Is Obama already planning his re-election ?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
"Such scientifically conducted polls represent an accurate snapshot in time. If Gallop poll shows me the same result as the online poll, I will believe it, in that it will be a snapshot in time of what people think about Obama."

What poll's are scientific? Sounds like something out of the "King and I". Who or what were those 1500 or so people Gallop polled? Does anybody even know of anyone who took a Gallop poll? (I am just asking, because I do not.)

There is a whole science behind carrying out scientific, random sample polls. I don’t know who or what were the 1500 people Gallop polled. But they were chosen scientifically, and they do represent a snapshot in time, about that particular issue.

Now, I am not a statistician, so I couldn’t exactly tell you how it works. But if you are interested, no doubt you could Google for the information. But the point is, the scientifically conduced polls are realistic; politicians, corporations depend upon the polls to a large extent (corporations to find out what people think of their product).

Indeed, the polls predict the outcome of elections accurately most of the time. In the recent presidential election, CNN poll was remarkably accurate. Not only did they predict that Obama would win by 7%, but they also accurately predicted the races in many battleground states such as Ohio, Florida, Virginia etc., they accurately predicted the margin of victory in each of the states. I remember they said Missouri would be 50:50 and it was indeed 50:50. It was a week or two before McCain was declared the winner, by very few votes.

Indeed, we are so used to polls predicting elections accurately that when they are wrong (as in Democratic new Hampshire primaries), it is big news.

So I would have no problem trusting Gallop poll or similar. But on line poll? Just a curiosity.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Sarah Palin was ridiculed when it was maliciously and incorrectly reported that she thought Africa was a country.

Will the same low-lifes ridicule their Messiah for not knowing that "Austrian" is NOT a language?

YouTube - ObamaChronicles's Channel

Not to mention the REAL low lifes who made a carrer of finding fault and ridicule eveything GWB said.
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Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Sarah Palin was ridiculed when it was maliciously and incorrectly reported that she thought Africa was a country.

Will the same low-lifes ridicule their Messiah for not knowing that "Austrian" is NOT a language?

YouTube - ObamaChronicles's Channel

Not to mention the REAL low lifes who made a carrer of finding fault and ridicule eveything GWB said.

Really, Yukon Jack. Now, how many Americans (or Canadians) do you think know that Austrian is not a language?


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
SirJosephPorter gave a very generous and forgiving pass to President Obama, saying:

"Really, Yukon Jack. Now, how many Americans (or Canadians) do you think know that Austrian is not a language?"

Well, let me guess how many: Roughly about the same number of Americans (or Canadians) who ARE NOT the President of the United States.

I also recall (vaugely) when Bush mispronunced the name of the Bosnian Prime Minister. Now, THAT was a big deal and the usual suspects (I bet including SirJopsephPorter) found that a week-long source of mirth, chucles and guffaws.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Yukon Jack, my point was that many Americans probably aren’t even aware that there is no such language as Austrian. So they wouldn’t think there is anything wrong or funny until it is pointed out to them.

I assume average person knows very little about Austria, except the name. And even that, some of them probably would confuse it with Australia. So I don’t think average person can relate to it.

Africa being a country, now, that is different. People immediately got the ‘joke’.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
SirJosephPorter, I suspect - based on many, many of your posts - that you would rate the IQ of most Americans and Canadians somewhere in the neighourhood of their waist size, except when they happen to be conservatives. Then, you would, perhaps, be generous enough to award them their shoe size.

I would suspect that since the election of Arnold Schwarzenegger - and Austrian immigrant - more people know about Austria than you would give them credit for.

Strange, how you contradict yourself in your short post. First you claim that most people are ignorant about Austria (and its language) although not in so many words, then in your next sentence you give them unconditional credit for "immediately" knowing about Africa.

Just a guess: until the far left press made big hullabaloo, everyone would have known that Palin meant SOUTH AFRICA as a country.

All that aside. The average person is NOT expected to know about languages of the world, - particularly Austria - but the President of the United States is. Especially when he is visiting and gives speeches there.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
SirJosephPorter, I suspect - based on many, many of your posts - that you would rate the IQ of most Americans and Canadians somewhere in the neighbourhood of their waist size,

Not IQ, Yukon Jack, their knowledge. The two are totally different things. We move in circles where people are pretty knowledgeable (most of our friends and acquaintances are doctors and professionals). However, level of knowledge among the hoi polloi is quite appalling.

Let me give one example. A few years ago my wife told me she was talking to her secretary, and somehow the conversation came to Premiers of the provinces. The secretary knew the name of Bob Rae (he was the Premier at that time). But she said that was the only one she knew, she didn’t know any other Premiers.

If that was her knowledge of Canada, imagine what her knowledge would be like of the rest of the world. And she would be typical of any Canadian (or American).


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
SirJosephPorter, I suspect - based on many, many of your posts - that you would rate the IQ of most Americans and Canadians somewhere in the neighbourhood of their waist size,

Not IQ, Yukon Jack, their knowledge. The two are totally different things. We move in circles where people are pretty knowledgeable (most of our friends and acquaintances are doctors and professionals). However, level of knowledge among the hoi polloi is quite appalling.

