I just had to tell you guys what my kid did yesterday


Nominee Member
Mar 13, 2005
Jersay said:
A joke is a joke,

saying learning the f-ing language is not a joke.
Whether "...learning the f-ing language..." is funny or not is a function of the context - in this instance it's f-ing hilarious.


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
Everyone likes to use the racism card.

It is blatant racism on the part of the kid. Whoever, it was.

And to condone the act because you had jokes thrown at you isn't that good as well.

Well, I got jokes hurled at me so I guess it is okay for my kid to make fun of someone.

That's nonsense.


Electoral Member
Oct 25, 2005
in the belly of the mouse
I see no way how it becomes a racial slur.

Come on, ITN, are you deliberately playing dumb?

It's just like the implied racism in the rdiculous comment in another thread where someone posted that people of English ancestry were somehow innately moral.

Racists hate everybody who isn't in their "racial club". Differences in skin colour, diet, religion, ethnicity or language (Helloooo????) are all indicators of "inferiority" to the ignorant racist.

You don't like the term "racist"? Fine we'll play your semantic game: Mocking people whose foreign origin is indicated by their accent is prejudice or bigotry. The only difference between a racist and a bigot is that the bigot might hate people for characteristics such as profession, gender or disability as well as race.


Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2005
Lala Land
For the record, my kid is not racist. He has friends from all races. My point was he was bashing Liberals. I'm proud of him for bashing the moronic government you people so loyally protect. I'm proud of him for speaking his mind and I always will be. Is it too much to ask that a person working for our government at least speak our language in an understandable manner? Is it? He learned this on his own. I am not racist, I hate people with no manners who refuse to make an effort with the language of the country THEY CHOSE.

I was pissed that Belinda Stronach can't even speak French. These are the languages of our country, if you work in politics, I believe you should learn them. I am not the only one who feels this way.

Furthermore, do you like waiting on hold for a half hour to speak to a person at the government you can't even understand? This pisses me off to no end, I am no further off then I was before I made the call, because I couldn't understand the person.


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
For the record, my kid is not racist. He has friends from all races. My point was he was bashing Liberals. I'm proud of him for bashing the moronic government you people so loyally protect. I'm proud of him for speaking his mind and I always will be. Is it too much to ask that a person working for our government at least speak our language in an understandable manner? Is it? He learned this on his own. I am not racist, I hate people with no manners who refuse to make an effort with the language of the country THEY CHOSE.

I was pissed that Belinda Stronach can't even speak French. These are the languages of our country, if you work in politics, I believe you should learn them. I am not the only one who feels this way.

Furthermore, do you like waiting on hold for a half hour to speak to a person at the government you can't even understand? This pisses me off to no end, I am no further off then I was before I made the call, because I couldn't understand the person.

So you would like to see, white English-speaking people working for the government then. Not immigrants.

I finding it hard to believe that your son and you aren't bigoted at least.

And I don't support the Liberals, I support the NDP.

Finally, just because he has friends of all races, means squat. There is a guy I know who has friends of all races, but he believes Africans are monkeys, and his best friend is black. So that doesn't mean anything.


Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2005
Lala Land
Here next time I'll tell him to say this:

If you want me to vote Liberals, stop stealing all my f*cking money, stop lying to the f*cking people and stop being general moronic assholes with no brains.

You'd prefer the truth then?

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
pastafarian said:
Come on, ITN, are you deliberately playing dumb?

It's just like the implied racism in the rdiculous comment in another thread where someone posted that people of English ancestry were somehow innately moral.

Racists hate everybody who isn't in their "racial club". Differences in skin colour, diet, religion, ethnicity or language (Helloooo????) are all indicators of "inferiority" to the ignorant racist.

You don't like the term "racist"? Fine we'll play your semantic game: Mocking people whose foreign origin is inmdicated by their accent is prejudice or bigotry. the only differenve between a racist and a bigot is that the bigot might hate people for characteristics such as profession, gender or disability.

Am I playing dumb? Is that a racist comment? Are you implying my perceptions of the word "racist" is inferior to yours? Do I not fit into your "racial club" of "evolved" distinguished users of the English language?

