Irony. So many rely on a Jew for salvation.
The notion of a messiah to save us all from god’s condemnation, at least the latest version, is pure Jewish mythology.
This theology and myth, reality to the literalists, have been accepted by most Christians, while Muslims have replaced Jesus with Mohammad as their savior. They have the same god though.
Christians persecuted Jews for many generations, while worshiping a Jew. That love/hate situations seems to still be around in some areas. It seems that Jews are blamed for killing Jesus, which they did, but at Jesus’ own request and instigation. He wanted badly to test the old messianic myth. He succeeded but failed the test by not returning.
Christians think otherwise and that Jesus succeeded. I really do not know why they ignore their own bible in this as it refutes them.
I do not mind Jews being honored by the Christian and Muslim worlds for giving us the Jesus myth that so many like, but I cannot understand why many Christians and Muslims still hold negative thought towards Jews.
Jews, in scriptures indicated that there are no Jews, gentiles, or division in Christ. Jesus, as the Christ, is said to be the savior for all.
As a Gnostic Christian with no supernatural beliefs at all, I do not believe in this myth, and do not want to be beholden to anyone for my unnecessary salvation.
I would ask those who do believe this story, do you honor the Jews as the root of your religion, or do you hate them for helping Jesus refute the salvation myth?
The notion of a messiah to save us all from god’s condemnation, at least the latest version, is pure Jewish mythology.
This theology and myth, reality to the literalists, have been accepted by most Christians, while Muslims have replaced Jesus with Mohammad as their savior. They have the same god though.
Christians persecuted Jews for many generations, while worshiping a Jew. That love/hate situations seems to still be around in some areas. It seems that Jews are blamed for killing Jesus, which they did, but at Jesus’ own request and instigation. He wanted badly to test the old messianic myth. He succeeded but failed the test by not returning.
Christians think otherwise and that Jesus succeeded. I really do not know why they ignore their own bible in this as it refutes them.
I do not mind Jews being honored by the Christian and Muslim worlds for giving us the Jesus myth that so many like, but I cannot understand why many Christians and Muslims still hold negative thought towards Jews.
Jews, in scriptures indicated that there are no Jews, gentiles, or division in Christ. Jesus, as the Christ, is said to be the savior for all.
As a Gnostic Christian with no supernatural beliefs at all, I do not believe in this myth, and do not want to be beholden to anyone for my unnecessary salvation.
I would ask those who do believe this story, do you honor the Jews as the root of your religion, or do you hate them for helping Jesus refute the salvation myth?