Harper says he'll protect traditional marriage


House Member
Jul 10, 2004
Victoria, BC
Re: RE: Harper says he'll protect traditional marriage

tibear said:
I thought this forum was to discuss many different topics, one of them being things that appear in the media.

The Hutterite story is front and centre today on my newspaper. If it wasn't a story it wouldn't be front page would it????

That opens another question ... how reliable is the fourth estate to deem the newsworthiness of anything? I have yet to see press that doesn't have an agenda. It all depends on your views, I guess.

If you don't want to debate, don't. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. Your girlfriend isn't pumping you full of "debate with the anti-SSM people" serum is she???

:lol: :lol: Sorry, didn't mean to rattle your chain. Ok, maybe I did, a little. But all in good fun, Tibear. I do consider this a debate, albiet my approach tends to be with humour.

Perhaps I am a bit naive but I find it difficult to believe that people truly get wound up about posting to a forum. For me it's entertainment and mental aerobics. Having people like you take part in the discussions provides an alternative viewpoint and creates thought about ideas and events. A little dash of bitter sometimes improves a recipe. And who knows ... perhaps your participation here might stretch the narrow opening of your ideologies? One can hope. Keep coming back, Tibear ... it works.


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005
Just came across an interesting article regarding homosexuality, marriage, lifestyle, etc from a group of medical doctors.


The most interesting part refutes some of the arguements that homosexuality is a genetic trait by saying that studies that track identical twins find that in cases where one of the twins claims to be a homosexual, their twin is heterosexual in 50-75% of the cases.

Granted this is a website that is clearly against SSM. However, they do make some interesting arguements.


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
You know what I'm smelling here? The rotten stench of Troll! Notice folks,the same poster has been dredging up certain threads from many months ago. It's their favourite sport..pulling chains of others. I refuse to encourage them..


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005
Excuse me missile, what is one of the most hotly debated topics being discussed in Parliament these days. I believe SSM is, as our local paper said a couple of days ago, one of the most hot-button topics to come to parliament in a long, long time.

How is bringing up something that is CURRENTLY before parliament "dredging"???

This and the other threads have been the most active of any on this forum and have not been dormant for months as you imply.

If you want to take personal shots at me at least get your facts straight!


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005

Nice avoidance of issue. But that typically is the tactic of a desperate person who doesn't have the facts in their favour.


House Member
Jul 10, 2004
Victoria, BC
Re: RE: Harper says he'll protect traditional marriage

tibear said:
Just came across an interesting article regarding homosexuality, marriage, lifestyle, etc from a group of medical doctors.


Really, Tibear, the only thing interesting about this site is its clear illustration of don't believe everything you read on the web. :)

Don't know where they got those stats, but they are wrong. Keep searching and you'll find plenty of proof. I'm afraid I can't be bothered to waste my time searching them out yet again.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
missile said:
You know what I'm smelling here? The rotten stench of Troll! Notice folks,the same poster has been dredging up certain threads from many months ago. It's their favourite sport..pulling chains of others. I refuse to encourage them..

That’s funny, when was the last time you posted on this thread. Oh around Jan 25. AND then you jump on the scene with this comment? Maybe the smell you smell is from yourself. Maybe chain pulling is your favorite sport. And if you refuse to encourage them, maybe you could refuse to bother commenting and dissing tibear while you’re at it.

missile said:
Whatever,Troll. People like you are my favourite targets,so keep moving-so as I can't get a bead on you!

Tibear has been around on this thread for awhile now, not you. See, tibears been sitting still right here all along, and YOU have been moving around and that’s why you can't hit the broad side of a barn with your silly bead.

Aim your bead on me instead.

You’re just another arm chair warrior with poor manners; nothing to worry about.


