I Don't Get It ...


Hubba Hubba
Apr 18, 2005
Das Kapital
zoofer said:
I Don't Get It ...

That heading caught my eye as I am in the same boat. I don't get any either! (Strange stuff anyway!)
Then I read one or two posts and realized a bunch posting here don't get it either. :roll:
But in time I will edumacate you Comrades.

No need to thank me...............
Cuz we are Principled Conservatives ......
Thats what we do.................................
Help bewildered lost Comrades.................
See the light.....................................

Thanks. Can I work it off in trade?


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
St. John's
Jersay said:
What is your plan Mr. Doryman. I have been to reserves, what do you propose we do.

I am sick and tired of people coming up with the excuse that

You really have no idea, do you? Go to a reserve or two. Try a couple of the remote ones. Read the treaties and the history. In other words, educate yourself.

It's not that I have no idea, it's just that I'm tired of being held responsible for crimes commited byy men long dead, for the simple reason that I am the same color and language group as them.

It is your problem. Your ancestors, and mine completely destroyed the aboriginal culture, political, and social system.
My ancestors were stowaways who lived on the Burin Peninsula of Newfoundland, and existed until now as poor fishermen indebted to the local fishermen, if You want to point fingers, they should be levelled squarely at the aristocrats of this country in Ontario.
They tried to assimilate them into white-man society or at worst destroy them completely. This has resulted in the poverty, in the crime, in the unemployment, in the 'disenfranchisement' of aboriginal people who don't want to vote.

They want to work with Canada, just look at them participating in the army, in UN peacekeeping, in the first and second world wars.

What do you plan to do Mr. Doryman. If you want to get rid of their rights that they deserve for what I white-man did to them, I have one thing to say to you

I didn't say I wanted to abolish their rights, I said we should stop giving them handouts of cash. How about we stop treating them like second-class citizens who can only survive through the charity of Upper Canada, and start treating them like equals who can contribute as much as the rest of us. Because right now, by heaping handouts on them and letting them know that they're horribly screwed up because of our mistakes, we're implying that they can't help themselves; that the only way they can survive is through our good will and charity. That's bullshit. It's creatiing a culture of disrespect to Natives, both in those around them and in their own minds. The want to stand up and be contributing canadian citizens, so we should treat them like Canadians, not like dependents.

"It is time for you and I to pay for the white-man's mistake, and when, and when the aboriginal people of Canada are on the same level as other Canadians and not before, will we consider a different plan."

Understood. Adimos!

Paranoid Dot Calm

Council Member
Jul 6, 2004
Hide-Away Lane, Toronto
The ironic part of it is .....

When the lower classes take to the streets and demand to have our government back .... demand to have the promises made by government kept .... demand to have the social systems remain intact ....

These same soldiers and cops will be the first to raise their rifles and shoot into the crowd.

These same soldiers and cops are the people who are propping this system of government up. The same soldiers and cops who will shoot at protesters in order to keep their own pension plans and retirement benefits .... but will teargas and shoot the lower class protesters as they demand their pension plans.

But .... we call them all heros because they are off in some distant land feeding some poor soul there.

Everytime we ask for change .... these soldiers and cops are out front making sure that nothing changes. But, they claim to be over in Afghanistan to "change" things there.

What a joke!



Council Member
Dec 31, 2005
Said1 said:
zoofer said:
I Don't Get It ...

That heading caught my eye as I am in the same boat. I don't get any either! (Strange stuff anyway!)
Then I read one or two posts and realized a bunch posting here don't get it either. :roll:
But in time I will edumacate you Comrades.

No need to thank me...............
Cuz we are Principled Conservatives ......
Thats what we do.................................
Help bewildered lost Comrades.................
See the light.....................................

Thanks. Can I work it off in trade?

For 2006 thru 2026 Said1, you can get it free. Gratis. No ropes handcuffs or strings attached.

( No need to thank me....) :)


Oct 19, 2005
Brantford, ON
MMMike said:
That's an interesting observation Calm. I know personally, while I give to many worthwhile causes, I don't give the 'bum' on the street corner a dime when I walk by. Theres probably a few reasons for this: I've seen with my own eyes some of these 'destitute' people get into cars nicer than mine, because they are really after money to support a drug or alcohol addiction (try offering these guys food - half the time they'll tell you to F-off), because the same people are in the same spot day after day. Its like their job.

When I see a seedy "bum" on the street, cold and shaking for a drink, I have climbed over a snowbank and given him $20.00. I say him because most are men. My view is he might buy a little happiness with a bottle and, But for the Grace of Go go I.
Besides relieving some misery makes me feel better.

The fat and well fed seldom see misery, and if they do seldom try to relieve it. Tongue work is easy.



Electoral Member
Jun 4, 2005
Baja Canada
missile said:
Giving money to beggers depends on how they approach me..some have made the mistake of demanding money from me :twisted:

This is very true. Once I was with friends attending an event in the downtown area, and we parked in a bed of fire ants. When I stepped right in the middle of them, they swarmed up my leg.

I started jumping around trying to knock them off, and suddenly a homeless man came over and was brushing my legs trying to help.
Actually he did help. So, I gave him some money. Homeless people have a heart too...I didn't even think about a stranger touching my legs with all the biting going on.
