Hamas attacks Israel

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
It’s a difficult time, nine months after Hamas started this horrible war and we’re seeing as time goes on a very effective campaign to drive a wedge between Israel and its allies around the free world, including Canada.

People are forgetting how this war started, forgetting the fact we still have one hundred and twenty hostages in the Hamas terror dungeons. And, I fear in some, denial about the domestic extremism problem in Canada, with the university encampments, where people are glorifying and encouraging acts of terrorism.
It’s deeply disturbing that the Palestinian cause and, specifically, the violent methods of Hamas, have gained cult iconic status among institutions of elite opinion. People do not really understand what these protesters are chanting.

They chant, “Globalize the Intifada.” The Intifada was a wave of suicide bombings in Israel in the early 2000s. Globalize the Intifada means blow up that bus. It means kill Jews and Israelis wherever you find them.

They chant, “From the river to the sea.” What does that mean? It means destroy the State of Israel. It means Tel Aviv, the great liberal gay city of Tel Aviv, should come under Hamas Islamist rule.

They chant, “Glory to the Martyrs.” Who are they referring to? They’re referring to the death squads that burned whole families and children alive on October 7, who perpetrated acts of gang rape at a music festival. “Glory to the Martyrs” on an American or Canadian campus means “Glory to the rapists.” It is deeply disturbing and I can say it’s not just a question of the glorification of terrorism, it’s a whole campaign that is trying to make the democratic state of Israel, fighting against Iran and its proxy armies on seven fronts as a symbol of evil incarnate, as the ultimate boogeyman.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Not every crowd chant is official policy.

I don't know enough to comment on what either side should do, but here are three principles:

1. Israel has the right of self defense, regardless of whether the adversary is another country, a province in rebellion, or an occupied territory.
2. Israel has just as much obligation to obey the laws of war as Ham-ass does. A violation by one does not justify a violation by the other.
3. "Jaw-jaw is better than war-war." --Harold Macmillan

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
We’re going to get above room temperature again. Pretty excited about that. Only happened a handful of times this year so far. Very weird.
Very humid too. Rain storms almost daily. Crops are all short (not enough heat), and water laying in the fields in lots of places.
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Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
We’re going to get above room temperature again. Pretty excited about that. Only happened a handful of times this year so far. Very weird.
View attachment 23003
Very humid too. Rain storms almost daily. Crops are all short (not enough heat), and water laying in the fields in lots of places.

80F here in Alberta.. I am sure it will make it there soon

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Did they though? Really? Or is it like the other “ceasefire agreements” they’ve agreed to (?) where American (not Israel, but supposedly on behalf of Israel) proposes something, then Qatar & Egypt change that and propose something else entirely, then Hamas changes that and agrees to something else entirely different, then this “Hamas agrees to something or another” hits the press…& and what they’ve “agreed” to is a surprise to everyone involved including Qatar & Egypt most of the time???

Hamas on Saturday accepted a ceasefire deal proposed by the U.S. (???) that would involve releasing the hostages, but they demand "written guarantees" when it comes to negotiations about ending the war in Israel? Who started this shit October 7th again with respect to Hamas demands?

Hamas recently dropped its demand that Israel would promise to totally end the ongoing war in Gaza.

A representative from Hamas said that they want mediators that will negotiate a permanent truce, according to the New York Post. The official said they wanted these (whatever “these” are that they’ve agreed to??) guarantees in writing.

Those moderating would be Egyptian and Qatari mediators (who have been neck deep in this since long before Oct 7th) and Hamas said they would need a vow from Israel not to continue fighting…that Hamas initiated and still hasn’t returned the hostages abducted from that time either…

Israel’s Mossad intelligence director David Barnea went to Doha on Friday where he met with the mediators and rejected the demand, whatever it was, that was probably a surprise to everyone on all sides, that Hamas agreed with itself on (?), according to Axios.

The remaining apparent difference between the parties is over language in Article 14 of the Israeli proposal. It involves the duration of negotiations that are supposed to begin during the first stage of the agreement in which there would be a “temporary ceasefire” and an exchange of “living” hostages for Palestinian prisoners.

