Israel Successfully Tests Missile Program


House Member
May 25, 2004
Israel Successfully Tests Missile Program

Israel carried out a successful test of its Arrow missile defense system Friday, intercepting a missile similar to the long-range Shahab 3 being developed by Iran, defense officials said.

The test was conducted at an air force base in central Israel. It was the 14th test firing of the Arrow, which is being developed jointly with the United States. The project has suffered several setbacks in the past.

Israel has identified Iran as its biggest threat, accusing Tehran of pursuing nuclear weapons. Iran says its nuclear program is solely for peaceful purposes.


House Member
May 25, 2004
RE: Israel Successfully T

I don't see the US, UN, The EU huffing and puffing about this. Why? Is Israel exempt?


House Member
May 25, 2004
RE: Israel Successfully T

So Mr. Bush wants peace in the ME. How can he achieve this if one party can be armed to the teeth and another stripped of its sovereignty? I think every country should be banned from developing, testing, and using these kind of weapons.



House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
Israel even got away with attacking a USN ship,The USS Liberty,and killing a number of sailors back in Johnson's tenure as president. The Jewish Lobby in Washington cannot be underestimated. I could argue that Israel is no friend of the US,but just another of their dubious allies.


House Member
May 25, 2004
RE: Israel Successfully T

I totally agree. I also remember in 1980, Israel flew over Iraq and destroyed their nuclear facility and got away with it as nothing happened. They fly over Lebanon on a daily basis and Israel ignores every UN resolution against them.

No justice.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: Israel Successfully T

Thats what the main conflict in the Mid east is, Isreal has a free hand to do what they want and when they want but no one else can or they are branded terrorists.

Isreal has gotten away with so much dirty stuff throughout the years and a peep is hardley heard.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Re: RE: Israel Successfully T

moghrabi said:
I don't see the US, UN, The EU huffing and puffing about this. Why? Is Israel exempt?

It is a defensive shield. Israel is not a signatory of any anti-ballistic defense treaty.

Why would anyone object?

BTW, I thought missile defense would never work, according to you guys.

Guess not eh.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
missile said:
Israel is also exempt from any Nuclear Weapons Ban,too. Why? The USA says so.

Israel didn't sign the NPA.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
missile said:
Israel even got away with attacking a USN ship,The USS Liberty,and killing a number of sailors back in Johnson's tenure as president. The Jewish Lobby in Washington cannot be underestimated. I could argue that Israel is no friend of the US,but just another of their dubious allies.

Yeah......the USS Liberty thing, which is trotted out by conspiracy theorists every time they want to throw a rock at Israel-USA relations. I mean this was 38 years ago

What happened is this:

On June 8, the third day of the Six Day War, the Liberty took up position 13 nautical miles off the Sinai coast, and began to ply back and forth between al' Arish and Port Said, probably electronically monitoring the fighting on shore. Orders had actually been issued by the JCS for the ship to maintain a 100 mile distance from the shore, but they were actually mis-directed to the Philippines.

At 11:24 AM there was an explosion at an ammo dump on al' Arish, which later turned out to be accidental. First reports were, however, that there was shelling from the sea, as there had been the day before. The Israeli Navy dispatched 3 torpedo boats to sink any interlopers.

At 1:41, one of these boats spotted the Liberty at 22 miles. She could not catch her, so vectored Israeli attack aircraft on her, leading to disaster.

This stuff happens, as the Americans understand.

From "Six Days at War" by Michael Oren


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
moghrabi said:
Jay said:
missile said:
Israel is also exempt from any Nuclear Weapons Ban,too. Why? The USA says so.

Israel didn't sign the NPA.

Why not? Shouldn't they sign it?

No, because they are not included in those priviledged enough to be allowed nuclear weapons, but they already have about 200, according to my reading.

Israel has been threatened by real WMD ever since it was created. In the 50s Israel assasinated German scientists in Egypt who were working to create biological agents to loose on Israel.

The stated aim of the Iranian nuclear program is to blast Israel into non-existence.

Speaking of MAD........


Council Member
Mar 21, 2005
I don't see the US, UN, The EU huffing and puffing about this. Why? Is Israel exempt?