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005

I believe they indicate the source of their statistics at the end of every quote of the statistics.

i.e. According to Statistics Canada , 1.3% of men and 0.7% of women considered themselves to be homosexual . (www.statcan.ca/Daily/English/040615/d040615b.htm)
Recent studies in many different countries show that the prevalence of homosexuality is less than 3% of the population : In a US study, the prevalence of homosexuality was estimated to be 2.1% of men and 1.5% of women. (Gilman SE. Am J Public Health. 2001; 91: 933-9.)

Like I said their agenda is clear, but their statistics are certainly not something you see in the "Liberal" media.


New Member
Feb 23, 2005
Vancouver Island
Studies show 50% of marriage these days end in divorce. Maybe homosexuals and lesbians should show heterosexuals a thing or too. It's ignorant to disallow people a human right, just because of their sexual preference.


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005

Firstly, welcome to the forum. Glad to meet you.

If you read the entire forum you will see that I'm not in favour of SSM and because it is using the human rights arguement. I'm afraid that it will lead to the further acceptance of other "taboo" relationships and society doesn't want to accept.

As for the 50% divorce rate, perhaps there should be more manditory pre-marital courses for couples that are getting married so that they can realize that they really aren't "made" for each other.


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
Jay said:
missile said:
You know what I'm smelling here? The rotten stench of Troll! Notice folks,the same poster has been dredging up certain threads from many months ago. It's their favourite sport..pulling chains of others. I refuse to encourage them..

That’s funny, when was the last time you posted on this thread. Oh around Jan 25. AND then you jump on the scene with this comment? Maybe the smell you smell is from yourself. Maybe chain pulling is your favorite sport. And if you refuse to encourage them, maybe you could refuse to bother commenting and dissing tibear while you’re at it.

missile said:
Whatever,Troll. People like you are my favourite targets,so keep moving-so as I can't get a bead on you!

Tibear has been around on this thread for awhile now, not you. See, tibears been sitting still right here all along, and YOU have been moving around and that’s why you can't hit the broad side of a barn with your silly bead.

Aim your bead on me instead.

You’re just another arm chair warrior with poor manners; nothing to worry about.
And you could well be just another nic of "Tibears".Anything the two of you are against,well.I'm all for it!


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
Harper is an idiot.
Holland legalized same sex marriage and it hasn't hurt traditional marriage. Why should it? If gay people want to get married, who the hell are you to tell them they dont have the right? If it's a sin, it's up to God to judge, not the government.


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005

Slavery is also alive and well in Sudan and noone seems to have a problem with it. Should that mean that we should look at bringing it here too???

What you think slavery is wrong!! Well, remember keep your morality to yourself, whatever arrangement two individuals make between themselves is their business and none of ours. Right??


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
missile said:
And you could well be just another nic of "Tibears".Anything the two of you are against,well.I'm all for it!

Well to appease you, I'm not tibear.

And tibear and I don't collaborate.

But perhaps tibear and I should collaborate, because if your against anything were for... I'm sure if we put our heads together, we could make you eat those words. :)


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
Re: RE: Harper says he'll protect traditional marriage

tibear said:

Then I'm against you joining the Conservative party! :)
I'd only join if they could find a man like John Diefenbaker to lead them! That's about the last time I vote tory.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Harper says he'll pro

I thought of joining so I could vote against Harper for the leadership, but it was apparent that the fix was in already so it seemed like a waste of time.


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
Harper won't be around much longer anyway.After the next election,they'll toss him out and try to find someone who can become Prime minister.


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
The only problem with that is Canadians will never elect the conservatives, no matter who's running. We still havent forgiven them for giving us Brian Mulroney.
tibear, your argument doesn't make sense. What does slavery have to do with gay marriage? Using your argument, we shouldn't change any laws, because slavery is legal, should we have given women the right to vote? Whats next, monkeys voting? Women voting will lead to monkeys voting! Obviously, if legalizing gay marriage will lead to legalizing slavery, and poligamy. It will be a downward spiral! Those arguments the right uses is just fear tactics. There's nothing wrong with looking at european countries and seeing what works. Slavery doesn't work. Gay marriage in Holland does. They are not related.