Then, in the nature of fairness, in the next stage, whatever the ratio of “living” hostages returned for Palestinian prisoners, the same ratio of “non-living” hostages can be exchanged for “non-living” Palestinian prisoners in the nature of balance & fairness, right?

In the original language it says the U.S., Egypt and Qatar will "make every effort" to ensure this second-stage negotiation ends with an agreement and that the ceasefire continues as long as the negotiations continue. Hamas wants the words "make every effort" to be replaced by the word "ensure," according to Axios….because?

Israel is concerned that Hamas would drag out the negotiations indefinitely to keep Israel from resuming the war to eliminate Hamas's military capabilities…because?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Did they though? Really? Or is it like the other “ceasefire agreements” they’ve agreed to (?) where American (not Israel, but supposedly on behalf of Israel) proposes something, then Qatar & Egypt change that and propose something else entirely, then Hamas changes that and agrees to something else entirely different, then this “Hamas agrees to something or another” hits the press…& and what they’ve “agreed” to is a surprise to everyone involved including Qatar & Egypt most of the time???

Hamas on Saturday accepted a ceasefire deal proposed by the U.S. (???) that would involve releasing the hostages, but they demand "written guarantees" when it comes to negotiations about ending the war in Israel? Who started this shit October 7th again with respect to Hamas demands?

Hamas recently dropped its demand that Israel would promise to totally end the ongoing war in Gaza.

A representative from Hamas said that they want mediators that will negotiate a permanent truce, according to the New York Post. The official said they wanted these (whatever “these” are that they’ve agreed to??) guarantees in writing.

Those moderating would be Egyptian and Qatari mediators (who have been neck deep in this since long before Oct 7th) and Hamas said they would need a vow from Israel not to continue fighting…that Hamas initiated and still hasn’t returned the hostages abducted from that time either…

Israel’s Mossad intelligence director David Barnea went to Doha on Friday where he met with the mediators and rejected the demand, whatever it was, that was probably a surprise to everyone on all sides, that Hamas agreed with itself on (?), according to Axios.

The remaining apparent difference between the parties is over language in Article 14 of the Israeli proposal. It involves the duration of negotiations that are supposed to begin during the first stage of the agreement in which there would be a “temporary ceasefire” and an exchange of “living” hostages for Palestinian prisoners.

Then, in the nature of fairness, in the next stage, whatever the ratio of “living” hostages returned for Palestinian prisoners, the same ratio of “non-living” hostages can be exchanged for “non-living” Palestinian prisoners in the nature of balance & fairness, right?

In the original language it says the U.S., Egypt and Qatar will "make every effort" to ensure this second-stage negotiation ends with an agreement and that the ceasefire continues as long as the negotiations continue. Hamas wants the words "make every effort" to be replaced by the word "ensure," according to Axios….because?

Israel is concerned that Hamas would drag out the negotiations indefinitely to keep Israel from resuming the war to eliminate Hamas's military capabilities…because?
Itll cool off in Gaza and shift to the West Bank.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
It’s a difficult time, nine months after Hamas started this horrible war and we’re seeing as time goes on a very effective campaign to drive a wedge between Israel and its allies around the free world, including Canada.

Yes, Israel is doing a great job of pounding that wedge.

People are forgetting how this war started,

No, no they're not.

forgetting the fact we still have one hundred and twenty hostages in the Hamas terror dungeons.

No, rather it's Israel's Government under Netanyahu that has forgotten it. Actually, He ALLOWED it to happen.

And, I fear in some, denial about the domestic extremism problem in Canada, with the university encampments, where people are glorifying and encouraging acts of terrorism.

Again, no, that's not what's happening, but of course the World Guilt supporters love to keep falling on that sword of "We Support Israel!".

When these people REALLY give a damn about the conflict and the reality of things, then maybe they'll be worth listening to. Until then... they can sod off.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Yes, Israel is doing a great job of pounding that wedge.

No, no they're not.

No, rather it's Israel's Government under Netanyahu that has forgotten it. Actually, He ALLOWED it to happen.

Again, no, that's not what's happening, but of course the World Guilt supporters love to keep falling on that sword of "We Support Israel!".

When these people REALLY give a damn about the conflict and the reality of things, then maybe they'll be worth listening to. Until then... they can sod off.
You Jew haters are truly delusional.
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