

Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
The cross of Christians symbolizes the imposition of theocracy wherever possible (hard experience).
Thank you for weighing in, TB. In what ways does Jesus advocate for politicized religion among his followers?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Thank you for weighing in, TB. In what ways does Jesus advocate for politicized religion among his followers?
He doesn't. Jesus advocated for each to have a personal relationship with God.

And I got no problem with that.

But you cannot ignore the fact that hideous brutalities have been perpetrated by people who claim to be Jesus's believers exercising God's will.

It's all part of the package.
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Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
He doesn't. Jesus advocated for each to have a personal relationship with God.

And I got no problem with that.

But you cannot ignore the fact that hideous brutalities have been perpetrated by people who claim to be Jesus's believers exercising God's will.
Agree, TB. Jesus promoted neither politics nor religion, but the kingdom of God.

Jesus said, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35, NIV).
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Agree, TB. Jesus promoted neither politics nor religion, but the kingdom of God.

Jesus said, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35, NIV).
And yet. . . he was God, according to you, and couldn't get his followers to obey his commands.

"Puny god."
--The Incredible Hulk, The Avengers


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
And yet. . . he was God, according to you, and couldn't get his followers to obey his commands.
The commands of God, TB, reveal God’s character and standards, our deficiency in both and His sufficiency to bridge the gap. Jesus is standing in the gap. Are you ready to cross over?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Is Abu Abd-Allah sanctified or venerated, TL?
I don't use the word 'sanctified' or 'venerated'. Better is 'respected'. He is my teacher: the Awaited Mahdi, who is called 'the comforter' in the Gospel, and in the Torah: Elia who will be raised in the Last Days.

Notes about Abu Abd-Allah: the Awaited Mahdi:


1- His mission is inviting people to glorify God alone without associate, peer or patron, and without associating any being with God Almighty in the worship and glorification.
2- All prophets including Moses, Jesus and Mohammed are the servants of God.
3- God is the Eternal; He has no son, daughters or parents or wife.
4- Jesus Christ was an angel that came down from heaven and entered the fetus that was formed in the womb of virgin Mary miraculously without father; just as that Adam was created without father.
5- He followed the Quran without belonging to any particular sect, but followed the example of the first believing Muslims.
6- By means of inspiration, he interpreted the ambiguous ayat of the Quran which none but God alone knows their true implication. Such ayat that are objected upon by non-Muslims who do not know their true meaning.
7- His features and marks are inscribed in books written hundreds of years ago: like his forehead, his nose, his mole on his right cheek, his Israeli shape and Arabian color, his medium stature and that he is the Quran interpreter and the apostle of Jesus Christ.
8- He died in the year 1991.

A Call to Christians [by] Apostle of the Christ
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Many people are confused and upset by their inability to understand art.

Only a special few make a religion out of it.
It is not related to art, but to worship: people may start to worship such statues in later generations.
This is why the art of 'decoration' flourished in the past by Muslims in stead of carving and engraving.

Which is also said about Prophet Solomon time; as in the Quran 34: 13
(They [: the genies] made for [Solomon] whatsoever he would:
arches [for the columns of the mosque],
engraved pictures [of lions, cherubim (or winged angels) to ornament the walls, and other kinds of decoration],
basins like [water-] troughs
and huge [cooking] cauldrons settled [on the ground used for the army.]

Work in [a way to show] gratitude [to God about His bounties], O members of David's house [to build the Holly Mosque at Jerusalem];

for indeed few of My servants are grateful.)

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Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
The cross of Christ symbolizes healing (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24).

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The cross of Christ symbolizes healing (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24).
This is the idolatry in fact, when one believes a symbol may heal anything: God is the Only One Who heals.
Neither angels, nor the Christ, nor anyone else can heal unless by God's leave and permission; i.e. it is God that heals, and the doctor only gives medicine which either will heal or not.
No saint, no prophet, no angel and not anyone else can do good or harm unless by God's leave and permission.
What Jesus did of curing some difficult diseases was a miracle done by God by the had of Jesus to prove his truthfulness.
And they were limited, restricted and a few miracles only.
Miracles of the Prophets

Then when Jesus Christ died, and his soul went to his Lord in heaven like other prophets.. he then cannot hear and does not know who pray him and who associate him with God and he cannot answer the prayer of anyone.
Therefore, people should pray and ask their needs from God alone: the Lord of Jesus and Lord of all nations: God Almighty and Most Gracious, because He sees and hears the prayer and He can answer their prayer and grant them their need.

Quran 7: 194

This is in fact is God's religion to pray Him alone, and to believe that He and only He can benefit or harm man.
Kinds of God worshipping
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
[Some idolaters made statues of their kings and chiefs which they sanctified, then, after the passing of generations, their sons worshiped those statues, because their sanctification and glorification increased to become a worship; as have Christians started to worship the Christ and his mother.
As such have some Muslim sects started to worship their sheikhs and imams, besides God.
Therefore, this aya was revealed concerning them:]

Quran 7: 194, which means:
(Those, whom you pray besides God, are servants [of God] just like you.
So, now pray them [to anything] and let them grant you [your prayer] if you do speak the truth.

See the explanation by Abu Abd-Allah the Apostle of the Christ: