GWcc Solutions are ready, Politicians in the way


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
The solutions to curbing Canada's global warming emissions are available, and ready to go, but politicians are in the way. Even at this late date, as climate change effects are being seen all around us, Canada's emissions continue increase. We could have at least stabilised them by now....

For one example, until this month in Alberta, WIND POWER was limited by government decree. There was only "so much" allowed to be set up, despite several companies wanting to expand their wind turbine electricity production.

Another example is ELECTRIC CARS. If Canadians were able to purchase and drive electric cars, we could actually be reducing our emission by now. Instead of helping get Canadians into these pollution-free vehicles [depending on where the electricity comes from, but much reduced emissions in any case], governments are not allowing electric cars built right here in Canada to be licensed for the roads.

"Limited speed vehicle licensing" is the hold up... for city driving, they are perfect, and thats where much of the vehicle emissions comes from in Canada, obviously. High speed electric cars could be produced too,with a little encouragement for government like the help they are giving Oshawa to produce Camaros!! - and it adds a layer of economic activity which would be a bonus, not a problem, to the economy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Canadian produced electric cars!! [who knew??]

"The challenges of selling the ZENN in Canada"
[web media plug-in required]


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Our new environment minister will see to it that ptrofits are more impoatant than the environment.

Canadian Environment Minister Peter Kent is off to a great start convincing Canadians that he is concerned about the environment. After just than two days in office, he has already tried to persuade Canadians that Alberta's filthy tar sands oil are "ethical oil" and unworthy of the negative reputation that countless citizens, politicians, and environmental organizations have given them. Today, he's promising that the Harper government will not impose any greenhouse gas reductions on the oil patch that will discourage investment.
Curbing regulation in favour of profits doesn't really sound like the work of the Minister of the Environment. This suggests, rather troublingly, that the profits of the oil and gas sector, and in particular Alberta's tar sands, are more important to the Harper government than their environmental impact. Let's get something clear: is Kent the Minister of Environment, or the Minister of Environmental Destruction? And who is he working for? Corporate interests, or Canadians?
While Canada's environmental commitments have tended to mirror the United States, Canada is reaching new lows by dragging its heels further into the dust (or, bitumen as may be the case) while the Obama administration moves ahead with new emissions rules for power plants and refineries (despite Republican opposition no less).
Back on this side of the border, to the delight of oil companies, the Harper government will draw up its own emission standards specifically for petroleum and tar sands facilities. As of yet, there's no schedule for how those standards will look, but what is already painfully clear is that Kent has already committed to doing what is in the interest of oil companies, and not the environment.
To its credit, the Harper government has committed to making emission reductions for coal-fired power generators by 2015. Of course, the new rules will apply only to plants built after 2015, and to old ones being refurbished. Though these efforts are important, Harper's plan seems like a lot of greenwash because emissions are already on the decline due to an Ontario government decision to phase out coal-powered electricity. The real problem in Canada remains greenhouse gas emissions from the oil and gas sector, and in particular Alberta's tar sands. And these emissions are on the rise, and cannot be ignored in the face of profits.
The tired dialogical economic development versus environmental progress debate is a non-starter and is getting really exhausting. At least our fifth Minister of the Environmental Destruction is off to a great start.

On this growing story, read more here.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Now you did it. ;)

To paraphrase................


Council Member
Nov 29, 2009
Nova Scotia
Well,thanks to herr harper and his merry band of retarded lackyes Canada is close to the bottom of about any list you can come up with,inviornment and freedom of information being two off the top of my head.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Well,thanks to herr harper and his merry band of retarded lackyes Canada is close to the bottom of about any list you can come up with,inviornment and freedom of information being two off the top of my head.

Would you rather we were living under the effects of Kyoto? Where would the money come from for welfare for all the thousands put out of work?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
After just than two days in office, he has already tried to persuade Canadians that Alberta's filthy tar sands oil are "ethical oil"

Which it is.

Today, he's promising that the Harper government will not impose any greenhouse gas reductions on the oil patch that will discourage investment.

Why don't all you folks in Ontario start taxing yourselves on consumption. Maybe then, the cash grab you want from Alberta might look a little less like a cash grab.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Which it is.

Why don't all you folks in Ontario start taxing yourselves on consumption. Maybe then, the cash grab you want from Alberta might look a little less like a cash grab.

Give us the cash or we will invade as soon as our tanks come back from the orient. That is Canadian oil and we demand you free it.

GW solutions have been ready for about twenty years, the most important is the global taxation which it is thought will bind the citizens of this planet like never before all working flat out under the direction of MBAs to save the planet from spin because TPTB require a diversion while they suck up the last free assets before the big chill. GW is a lie. There is nothing whatever that we can do to stop slow down or circumvent climate change.
Last edited:


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Which it is.