Because Israel is a modern, liberal democracy as opposed to the theocratic, totalitarian, brutal regimes in the countries surrounding them. All of which are dedicated to the destruction of Israel and support terrorism to boot.

I totally agree. I also remember in 1980, Israel flew over Iraq and destroyed their nuclear facility and got away with it as nothing happened. They fly over Lebanon on a daily basis and Israel ignores every UN resolution against them.

No justice.

Thank goodness they had the balls to do that. If the thought of a brutal dictator like Saddam Hussein with nuclear weapons who has pledged to wipe Israel off the map doesn't scare you, I don't know what you're smoking.

Jo Canadian

Council Member
Mar 15, 2005
PEI...for now
Colpy said:
Israel has been threatened by real WMD ever since it was created. In the 50s Israel assasinated German scientists in Egypt who were working to create biological agents to loose on Israel.

The stated aim of the Iranian nuclear program is to blast Israel into non-existence.

Speaking of MAD........

Ye also forget how Israel was created in the first place. If any current middle east country carved out a state in the same fashion nowadays you'd be HOWLING Terrorism!!

The Isralie and Iranian gov't aren't angles, it's just another arms race that's unfortunately escalating.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
moghrabi said:
Jay said:
missile said:
Israel is also exempt from any Nuclear Weapons Ban,too. Why? The USA says so.

Israel didn't sign the NPA.

Why not? Shouldn't they sign it?

That depends on how you look at things. Do you know why France is armed to the teeth with nukes? Do you know why the U.K is surrounded by nuke delivering subs?

Israel didn't need to sign the agreement to get the technology that's for sure. Iran did sign the agreement, they are pursuing a nuclear agenda that isn't peaceful. We know this. You would have to be blind not to see what their agenda is. If they keep up their little agenda and rhetoric, they’re next on the chopping block. But I think that's what they want; they want war with the west.


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
Nothing fair about anything over there! just throw a rock at an Israeli and over come the gunships and army to retaliate. Why do the Palestineans throw rocks? Lack of any better weapons. And ,it's approx. 600 A bombs in Israel's arsenal[a lot of the 'missing' fissionable material from the US wound up there. The liberty was an unarmed intelligence ship and survivors were strafed by the Israelis & 99.9% of Americans are unaware that this unprovoked attack ever happened. If they knew,there wouldn't be at least 6 billion dollars in aid going to Isreal every year. 34 sailors were killed and 172 injured in that attack [1967]


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
I fully expect Israel to blow Iran's nuclear facilities to hell any time now. Israel, somehow has the U.S. by the short and curlies and there hasn' been a single UN resolution concerning Israel that the U.S. didn't veto. As for Israel being a Liberal democracy, I guess it is, for Israelis. It certainly isn't for the indigenous Arabs living in that country.


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
One small hopeful sign out of Israel is that some young men are refusing to join the military & willingly doing the prison time their refusal brings.


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
St. John's
#juan said:
I fully expect Israel to blow Iran's nuclear facilities to hell any time now. Israel, somehow has the U.S. by the short and curlies and there hasn' been a single UN resolution concerning Israel that the U.S. didn't veto. As for Israel being a Liberal democracy, I guess it is, for Israelis. It certainly isn't for the indigenous Arabs living in that country.

No, but is it any better for Jews in the rest of the Middle East? Nuh-uh.

If we were getting attacked by rockets everyday, if we were meeting up with suicide bombers every time we visited the cafe, if WE abandoned an area the size of the Gaza strip to people who hated us and demanded it, only to keep getting attacked from left right and center,We would be as militarily aggressive and heavily fortified as Israel is.

Plus, Israel, to my mind, has exercised remrkble self-control in not invading and decimating half the middle east already. They have the ability, but they have never acted on it. Do you really think that Egypt, Syria or Jordan would be as disciplined if the tables were turned? Not likely. Isael does what it does to survive.


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
St. John's
missile said:
Nothing fair about anything over there! just throw a rock at an Israeli and over come the gunships and army to retaliate. Why do the Palestineans throw rocks? Lack of any better weapons..

You would rather...give them better weapons? The palestinian people obviously have an agenda to destroy Israel. If they attack tanks and soldiers with only rocks and molotov cocktails, think how horrible the conflicts will become if they get jets and C7's.