Let me give one example. A few years ago my wife told me she was talking to her secretary, and somehow the conversation came to Premiers of the provinces. The secretary knew the name of Bob Rae (he was the Premier at that time). But she said that was the only one she knew, she didn’t know any other Premiers.

If that was her knowledge of Canada, imagine what her knowledge would be like of the rest of the world. And she would be typical of any Canadian (or American).

That only tells me her knowledge of local current affairs or "Canadiana" is limited, she could well be a very educated women in nuclear electronics for all I know. Some people are too busy to watch the news all the time or listen to the radiol


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
That only tells me her knowledge of local current affairs or "Canadiana" is limited, she could well be a very educated women in nuclear electronics for all I know. Some people are too busy to watch the news all the time or listen to the radiol

JLM, she is not very educated, she is a secretary. As to ‘nuclear electronics’, I doubt she even knows what it means.

But anyway, I am not talking about her IQ (as Yukon said). Her IQ may be very high for all I know. I was talking about her knowledge (and that of average Canadian and American).


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yukon Jack, my point was that many Americans probably aren’t even aware that there is no such language as Austrian. So they wouldn’t think there is anything wrong or funny until it is pointed out to them.

I assume average person knows very little about Austria, except the name. And even that, some of them probably would confuse it with Australia. So I don’t think average person can relate to it.

Africa being a country, now, that is different. People immediately got the ‘joke’.

The AVERAGE would know more about Austria than you think. Things like the capital being Vienna and the Danube River running through and it's bordering Germany, Switzerland, Poland and (the old ) Czeckoslavakia. And they would probably have some inkling of it's musical history. But that doesn't say if you don't know all that you are stupid. Different people know different things and to assume what anyone does or doesn't know is very presumptuous to say the least and possibly a little pompous.


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
There you go. He said he would pull out the troops within 16 months. If he doesn't do that than it WILL be considered a lie. The 16 months have not passed by as of yet but when it does and we still have 50,000 troops in Iraq he will have lied.

The notion of it being 50,000 support troops only is a twist in words. Support troops are cooks, admin, supply, communications, etc. I assure you that there will be armor, artillery, and infantry among those 50,000 and those are combat troops. If they are embedded in frontline Iraqi troops there will still be deaths hence the war will still be going on.

Humm let me see..

I at least give you the link so you can read the full article with date and reference.. Regardless it seems this would be a point if view and since Obama is holding his comments to the same I see nothing to change what I posted earlier. I guess time will tell whether your President is lying or will follow thru on his word.. And of course he would only be spedding up the agreement Bush had already completed..

U.S. President Barack Obama made a surprise trip to Iraq Tuesday, telling American troops that it is time for Iraqis "to take responsibility for their country," and thanking soldiers for the sacrifices they have made during six years of fighting.

Obama was making his first visit to Iraq as commander-in-chief and was met by hundreds of cheering soldiers at Camp Victory, the primary American military base in Iraq.

"You have given Iraq the opportunity to stand on its own as a democratic country," Obama told the troops. "That is an extraordinary achievement."

More than 4,200 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq since the military operation began in March 2003. Obama plans to end combat operations in the country by the end of 2010.

"It is time for us to transition to the Iraqis," he said. "They need to take responsibility for their country."

Obama also spoke with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who said after the meeting that he "assured the president that all progress that has been made in the security area will continue." | Obama visits Baghdad, says Iraq must take over


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"However, level of knowledge among the hoi polloi is quite appalling".

No one more "hoi polloi" than the holder of the most powerful office in the world.

His lack of knowledge about Austria is, indeed, appalling.

Now, that you successfully deflected the obvious blame from your favourite Messiah, tell me: Would you not be starting a new thread - as you usually do when you feel you can hold up Americans in general and conservatives in particular to ridicule - if the same gaffe had been made by Bush?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"His lack of knowledge about Austria is, indeed, appalling."- Maybe his knowledge of Africa makes up for it.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
The AVERAGE would know more about Austria than you think. Things like the capital being Vienna and the Danube River running through and it's bordering Germany, Switzerland, Poland and (the old ) Czeckoslavakia.

Yukon Jack, I seriously doubt that the average American knows all this. You do because you are from that part of the world, but don’t judge all North Americans by what you know.

Americans have probably heard the name Vienna, but would be hard pressed to tell you which country it is located in. I doubt many of them will be able to tell you that it is in Austria, they probably know it is somewhere in Europe.

As to Danube running through it and bordering Germany (this one perhaps, many of them have watched Sound of Music), Switzerland, Poland etc.? Forget it.

I remember a while ago they did carry out a test like this, asked Americans several questions to test their general knowledge. It was quite amusing.

Many of them could not tell the ‘God given’ rights mentioned in the constitution, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness (at least Al Bundy got two right, life, nudity and pursuit of happiness).

Many of them could not name their Senator, did not know how many Senators in the Senate and so on. You think they would know all this about Austria? Think again.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Really, Yukon Jack. Now, how many Americans (or Canadians) do you think know that Austrian is not a language?

I will take a poll today from the locals. I'm guessing that probably 75% will know it's not a language. Granted, we aren't Americans but we are far-right Albertans it should be close enough.