Nobel Pants Prize
by Mark Steyn
February 24, 2015
Michael E Mann's pretend Nobel Peace Prize bearing the official signature in the left-hand corner of acclaimed environmentally aware sex fiend Rajendra Pachauri
Fraudulent Nobel Laureate Michael E Mann is fully on board with the President's
veto of the Keystone pipeline:
The president was right to veto #KeystoneXL. My thoughts on the matter via The Guardian @GuardianEco
As the Big Climate enforcers see it, when it comes to laying pipe all over the planet, leave that to
Rajendra Pachauri.
~The President's Canuckophobia is deeply unpleasant. Maybe Canada would get more respect from Obama if, like all these non-Islamic Islamic terror groups, Ottawa threatened to blow up the Mall of America.
Absent that, it's time to move on. The "approvals" process is classic banana-republic corruption. Canada should sell this oil in a more transparent business environment, like Communist China.
~Speaking of
Dr Pachauri, in his resignation letter as head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, he
gave the game away:
For me the protection of Planet Earth, the survival of all species and sustainability of our ecosystems is more than a mission. It is my religion and my dharma.
Actually, it's supposed to be science, and such authority as the IPCC has derives from the imprimatur of science. But the guy who's run it for the past 13 years says it's his religion, and he's right: it's the established church of progressive transnationalism. Nice to have the point conceded.
~Still, you have to feel sorry for the hapless Michael E Mann. Three years ago, he launched his defamation suit against me because he was outraged that CEI's Rand Simberg had made a "
knowingly false comparison" between climate science and sexual molestation. Mr Simberg was speaking metaphorically - a literary device apparently unknown to Michael E Mann. If you had said to me at the time that the head guy of the Big Climate establishment would turn out to be an actual sexual molester, I would have thought it statistically improbable. But there seems to be
a near 97 per cent consensus:
I and many other female colleagues and friends who have worked at the same organisation as the complainant at/in different points of time and capacities during the last ten years have either been through similar harassment at his hands or have known someone who did.
Furthermore, Mann's original complaint is all
IPCC this, Nobel Prize that, starting with the accusation that I and the other defendants had committed the hitherto unknown crime of "
personal defamation of a Nobel prize recipient". When I pointed out that Mann is
not any kind of Nobel Prize winner - that he is to Nobel Prizes what Brian Williams is to RPG targets - Mann's initial reaction to being called on a lie that he had peddled on an industrial scale in book jackets, websites, promotional advertising et al was to dig in deeper. He
Tweeted and Facebooked the above picture and sneered how come, if he wasn't a Nobel Prize winner, he had one of these official Nobel Prize awards on display in his very office, huh?
Just to be clear, if you win a Nobel Peace Prize, you get invited to Oslo to meet the King of Norway and receive a Nobel Medal.
If you win a fake Michael E Mann Nobel Prize, you wind up like Mann with a piece of paper run off at the IPCC branch of Kinko's signed by a sex offender. Dr Mann's (since withdrawn) original complaint argued that it's totally unacceptable to compare a Nobel Prize winner with a sex fiend. But in fact he has the only Nobel Prize that has ever been handed out by a sex fiend. What are the odds of that?
~Let's not forget that certain journalistic organizations were well ahead in spotting the connection between climate change and sex crimes. Step forward, my old friends at
Mother Jones:
Study: Global Warming Will Cause 180,000 More Rapes By 2099
And that's just the IPCC typing pool.
If you're wondering where this so-called "study" got its data...
Using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's warming projections...
Ah. More hands-on research from Dr Pachauri? Or did they just crunch the numbers from his warmographic novel?
~There is another sense in which, with the implosion of the IPCC supremo, the tree-ring comes full circle. Five years ago, at the dawn of Climategate, the position of Dr Pachauri was that the Climatic Research Unit at East Anglia had been "
Opening the Carbonhagen shakindownen inaugural session, he dismissed the "Climategate" revelations as a "theft." Not so. They were a leak by a concerned insider—the sort of chap we usually hail as a "whistle-blower."
Five years on, the hacking has grown
more sophisticated:
The 33-page complaint had described various acts of harassment allegedly committed by Pachauri. These include unwanted physical advances as well as emails, text and WhatsApp messages...
In a statement e-mailed to this paper on Tuesday evening, Pachauri had vehemently denied the allegations, claiming that he was a victim of hacking. Further Pachauri claimed to have become aware of the "misuse" of his "computer resources" after receiving questions from ET.
"The said email has indicated misuse of my computer resources and communication devices, without my permission or consent," he said. "From your email, I have come to know the factum that my computer resources including my email ids, mobile phone and WhatsApp messages have been hacked and that unknown cyber criminals have gone ahead and have unauthorisedly accessed my computer resources and communication devices and further committed various criminal activities."
Amazing. From "hide the decline" to "hide the declining of your unwanted advances".
~As I said
yesterday, I don't go in for a lot of guilt-by-association stuff, although it's the Clime Syndicate's preferred modus operandi. But we have had cause to note
the rather odd company Michael E Mann chooses to keep. That includes his unreadable book
The Hockey Stick And The Climate Wars: Dispatches From The Front Lines:
The new edition has a foreword by Bill Nye that's worth the price of the book alone (Nye opens with, "If you like to worry about things, you are living in a great time.")
One of the things Bill Nye doesn't worry about is
Bill Nye, foppish self-proclaimed Science Guy, appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher this past Friday night and demonstrated why he ought to stick with his true vocation as a global-warming bedwetter.
During a panel discussion on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's suggestion that European Jews fearful for their lives should come "home" to Israel, Nye mocked the idea and blamed Jews for not being friendlier to predators who consider it a holy rite to slaughter them --
NYE: So, what do you do about it? I think you get to know your neighbors. And it's gonna take, what, does it take a century, something like that?
Yeah, if only those Jews weren't so Jewy and stand-offish. It's not so long ago that they were all getting on eastbound trains so they could hang out in Jew camps without any non-Jews around.
I leave it to others to determine Bill Nye is a Jew-hater or merely a total moron entirely ignorant about what's going on in Europe. But, either way, you begin to understand why so many of these "global-warming bedwetters" are incapable of participating in any real debates.
~By the way, I'm currently featured in a brand new book on
Climate Change that has the great good fortune not to have an introduction by Bill Nye. Do check it out. Likewise,
my free-speech book does not have an introduction by Bill Nye, and proceeds therefrom - as with
SteynOnline gift certificates - help to support my end of the upcoming Mann vs Steyn trial, in which, in cross-examination, I intend to ask Dr Mann whether Dr Pachauri ever hit on him.
Nobel Pants Prize :: SteynOnline