckers" and the general population came later and were a great way to drown out the voices of workers protesting about the pre-covid to present collapse of Canadian healthcare.

"Truckers" are the best cover story for a cover-up to come along in ages.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Originally the protest were healthcare workers calling foul on a number of issues. "Truckers" and the general population came later and were a great way to drown out the voices of workers protesting about the pre-covid to present collapse of Canadian healthcare.

"Truckers" are the best cover story for a cover-up to come along in ages.
White extreme racist truckers .

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Seems to me. . . admitting my relative ignorance of Canadian laws and ways. . . that she definitely violated her bail conditions.

As some people have hinted at, the real question is why bail in the first place? It shoulda been just a summons and Own Recognizance. Or maybe just "get the hell out of my city/county and don't come back" (pretty much what the DC judge did to that knucklehead who scared the crap outta the staff and customers of the Comet Ping-Pong Pizza Parlor with his wackaloon mission to save the child sex slaves).

But. . . she pissed off the government. That's always been dangerous, "free country" or not.
Trudeau is renown for his vindictiveness so this is hardly news. It does reflect badly on him as you can see from videos from other country leaders so he's simply known as a bafoon who doesn't know what he's doing.
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
She wasn't to see Tom unless it was with lawyers and there were tons of them around. It may seem a bit sneaky, but it does follow her bail conditions. Her lawyers were there & it was just a stupid picture that someone wanted of all of them. No big deal. Breaking bail? Hardly but hey, what else is new in Trudeau's kingdom right?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
She wasn't to see Tom unless it was with lawyers and there were tons of them around. It may seem a bit sneaky, but it does follow her bail conditions. Her lawyers were there & it was just a stupid picture that someone wanted of all of them. No big deal. Breaking bail? Hardly but hey, what else is new in Trudeau's kingdom right?
It is a great thing to say the rule of law must always be respected and upheld. I agree vigorously.

But it is neither respected nor upheld, and is in fact mocked, when the courts and police offer, or at the very least seem to offer, a quite select and uneven application of the law. When the police can catch a violation of bail conditions for Tamara Lich in Medicine Hat and move with perfect swiftness, and are still nowhere, months later, on an “organized violent attack” on an oil and gas site in British Columbia — does something seem out of proportion or uneven within our justice system?