Have you heard about Canadas 150th Birthday Party?


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Our band will be playing at a Canada Day event. Should be a lot of fun.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
U.S. feared poppy quarter
U.S. Army contractors traveling in Canada found our poppy quarter so strange that they filed confidential  accounts that led to a U.S. Defence Department's espionage warning.

WASHINGTON – An odd-looking Canadian coin with a bright red flower was the culprit behind the U.S. Defence Department's false espionage warning earlier this year, the Associated Press has learned.

The odd-looking – but harmless – "poppy coin" was so unfamiliar to suspicious U.S. Army contractors travelling in Canada that they filed confidential espionage accounts about them. The worried contractors described the coins as "anomalous" and "filled with something man-made that looked like nano-technology," according to once-classified U.S. government reports and e-mails obtained by the AP.


you guys need more then guns to protect you down there

"shipping bricks" over quarters
heh heh

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
U.S. feared poppy quarter
U.S. Army contractors traveling in Canada found our poppy quarter so strange that they filed confidential  accounts that led to a U.S. Defence Department's espionage warning.

WASHINGTON – An odd-looking Canadian coin with a bright red flower was the culprit behind the U.S. Defence Department's false espionage warning earlier this year, the Associated Press has learned.

The odd-looking – but harmless – "poppy coin" was so unfamiliar to suspicious U.S. Army contractors travelling in Canada that they filed confidential espionage accounts about them. The worried contractors described the coins as "anomalous" and "filled with something man-made that looked like nano-technology," according to once-classified U.S. government reports and e-mails obtained by the AP.


you guys need more then guns to protect you down there

shipping bricks over quarters
heh heh

It's kind of like trying to decode a Nostradamus quatrain.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Apparently we have a new flag for our birthday. Saw it on FB. Looks like a gay pride flag.Have to see if I can find a picture of it. WHen I mentioned it looked like a gay flag several of my friends called me insensitive and behind the times. I tried to explain that we do not need a new flag for our Bday. THe old one works just fine ,just put 150 under it. Apparently that doesn't cost enough or be inclusive enough to suit them.

<img src="http://wpmedia.ottawacitizen.com/2015/04/canada-150-logo-supplied-by-department-of-canadian-heritag.jpg?quality=55&strip=all&w=840&h=630&crop=1" alt="Canada 150 logo. (supplied by Department of Canadian Heritage)"/>