You really want Kamala Harris to be president, don't you?
No.. I want to see this fixed before it gets worse..
I feel bad for people out there, who have to make a choice to put fuel in the tank to get to work, or putting proper food on the table..
This is really beyond politics at this point..
If the California governor would let older trucks and independent owners on the dock, they could clear up the LA port backlog..
But California is to worried about the emissions on older trucks.. this is all about climate..
Empty shelves and people losing their businesses is okay.. all for the climate..
If Biden opened up the public lands to pumping oil and gas again, and released the strategic oil supply it would drop the fuel price at the pump..
If folks truly gave a shit about climate, lets put away the iPhones.. I mean the cloud really isn’t the cloud.. it’s a server farms, using lots of electricity..
Bitcoin another power hog.. and where does all this power come from?? Oil, coal, gas