[/QUOTE]Why don't all you folks in Ontario start taxing yourselves on consumption. Maybe then, the cash grab you want from Alberta might look a little less like a cash grab.[/QUOTE]

We already do, it's called the PST.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
First of all sensational statements that everything is a government plot is the reason
the environmental movement has suffered so many setbacks. The auto dealers do
not make more electric cars because people can't afford the technology, and second
they won't buy it because the bugs have not been worked out. Then there are people
like me, I won't buy one because I like my old Chev truck with its gas engine, it is a
full sized half ton with V8 and comforts.
The other problem is perception, people remember all those other world shaking
announcements. Saving the whales, saving spotted owls, saving seals all proved to
be fund raising drives to keep the movement going and nothing more. In many cases,
we would be in worse trouble if we caved into some of the futuristic plans these folks
have in store. Suppose we went to using horses and organic farming. We would see
less food produced for one thing and half the agricultural land would then go to feed
the horses.
Same for other projects wind power, and so on. The truth is there is no one green
technology to save the planet. It takes a multitude of solutions. First though we have to
urban myths for truth and after the environmental movement has got it wrong so many
times the trust level has decreased. Remember the destruction of many files of scientific
testing in Britain? The environmental movement has to engage science in the mainstream
if they want credibility to gain the worlds support and that is not likely to happen any time


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
First of all sensational statements that everything is a government plot is the reason
the environmental movement has suffered so many setbacks. The auto dealers do
not make more electric cars because people can't afford the technology, and second
they won't buy it because the bugs have not been worked out. Then there are people
like me, I won't buy one because I like my old Chev truck with its gas engine, it is a
full sized half ton with V8 and comforts.
The other problem is perception, people remember all those other world shaking
announcements. Saving the whales, saving spotted owls, saving seals all proved to
be fund raising drives to keep the movement going and nothing more. In many cases,
we would be in worse trouble if we caved into some of the futuristic plans these folks
have in store. Suppose we went to using horses and organic farming. We would see
less food produced for one thing and half the agricultural land would then go to feed
the horses.
Same for other projects wind power, and so on. The truth is there is no one green
technology to save the planet. It takes a multitude of solutions. First though we have to
urban myths for truth and after the environmental movement has got it wrong so many
times the trust level has decreased. Remember the destruction of many files of scientific
testing in Britain? The environmental movement has to engage science in the mainstream
if they want credibility to gain the worlds support and that is not likely to happen any time

The highlighted part is the only smart thing you said.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The part that worries me most about the dire pronouncements by the greenies is that they have been caught crying wolf so many times that the law of averages says they will be right sometime and we will ignore them because of their track record.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Just about everybody (except for us rich Albertans) have that. No, I'm talking specifically about a consumption tax where the revenue goes to areas that help reduce GHG's. It's time for Ontario to be the leader it likes to think it is.

It already is.....

YouTube - SLOW STICK FPV Sarnia Soler Farm CANADA DAY 2010.wmv

Aerial tour of a large solar array near Sarnia, Ontario (42 degrees north latitude) Canada seems the unlikely location for the world’s largest solar photovoltaic array, but, for now, that is the case. Ontario has one of the most ambitious renewable energy plans in the world. The program is based on a “Feed in Tariff” model, similar to arrangements that have been successful in Europe. As a recent study pointed out, the cost to the average ratepayer is about equal to buying one Tim Horton Doughnut per month.

For small players, the program is designed to encourage renewable development by creating a market with a fixed, predictable price for the energy produced. According to the official description -
If you are a homeowner, farmer or small business owner, or if you manage an institution such as a school or place of worship, you have the opportunity to develop a very small or “micro” renewable electricity generation project – of 10 kilowatts (kW) or less in size – on your property. You’ll be paid for all the electricity you produce through the microFIT Program.

YouTube - Solar panel #33 goes on

The program is also designed to fit the needs of larger developers, including wind, solar, water power, biomass, and landfill gas.

According to Energy Minister Brad Duguid:
In Ontario, we’re quickly shifting our energy sources away from sources like dirty coal, cleaning our air and providing healthier outcomes for ourselves and our kids,” he said. “This is a transition I think our generation can take a great deal of pride in.”
Duguid said the conversion to green energy will create 50,000 jobs in the province.
“That’s a lot of jobs, the next generation of jobs. The kind of jobs that will be around for a long, long time.”

The part that worries me most about the dire pronouncements by the greenies is that they have been caught crying wolf so many times that the law of averages says they will be right sometime and we will ignore them because of their track record.

So the scientific community are greenies?


Council Member
Nov 29, 2009
Nova Scotia
Cash grab from alberta ??!!,christ,even with the oil you goomers are in the hole,what nine billion dollars? I don't think you assholes should be talking down to anybody.