Get a grip buddy.


Electoral Member
Nov 1, 2005
RE: I just had to tell yo

Well i will just say that I think it was inappropriate...he would have been better off saying stop stealing all my money you fucking assholes than "learn to speak the language". I can understand telling off a Liberal supporter,more power to your son, but to tell him off on something that the Liberals have no control over, that person's language and national origin? What does that persons language or national origin have to do with the Liberal party. I fail to see the correlation. So therefore, i must draw the conclusion that your son has issues with who supports the Liberal party, not the party itself.

Unfair or not, how can i draw any other conclusion based on what you posted?


Electoral Member
Dec 31, 2004
RE: I just had to tell yo

A NDP volunteer called my house earlier the convo went something like this:

ring, ring

A: Hello?
N: This is the NDP calling, can we count on you for your support on Monday?
A: Who?
N: The NDP.
A: Oh, well, if you want me to vote NDP, maybe you SHOULD STOP SUPPORTING HOMOSEXUALS.

The above is an example of how such conversations constitute racism and discrimination.

The guy was after all speaking english, just cause hes got an accent means absolutely nothing, most canadians immigrated here from all parts of the world, a significant number were not english and their accents were mocked and derided, including, italians, ukrainians, germans etc. jsut cause hes got an accent doesnt mean that you can insult him. Remember your own history before you go and insult others cause they have an accent.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
LOL this was a great experiment in the old challenge of "race card"...to be used as a weapon .

Some of you should live in California where the voting intructions are in twenty five languages and dialects.

If people continue to look for racial slur in every comment - they are going to perpetuate the failed system of PC which is ridiculous in its mission.

Stop separating the people. If we can call each other names like I have been called "white bread" so many times I feel I should get into a tanning booth to fit in....and heard all the blonde jokes which reduce my IQ to the temperature in C.... we'd lock our doors and never emerge into public.

Racism will be over when people stop thinking like it is a slap. I blame the sissy governments who run around making silly rules for all of us to abide, giving preference and mandating privilege....as if some of us are lesser beings because of our ancestry...
let people work it out among themselves...


Nominee Member
Mar 13, 2005
Those who are responsible to deliver services in English speaking regions of Canada should speak understandable English. Imagine the furor if services in French speaking regions of Canada were not understandable.

Personally I am sick of listening to my Federal Government representatives struggling to put a sentence together in English because their first language is French. This does not make me a racist - a Francophobe maybe, and proud of it.


Electoral Member
Jan 18, 2006
Re: RE: I just had to tell you guys what my kid did yesterda

GreenGreta said:
Is it too much to ask that a person working for our government at least speak our language in an understandable manner? Is it? He learned this on his own. I am not racist, I hate people with no manners who refuse to make an effort with the language of the country THEY CHOSE.

I love the two ironic statement following each other. The indignant, people from the government should speak understandable english. Followed by the "he learned this on his own". Yeah must have picked that up on the streets...

On some of the falacies:

If this was someone calling about electoral support, there is a good chance they may just be someone who wanted to get involved politically and are working the phones as an unpaid volunteer. Who knows may they thought it would be a great way to practice and improve their english.

From your description of events, they were speaking english with an accent. So where is the refusal to learn the language? Should they cut themselves off from society until their englsh is perfect? Just how do you think language gets learned and perfected?

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Wednesday's Child said:
LOL this was a great experiment in the old challenge of "race card"...to be used as a weapon .

Some of you should live in California where the voting intructions are in twenty five languages and dialects.

If people continue to look for racial slur in every comment - they are going to perpetuate the failed system of PC which is ridiculous in its mission.

Stop separating the people. If we can call each other names like I have been called "white bread" so many times I feel I should get into a tanning booth to fit in....and heard all the blonde jokes which reduce my IQ to the temperature in C.... we'd lock our doors and never emerge into public.

Racism will be over when people stop thinking like it is a slap. I blame the sissy governments who run around making silly rules for all of us to abide, giving preverence and mandating privilege....
let people work it out among themselves...

Yep, they all have a problem with "learn f*ckin English" but none of them ever mentioned Quebecs language police :roll: