Yes - the LIE-beral "climate emergency' is proving to be FULL OF FAKE NEWS!
LIE-berals ended up DEEPLY EMBARRASSED when it was discovered that ARSON was behind many of the recent
Australian wild fires!
And now we have THIS NEWS::::
Here is an article illustrating yet again that much of what LIE-berals tell us about their “climate emergency” is CRAP! With some comments of my own in brackets):
One of B.C.'s most destructive wildfires was most likely caused by a smoker, investigations find
From CBC/Radio-Canada, May 4, 2020
One of the most destructive wildfires in B.C. history was most likely caused by a person who had been smoking, the province has revealed, though officials say there is not enough evidence to lay charges.
(Gosh! Imagine that - it WAS NOT CLIMATE CHANGE that ignited the biggest ever B.C. wild fire! Just as it was NOT CLIMATE CHANGE that resulted in wild fires in Australia BEING DELIBERATELY SET BY ARSONISTS! In one case in Australia - the arsonist was a volunteer fireman apparently trying to generate paid work for himself!)
The B.C. Wildfire Service found the Elephant Hill wildfire was ignited by discarded "smoking materials," such as cigarettes, matches or marijuana, according to a statement Monday. The fire broke out near Ashcroft, B.C., on July 6, 2017.
A statement Monday said investigators have not been able to find the person responsible.
"The B.C. Wildfire Service and RCMP investigations did not uncover sufficient evidence to identify the person," the statement read.
"Therefore, it was not possible to lay charges or pursue cost recovery for damages caused by this fire."
The province said Monday both investigations into the fire are now over and "no further action" will be taken.
(Uh huh - and in related so called climate news - California power companies SHUT OFF electricity to millions of people in that state due to the DECREPIT CONDITION of the wires! The insulation is so old and rotten and falling off in strips that when the wind blows hard - the bare wires can touch and generate sparks that cause wild fires - that always hypocritical LIE-berals blame on their climate change Boogeyman!)
(The issue of rotten wiring in the electricity distribution grid in California is SO BAD that the main electricity provider in that state was DRIVEN INTO BANKRUPTCY after being repeatedly SUED because of all the fires its crap equipment caused! Yet LIE-berals persist in referring to a climate emergency in spite of the preponderance of quite careless and even criminal causes of these wild fires in multiple jurisdictions!)
The Elephant Hill fire was the largest in B.C. during the record-breaking wildfire season in 2017. It burned nearly 1,920 square kilometres of land, ravaging the Ashcroft, Boston Flats, Loon Lake and Pressy Lake areas of the B.C. Interior.
The fire levelled more than 120 homes over 76 days. Thousands were forced from their homes, including the entire community of Cache Creek.
Investigators with the B.C. Wildfire Service knew what had caused the fire by the fall of 2017, according to Monday's statement, but couldn't reveal their findings to the public as the RCMP investigation was still active.
(It is logical that cops would be tight lipped about an investigation - but how sad that LIE-berals persist in making so many NONSENSE CLAIMS about climate! We have AMPLE EVIDENCE to prove that the LIE-beral carbon tax SCAM is nothing but a massive GRAVY GRAB that will supply LIE-berals with the needed cash to BUY civil service union HOG votes - a desperate LIE-beral attempt to cling to power at any price - without regard for any real environmental issues!)
The service said specialists settled on smoking as the likely cause of the fire by ruling out the other possibilities, such as lightning, arson or an unattended campfire.
"It's really disappointing ... it's a reminder to everyone to, please, be careful," said Kyla Fraser, fire information officer with the wildfire service, of the news the fire was human-caused.
RCMP announced in January 2018 that the fire was caused by humans, and asked the public for any tips that might help with their investigation.
The force recommended charges to the Crown in relation to its investigation last September, but details around the RCMP's findings were not released while charges were under consideration.
CBC News has reached out to the RCMP and Crown counsel to determine the status of those charges.
(No evidence means no charges nor any arrests! And CBC - our Communist Broadcasting Corp has been faced with a dilemma over this story! CBC HOGS are FANATIC supporters of Cdn LIE-beral party and yet CBC DOES NOT like being exposed as propaganda shills for LIE-berals!)
(Thus CBC is FORCED to make a small mention of stories that expose LIE-beral climate emergency NONSENSE - thus CBC tells that story but does its best to LIMIT the audience that hears the story and thus limits the damage done to LIE-berals!)
(CBC has no qualms about blaring out MERE allegations of Conservative faults while WHISPERING of proven LIE-beral flaws! Such is the LIE-beral bigotry of our times that CBC will even use a FALSE interpretation of “fair use” policy to deliberately CENSOR any report that puts Conservatives in a postive light!)
(Fair use policy is an ancient right that removes copyright laws from political comment so that party policies may be discussed in detail in various news media so that the public may be fully educated regarding choices at election time!)
(The benefit of a fully informed public making logical voting choices at election time is CLEAR - yet CBC swallows up over a BILLION DOLLARS of our tax money PER YEAR - to CENSOR AND HIDE Conservative views and values - not just on environmental issues but on ALL ISSUES DEAR TO LIE-beral hearts!)
(CBC is engaged in a GROSS CONFLICT OF INTEREST! Even worse - Elections Canada officials have been IGNORING civil service union HOGS who are engaged I their own GROSS CONFLICT OF INTEREST!)
(Civil service HOGS are breaking election spending rules by their VERY PARTISAN SUPPORT of LIE-berals by producing those costly ad campaigns in support of LIE-berals in exchange for MORE GRAVY to be supplied in LIE-beral govt contracts!)